Monday, December 14, 2020

To all the 'Yes-men' or 'Kinsmen'

To whom it may concern.....

Sarawak YBs, MPs, ADUNS... 


To all the 'Yes-men' or 'Kinsmen'... 

Ya, Betul !... 

Yes, Sir !...

Agree with you, Sir !... 

Everything is ok !... 


You have been ENTRUSTED to safeguard, protect and defend Fairland and Secular Sarawak. 

Sarawak, THIS DAY, expects you to DO your DUTY.... 

Have you ?

But then, you have friends, or you are among 'friends' who seek to impose, introduce or justify 'race and religion' as a vehicle for 'nation-building'.

And you know very well that 'race and religion' are two of the most divisive factors, if not obstacles to unity, harmony and nation-building  ?

Are you scared of making enemies of these divisive and self-vested Leaders or are you also 'one of them' ?

Who wants to make enemies, if that could be avoided  ? 

But then, who wants to be friends, or continue to be friends, with those who seek to break, if not destroy our unadulterated acceptance way of life, as in Secular Fairland SARAWAK  ?

"...and a dangerous game, to make enemies, left, right, and centre..? " 

"Dangerous ? Not, if one is comfortable with having enemies. "

"..are you? "

" have no enemies, you say ?" 

"...inspired by the words of the Chartist poet Charles Mackay....

Alas ! my friend, the boast is poor, 

of duty, the brave endure. 

Must have made foes, 

if you have none, 

small is the work that you have done. 

You've hit no traitor on the hip,

you've dashed no cup from perjured lips,

you've never turned the wrongs to right, 

you've been a coward in the fight".

Food for thought, isn't it  ?

Lest the proverbial Camel gets itself further into our Secular Sarawak Tent. 

Better to stir our CONSCIENCE now before we are left.... unconscious. 

My thoughts 🤔🤝🤔

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