Thursday, December 31, 2020



We find it a tad strange that you have to publicly pledge your full support to Abang Johari as CM of Sarawak after all your are the chief whip of GPS. That is not to say that we have not heard the bisikan dalam bayu yang berhembus awan petang yang mendung. Bisikan kata PBB is a tiga pejuru parti. But that is small matter lah. We are not concerned with that.

Our concerns is with Sarawak rights vis-a-vis the PN federal government of which GPS is a part. As the world is preparing to exit the COVID.19 pandemic era, we are becoming increasingly concern about GPS ability to bring Sarawak out of the era and reconnect with the world. Frankly, the signs we are seeing are quite distressing. Some areas of immediate concerns are:

Dilapidated Schools And Performances Of Sarawak Schools


The problems with dilapidated and under-equipped schools in Sarawak is far  far from being fully resolved. We recalled that there were about 1200 dilapidated and under-equipped schools. Less than 150 schools have been fully repaired. The state of the education system in Sarawak is reflected in the performance of our schools whereby nearly all our schools are behind schools in Malaya.

Road Infrastructures


The Pain Borneo is 60% completed, according to you but there is no date tagged to the full completion. We are still faced with dangerous road conditions.

Oil & Gas


Despite the 'vistories' that CM Abang Johari has claimed to achieve the situation can be summarised in these words ' Petronas recognised on paper that Sarawak has rights to oil and gas in her territory but the power over the same oil and gas is still fully vested in Petronas'. In order words it is still a tingok atak makan titak situation.

And we are still waiting for the GPS government to come clean on the 2 onshore fields given by Petronas to Petros.

Sarawak Owned TV Station 


Turned out it was just a dedicated channel on ASTRO.

Internet Connectivity


This is crucial to empowering Sarawakians who are rural based. They need it in their children education and to catch up with the rest of the world in the digital economy environment and the IR.4 era. A non-government group took the initiative to install internet facilities in 5 schools in Kapit and your colleagues in the GPS government went bersek.

Secular State Of Sarawak


This is coming under increasing threat from influences of your Malay-based partners in the PN government, particularly from PAS. A PAS parliamentarian spoke badly against the beliefs of Christians in parliament and not one of GPS's MP stood up against him.

The NCR Land Of The Dayaks


Abang Johari said that it is hard for the rural based dayaks to use their land to uplift their living standards because they have not been able to monetise their land. And that is the truth. The other side of that truth is the GPS government is the single biggest stumbling block here. The GPS governement has steadfastly refused to survey dayaks land under Sect 18 of the SLC and issue individual titles.

Imbalance In The Service Service


The racial composition of the civil service is badly skewed towards just one racial group.

Wednesday, December 30, 2020




Each and every one of the above points, if taken alone, could be explained straight away.

The question is - where does the ‘totality’ of them, the total effect of them, all lead you to ?

To re-cap…..

1) Malayanisation of the Civil Service in Sarawak

2) Amendment to Article 16 of Sarawak’s Constitution

3) Sarawak Darul Hana


5) Petronas Commercial Agreement

6) Wisma Melayu, when considered with the fact that ‘GPS is propping up the Malay-centric UMNO/PAS federal government’.

Adding them together, considering them, not merely each one in itself, but altogether, does it or does it not lead you to the irresistible inference and conclusion that Abang Jo is on a mission for his race and religion, at the expense of Sarawak as we know it ?

This has always been the plan for Secular Sarawak, as its secular status is an anomaly within the Malay States, just that the timeline has just picked up with PAS as the ‘driving force’ in the federal government.


‘SILENCE MEANS CONSENT’ – “Your silence may be taken to mean tacit agreement.”

The legal maxim is “Qui tacet consentire videtur, ubi loqui debuit ac potuit” (He who is silent, when he ought to have spoken and was able to, is taken to agree).

The Civil service is now majority-Malays, in comparison to the racial spread in our state.

Meanwhile it seems like other races, bought by chump change, with a few leaders benefitting through MRP, RTP, JKKK etc.

Petroleum money, 660 billion gone to the ‘Malay majority’ in the ‘Wild Wild’ West Malaysia, while we only get 32bil, adds on the ‘resident definition’ amendment to open up opportunities for further dilution to our state racial-breakdown.

Douglas Uggah, James Masing, Alex Nanta, Sim Kui Hian, Michael Manyin,  Penguang Manggil ‘dan lain-lain’ -  if you are unwilling to fight for Sarawak’s rights, we will sooner or later lose them, and probably sooner than later.

 "We will sooner or later lose them, and probably sooner than later"

This critical question is now being posed to us – as true and loyal sons of our beloved Fairland Sarawak.

We are duty-bound to preserve our unadulterated acceptance way of life, oblivious to race and religion.

What our forefathers had painstakingly put together, let no distracted and self-vested leader, politician or religious teacher put asunder.

The proverbial camel is no longer trekking the sand dunes of Arabia – it is now right in our midst !

Douglas Uggah, James Masing, Alex Nanta, Sim Kui Hian, Michael Manyin,  Penguang Manggil ‘dan lain-lain’ -  in your hands lie the destiny of Sarawak.

Fulfil the wishes of Abang Jo and be recorded in history as traitors to the Sarawakian way of life or leave the UMNO/PAS Coalition so that we can reconstruct the Sarawak as we all know it - peaceful and united, oblivious to the racial and religious narratives, directly or indirectly.


"It’s now or never"


My parting words…….



‘May we shed tears of harmonious and unified joy,

not lament in wails of divided misery and regret’


Written by : Sarawakian aka AnakSarawak




Setiap perkara di atas, biarpun direnung sendiri, dapat difahami dengan segera.

Persoalannya adalah - di manakah ‘hasil’ usaha tersebut, kesan keseluruhannya, adakah semuanya membawa manfaat kepada anda?

Menyenaraikan semula… ..

1) Malayanisation of Civil Service di Sarawak

2) Pindaan kepada Artikel 16 Perlembagaan Sarawak

3) Sarawak Darul Hana


5) Perjanjian Komersial Petronas

6) Wisma Melayu, apabila dipertimbangkan dengan fakta bahawa 'GPS menyokong kerajaan persekutuan UMNO / PAS yang berpusatkan Melayu'.


Diteliti dengan lebih mendalam, kini Abang Jo sedang memajukan bangsa dan agamanya sendiri dengan mengorbankan orang lain terutama kepada nasib negeri Sarawak sendiri. Jika perkara ini digabungkan kesemuanya, kita tahu bahawa impak yang besar akan berlaku kepada nasib orang bukan berbangsa melayu di Sarawak. Kita tahu bahawa perkara inisedang berlaku, adakah kita hanya akan membiarkan perkara ini berlaku?

 Di samping itu, perkara ini selalu menjadi rancangan untuk Sekular Sarawak, kerana status sekularnya adalah anomali di Negeri-negeri Melayu, kerana garis masa yang baharu telah memilih PAS sebagai 'penggerak' dalam kerajaan persekutuan.

 'DIAM BERMAKSUD PRIHATIN' - "Jika anda tidak bersuara, anda mungkin dianggap sebagai bersetuju diam-diam."

Maksimum undang-undang adalah "Qui tacet allowire videtur, ubi loqui debuit ac potuit" (Dia yang diam, ketika dia seharusnya berbicara dan dapat melakukannya, dianggap setuju).

Perkhidmatan awam kini majoriti berbangsa Melayu, berbanding dengan penyebaran kaum di negeri kita.

Sementara itu, seperti perlumbaan yang lain, beberapa pemimpin mendapat keuntungan melalui MRP, RTP, JKKK dll.

Wang petroleum, 660 bilion dibelanjakan untuk ‘majoriti Melayu’ di ‘Wild Wild’ Malaysia Barat, sementara kita hanya mendapat 32bil, menambah pindaan ‘definisi penduduk’ untuk membuka peluang untuk pengurangan selanjutnya terhadap pecahan kaum kita.

Douglas Uggah, James Masing, Alex Nanta, Sim Kui Hian, Michael Manyin, Penguang Manggil ‘dan lain-lain’ - jika anda tidak mahu memperjuangkan hak-hak Sarawak, cepat atau lambat kita akan kehilangan hak, dan mungkin akan lebih cepat.

Soalan kritis ini kini diajukan kepada kami - sebagai anak lelaki sejati dan setia di Fairland Sarawak yang kami sayangi.

 Kita berkewajiban untuk menjaga cara hidup serta penerimaan kita yang kini tidak teratur dan tidak sedar akan bangsa dan agama.

Apa yang dibina dengan susah payah oleh nenek moyang kita, jangan sampai pemimpin, ahli politik atau guru agama akan mengganggu dan menghilangkan hak yang sepatutnya dimiliki kita. Pepatah Unta mengatakan “ Unta tidak lagi mengembara bukit pasir Arabia - kini tepat di tengah-tengah kita!

Douglas Uggah, James Masing, Alex Nanta, Sim Kui Hian, Michael Manyin, Penguang Manggil ‘dan lain-lain’ - di tangan anda terletak takdir Sarawak.

Keinginan Abang Jo tercatat dalam sejarah sebagai pengkhianat cara hidup orang Sarawak iaitu keinginananya bergabung dengan Gabungan UMNO / PAS. Kita harus sedar serkara ini supaya kita dapat membina semula Sarawak seperti yang kita semua inginkan - aman dan bersatu, menyedari kisah perkauman dan agama , secara langsung atau tidak langsung.

 Bertindaklah sekarang atau selamanya akan tidak berlaku.

Sebagai kata akhir saya …….


'Semoga kita menitiskan air mata kegembiraan yang harmoni dan bersatu,

tidak meratapi tangisan penderitaan dan penyesalan


Ditulis oleh: Sarawakian aka AnakSarawak


Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Miri To Regain State’s O&G Hub Status - Show Us The Maths

 Miri To Regain State’s O&G Hub Status - Show Us The Maths

Borneo Post reported…MIRI (Dec 28): The relocation of Shell’s regional office to Miri and the involvement of state-owned Petroleum Sarawak Berhad (Petros) in onshore upstream activities will be a big economic boost to Miri, said Deputy Chief Minister Datuk Amar Awang Tengah Ali Hasan.

We do not need to know too much Datuk Amar Awang Tengah. Just tell us something about the known reserves in this Adong Kecil West-1 field in a language that we ordinary folks can understand like how big is the potential daily extraction, how much revenue can Sarawak earn from it in the next 5 years, how long will the reserve last based on expected daily production and how much must Petros pay Petronas Carigali Sdn Bhd to compensate for the exploration expenses already incurred.  

As for the Engkabang-Karap field in the Baram Delta, the result of the exploration there was recorded as ‘ Although the exploration results of the southern Eo-Oligecene carbonate play has been disappointing to date…’. Those words are also unintelligible to us ordinary man on the street and we are asking the same questions with regards to this Engkabang-Karap field.

It will be most helpful to us (as we prepare our hearts and minds for the coming PRN) if you can show us comparisons between how much Sarawak will get from a 20% loyalty on O&G, from the 5% SST on O&G products and from Petros going in operate the 2 fields. Please do not cloud the discussion by talking about things like employment opportunities for Sarawakians as you have control over immigration and work permits for non_Sarawakians.

Is short, just show us proof that Petros going in to operate the 2 fields is the better option among the three (3) mentioned immediately above. The information so far in public domain is scanty.

The Edge Financial Daily reported..’The Adong Kecil West-1 well, located about 20 km northeast of Miri town, was drilled by JX Nippon Oil & Gas Exploration Limited, the operator for Block SK333, together with its joint venture partner PETRONAS Carigali Sdn Bhd.

The well was drilled to a depth of 3,170 meters and encountered a total of approximately 349 metres of net hydrocarbon thickness’

James Masing, have you heard of KPI (Key Performance Indicators)?

 James Masing, have you heard of KPI (Key Performance Indicators)?

 "Don’t change for the sake of changing…support GPS", urged James Masing.

James, we are sure you have heard of a very simple performance management tool called Key Performace Indicator (KPI). I have no desire to add further to your unhappiness, if you are unhappy with this, by talking about something called balanced score card (A balance score card is a mix between KPI and core competencies).

Let us look at the KPI of the GPS government of Sarawak (previously BN Sarawak) since Sept 1963.

 Dilapidated Schools In Rural Sarawak

Verdict : FAIL !!

 Poverty Eradication In Rural Sarawak


Sarawak has the 3rd highest number of people categorised as hardcore poor. Over 54% are in B40.

 Verdict : Fail! Fail!

Dayaks NCR Land & Deforestation

Chief Minister Abang Johari said it is hard for rural dayaks to uplift the living standards because they cannot monetise their NCR land. At the same time the GPS government steadfastly refuse to issue land titles on dayaks native land.

 Verdict: Fail!


Road Connectivity

Where is the jiwa murni in these roads?

 Verdict: Fail!

Internet Connectivity

2 hours walk through the jungle for teacher and students to find internet connectivity so that they can have their online classes.


The hand sign paints a thousand words.

 Verdict: Fail! Fail!

 Performances Of Sarawak Students In Sarawak’s Schools.

 Most of our schools in Sarawak scored between 66 - 70% on a scale of I - 100% while schools in Malaya almost half of all schools scored above 75%. In every aspects schools in Malaya are better-off because they get better attention and allocations.

Verdict: Fail! Fail!

 Borneonisation Of Civil Service / Racially Balanced Civil Service

 And finally, the COVID.19 pandemic created the ‘new poor’

 Were you and your pals in GPS able to find a sustainable solution, balancing movement controls and peoples’ ability to continue to generate income?

 Verdict: Fail! Fail!

 Whereas……an opposition party with limited financial resources was able to..





In early December 2020, Abang Jo proudly announced that he had settled with Petronas through a “commercial agreement”

Most disappointing and unacceptable to all Sarawakians is the fact that the State Government had conceded grounds on the constitutionality and legality of the application of the provisions in the Petroleum Development Act 1974, despite it being repeated time and again, inside and outside the Sarawak State Legislative Assembly, that the State will never concede and we will not budge on our oil and gas ownership rights within the territory of Sarawak.

In one fell swoop all the provisions under the PDA 1974, the Continental Shelf Act 1966 and the Territorial Sea Act 2012 are now being given full recognition, to the detriment of Sarawak and Sarawakians.

Most telling is that the news article published, when Abang Jo signed this “Commerical O &G Agreement”, save for the Malays, the other major races in Sarawak were not party at all, as almost all, if not all present at the signing were Malays.

Consider this with the admission by Tengku Razaleigh who had earlier openly admitted that Petronas was like a “cash point” / “ATM” machine for UMNO, “blood is indeed thicker than water”.  

“blood is indeed thicker than water”.  

Abang Jo, like Muhyddin Yassin is also ‘Malay First’.

Sarawak seem to come a far distant second.



‘Wisma Melayu Sarawak’ will be constructed with the blessings of the GPS State Government in line with its ‘aspiration, mission and vision for unity as the symbol of identity of people and state development’.

A mission for unity by promoting only ONE particular race ?

They must really think Sarawakians are stupid.

Incidentally, the earth-breaking ceremony was conducted by our Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari Tun Openg, the much-touted ‘Chief Minister for ALL SARAWAKIANS’

We wish to remind the Chief Minister and his Council of highly-paid Ministers – ‘YOU REAP WHAT YOU SOW’

YOU should develop an entire State, not just a single race or religion – as in Fairland and Secular Sarawak where there is no official State or dominant religion.

Next – in PART 6



(Bahasa Melayu)


Pada awal Disember 2020, Abang Jo dengan bangga mengumumkan bahawa dia telah melunaskan perjanjian dengan Petronas melalui "perjanjian komersial"

Perkara yang paling mengecewakan dan tidak dapat diterima oleh rakyat Sarawak adalah kenyataan bahawa Kerajaan Negeri telah menerima ulasan perlembagaan dan kesahihan mengenai penerapan peruntukan dalam Akta Pembangunan Petroleum 1974,mekipun berulang kali, sama ada di dalam atau luar Dewan Undangan Negeri Sarawak Majlis, bahawa Negeri tidak akan pernah menerima dan kita tidak akan berganjak atas hak pemilikan minyak dan gas kita di wilayah Sarawak.

Dalam satu kes, semua peruntukan di bawah PDA 1974, Continental Shelf Act 1966 dan Territorial Sea Act 2012 kini diberi pengiktirafan penuh lalu merugikan rakyat Sarawak.

Perkara paling menarik ialah artikel berita yang diterbitkan, ketika Abang Jo menandatangani "Perjanjian O&G Komersial" kecuali untuk orang Melayu, kaum utama lain di Sarawak sama sekali tidak berpesta, kerana hampir semua, jika tidak semua hadir pada penandatanganan itu Orang melayu.

Pertimbangkan ini dengan pengakuan oleh Tengku Razaleigh yang sebelumnya secara terbuka mengakui bahawa Petronas seperti mesin "cash point" / "ATM" untuk UMNO, "darah memang lebih tebal daripada air".

"darah memang lebih tebal daripada air".

Abang Jo, seperti Muhyddin Yassin juga ‘Malay First’.

Sarawak nampaknya berada di kedudukan kedua jauh.


‘Wisma Melayu Sarawak’ akan dibina dengan restu Kerajaan Negeri GPS sejajar dengan ‘aspirasi, misi dan visi untuk perpaduan sebagai simbol identiti rakyat dan pembangunan negara’.

Misi untuk perpaduan dengan hanya mempromosikan SATU kaum tertentu?

Mereka mesti benar-benar menganggap orang Sarawak bodoh.

Secara kebetulan, upacara pecah tanah dilakukan oleh Ketua Menteri kita, Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari Tun Openg, 'Ketua Menteri untuk SEMUA SARAWAKIAN' yang sering dibicarakan.

 Kami ingin mengingatkan kepada Menteri Besar dan Majlisnya mengenai Menteri-menteri yang bergaji tinggi - 'ANDA AKHIRNYA HARUS MENGHADAPI AKIBAT DARI TINDAKAN ANDA

 ANDA harus membangun seluruh Negeri, bukan hanya satu bangsa atau agama - seperti di Fairland dan Secular Sarawak di mana tidak ada Negeri rasmi atau agama yang dominan.

Seterusnya - dalam BAHAGIAN 6




Sunday, December 27, 2020



First things first – SARAWAK is a SECULAR STATE with NO official State Religion.

This was GUARANTEED, ASSURED and ENSHRINED in MA63 as a PRE-CONDITION before our forefathers agreed to join in with Malaya, North Borneo and Singapore in the ‘formation of Malaysia’.

We thought this matter is non-negotiable and has been put to rest, especially in Sarawak, notwithstanding the divisive politics of race and religion over and across the South China Sea of ‘Peninsular Malaysia’. 

How wrong we are !

“UNIFOR” - the ‘Unit for Other Religions’ (UNIFOR) was established on April 27, 2017, as a new unit in the Chief Minister's Department. 

If there were no dominant religion, why do we need to have ‘UNIFOR’ – Unit for Other Religions ? 

Justifications aside, by having a Unit for ‘Other Religions’ are we not acknowledging that there is a ‘dominant religion’ ?

The reason given that UNIFOR was set up to facilitate the funding for ‘other religions’ smacks of insensitivity and discrimination in a Secular State where religion or the ‘promotion’ of a dominant religion had never been an issue.

If that had never been an issue, why has it become an issue ? 

We successfully did away with ‘dan lain-lain’ for racial classification – why bring this into religion ?

Abang Jo’s mouthpiece, the PBB information Chief Idris Buang has gone to the mainstream media to rap the opposition for “politicising race and religion”.

The answer is simple, politicising of racial issues are first and foremost from PBB and their ‘UMNO and PAS friends’. 

Ask Abang Jo why his PAS bosses say “PAS will not allow anyone other than a Muslim Bumiputera to govern Sarawak” - President Abdul Hadi Awang.

Secondly, the “opposition” who he complains that are “politicising” this, are true Sarawakians who were born and bred in this country. 

Are they supposed to keep quiet, wring their hands and do nothing, while Abang Jo fills up the civil service with his people and changes Sarawak from a secular state to an arab country?

In 2018, the Archbishop of the Roman Catholic church was heckled after the decision in the Federal Court in Kuching.

Despite that, no one was prosecuted. 

Abang Jo’s promise to amend state law to allow converts to renounce Islam remains as another broken promise.

That is, after the euphoria, with his announcement hogging the national headlines and filled with dazzling hopes that Sarawak would ‘show the way’. 

Next – in Part 5

Back-door Agreement with Petronas





Terlebih dahulu - SARAWAK adalah NEGERI SEKULAR dengan Negeri yang tidak mempunyai agama rasmi.

Perkara ini telah DIJAMIN, TERMAKTUB dan DITERUSKAN bersama perlembangaan tertinggi Malaysia iaitu MA63 sebagai PRA-SYARAT sebelum nenek moyang kita bersetuju untuk bergabung dengan Tanah Melayu, Borneo Utara dan Singapura dalam 'pembentukan Malaysia'.

Kami bersangka bahawa perkara ini sememangnya tidak dapat dirundingkan dan telah diselesaikan. Terutamanya di Sarawak, walaupun berpecah-belah dalam politik bangsa dan agama seperti dengan apa yang berlaku di seberang Laut China Selatan iaitu 'Semenanjung Malaysia'.

Betapa salahnya kita!

“UNIFOR” - ‘Unit untuk Agama Lain’ (UNIFOR) ditubuhkan pada 27 April 2017, sebagai unit baru di Jabatan Ketua Menteri.

Sekiranya tidak ada agama yang dominan, mengapa kita perlu memiliki ‘UNIFOR’ - Unit untuk Agama Lain?

Selain itu, dengan adanya Unit untuk ‘Agama Lain’ adakah kita tidak mengakui bahawa ada ‘agama yang dominan’?

Alasan yang diberikan bahawa UNIFOR ditubuhkan untuk memfasilitasi pendanaan untuk ketidakpekaan dan diskriminasi 'agama-agama lain' di Negara Sekular di mana agama atau 'promosi' agama yang dominan tidak pernah menjadi isu.

Sekiranya itu tidak pernah menjadi masalah, mengapa kini ianya diisukan?

 Kami berjaya menyingkirkan 'dan lain-lain' untuk klasifikasi kaum - mengapa memasukkannya ke dalam agama?

Ucapan Abang Jo, Ketua Pemimpin PBB, Idris Buang telah pergi ke media arus perdana untuk berkelahi dengan pembangkang kerana dikatakan "mempolitikkan bangsa dan agama".

Jawapannya mudah, mempolitikkan isu agama dan perkauman adalah perkara pertama dari PBB dan ‘rakannya yang lain iaitu UMNO dan PAS’.

Kita harus bertanya kepada Abang Jo mengapa bosnya iaitu PAS mengatakan bahawa "PAS tidak akan membiarkan orang lain selain Bumiputera Muslim memerintah Sarawak" - Presiden Abdul Hadi Awang.

Kedua, "pembangkang" yang dia tuduh dengan isu "mempolitikkan" agama dan perkauman Sarawak, adalah orang Sarawak asli serta individu yang dilahirkan dan dibesarkan di Sarawak.

Adakah mereka (pembangkang) seharusnya berdiam diri, meremas tangan dan tidak melakukan apa-apa, sedangkan Abang Jo tengah mengisi perkhidmatan awam untuk kroninya dan mengubah Sarawak dari negara sekular menjadi negara arab?

Pada tahun 2018, Uskup Agung gereja Katolik Roma diperiksa setelah keputusan di Mahkamah Persekutuan di Kuching.

 Walaupun begitu, tidak ada perkara yang diadili.

Janji Abang Jo untuk meminda undang-undang negeri untuk membenarkan mualaf meninggalkan Islam tetap menjadi janji yang tidak diubah.

Iaitu, selepas euforia, dengan pengumumannya yang menjadi tajuk utama berita nasional dan dipenuhi dengan harapan yang menyilaukan bahawa Sarawak akan 'menunjukkan jalan'.

Seterusnya - dalam Bahagian 5

Perjanjian pintu belakang dengan Petronas