Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Abang Johari, Please Define Your Government For Us

 Abang Johari, Please Define Your Government For Us

CM: State govt takes own initiative to ensure rural folk enjoy electricity, water supply

KUCHING (Dec 21): The Sarawak government decided to grab the bull by the horns when it saw how disadvantaged the rural folk were in terms of infrastructure development such as electricity and water supply, said Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari Tun Openg.


The Jupiter and Saturn conjunction that happened last monday night, a celestial tango that last happened 800 years ago, must have been something that CM Abang Johari really looked forward to witness and when the cloudy rainy sky of Kuching made it impossible it really knocked him off balance. That probably was the reason behind the statement he made above.

Sarawak was instantly and completely thrown into a state of disbelief at this most perplexing statement from the Chief Minister of Sarawak : State govt takes own initiative to ensure rural folk enjoy electricity, water supply. And Sarawakians are now asking where did this politician who has served as lawmaker for 39 years learned his politics?

"The very basic question here deals with what is the primary function of a government and by extension, the primary function of the head of a government"

One of the primary functions of government is to protect the basic human rights which include right to life, liberty and to possess property. The idea of natural rights is because every person deserves to enjoy these rights.

It provides a social security that enables citizens to create their own economic security. The future of government builds on these foundations of protecting and providing the opportunities to all citizens, to enjoy all these rights and find happiness. In the final analysis, one of the primary function of any government is to enable every one of its citizen to find and enjoy HAPPINESS.

It is not the duty of the citizens to be concern with how and where their government acquire the financial resources to fulfill its duties to enable them to safely pursue their happiness within the bounds of the laws of the country. In a democratic country, the citizen assumes that their elected representatives are knowledgeable and possess of the requisite skills to look for and to deploy the financial resources.

This brings us to the question as to who should be responsible for the provision of critical utilities like treated water supply, 24 hrs electricity supply, telecommunication and road connectivity. To put it bluntly, in terms that Abang Johari and members of his government can easily understand, the rakyat don’t give a damn how they do it. They are the government by their own choice. We the rakyat are only interested in having those utilities provided to us so that we can pursue and enjoy happiness.

Please do not try to fool us the rakyat by saying you took the initiatives to provide these utilities and infrastructures to the rakyat. The word initiatives may makes you sound and looks good but it is merely a veil to cover the our eyes. It is your sacred duty and responsibility as head of your government and the duty of your government to provide the rakyat with all these critical 21st century utilities and has nothing to do with initiatives on your part. The word in Bahasa Melayu is kewajipan and it comes from the root word wajib which means mandatory in English.

My final words on this matter is this: Your GPS government, the rebranded BN has nothing to show in the way of an efficient and capable government. The COVID.19 pandemic has revealed how incredibly incompetent your GPS government is and I must say, uncaring too. The rakyat not only knows this but the rakyat now has an alternative that is becoming increasingly attractive option for a government.

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