Sunday, February 28, 2021

Policy Failure - You Hukum Us, We Hukum You

 Policy Failure - You Hukum Us, We Hukum You

‘The move to increase the fines for violating the standard operating procedures (SOP) to RM10,000 for individual and RM50,000 for companies, reflects the government’s seriousness in controlling the Covid.19 situation in the country’…quote Dato Sim Kiang Chiok.

Sim Kiang Chiok, branch chairman of SHEDA was responding to the decision by the government to increase the fines for breaching the SOPs for Covid.19 effective the 11th March 2021.

While we may agree that the new fines structure probably is indicative of the desire of the government to control the pandemic in Malaysia, it would be more accurate to describe it as a sign of desperation on the part of the government. And that desperation is the result of policies failures or the failure to firmly follow-up on the implementation of the policies crafted to contain and eradicate the Covid.19 in Malaysia.

It is quite clear to Malaysians that several measures instituted to control the pandemic were rendered ineffective by decisions motivated by political concerns rather than medical and health. And so today, we see no signs of the pandemic retreating. Instead we see an increasing Covid.19 related death toll. On Friday the 26th Feb 2021 there were 11 new Covid.19 related deaths, bringing the overall total to 1111. Why the emphasis on death toll? It is because death toll or percentage of death is more significant in reflecting the impact of the Covid.19 pandemic.

Could the Malaysian government have done better in the efforts to control and mitigate the pandemic in the country?

Before the 17th March 2021, the Covid.19 positive figures were generally and comparatively low. On the 5th March 2020 for example the figure was only 5 and on the13th March 2020 it was 39. On the 2nd week of March 2020 however it became apparent that the cluster that formed from a religious gathering at a mosque in Sri Petaling, Kuala Lumpur was fast developing into a super spreader. Consequently, on the 18th March 2020, the first movement control order (MCO) came into effect. By 19 May, the Malaysian Director-General of Health Noor Hisham Abdullah had confirmed that 48% of the country's COVID-19 cases (3,347) were linked to the Kuala Lumpur Tablighi Jamaat (Sri Petaling mosque) cluster. Additionally, nearly 10% of attendees were overseas visitors, causing COVID-19 to spread to other countries in Southeast Asia.

After 3 extensions to the MCO the figures went down to only 7 on the 9th June 2020. On the 8th July 2020, the Sri Petaling cluster was reported as ended. The MCO was clearly effective in breaking the chain of the spread of the virus.

How did Malaysia went back to recording a breathtaking figure of 5728 new positive cases and 13 deaths on the 31st Jan 2021 when before, ie. Up to the 10th June 2020 Malaysia performances was commendable? Put it bluntly and briefly, the strong political will that was needed to carry through the plan successfully was missing from the formula. Malaysians began to observe that there were 2 sets of laws, 1 for the ordinary rakyat and 1 for the elite who walked the corridor of power. A minister returning from an overseas trip failed to undergo mandatory quarantine. He eventually escaped with a small fine of RM1000.

Cabinet ministers returning from any official visit abroad were only required to undergo observation for three days or undergo surveillance when the stated policy very clearly requires 14 days of home quarantine.

Prior to 9th Jan 2021, Air Asia  (and other airlines) flights to Sibu airport were not restricted and because there were not enough quarantine facilities in Sibu, entry into Sibu was not sufficiently monitored and regulated. To compound the problems caused by the unrestricted flights to Sibu, thousands of work related travel permits were issued in Sibu, effectively and completely nullifying the movement control orders instituted to break the chain.

On the 12th January 2021, the Yang DiPertuan Agung declared an emergency, supposedly to enable the government to better manage the pandemic and this while the several  MCOs at different places were still in effect. Other than the restrictions on religious gatherings, nothing else seems to change and the pandemic continue to show no signs of retreating at all.

In the latest show of indecisiveness and lack of political will, a minister in the Perikatan Nasional (PN) cabinet ‘clashed’ with the prime minister over how to continue with teaching and learning in Malaysia’s schools in 2021.

On the 17th Feb 2021, PM Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin launched the DidikTV KPM, a dedicated television channel intended to facilitate learning and teaching during the pandemic. Two days later the Minister of Education announced that all schools will reopen in March 2021. Meanwhile, over in Sarawak, a cluster called the Sungai Bakong cluster was evolving and registering increasing Covid.19 positive cases. For those who are not sufficiently informed, this cluster developed from a students’ hostel in SMK Meradong, Bintangor. What was this minister thinking about? Was he desirous of seeing every schools in Malaysia turning into Covid.19 clusters?

For anyone who has the time to reflect on what had transpired in Malaysia, it will quickly become clear that for the most part, blame for the current state of Covid.19 pandemic in Malaysia lies squarely with the federal government. In the case of Sarawak, the GPS state government is also responsible for the ineffectiveness of the measures instituted so far. Take for example the case of the reopening of schools and the 14,000 plus travel permits issued in Sibu. Why did they not use the autonomous power which they claim to have to over-rule the decision made? Why did they wait almost 2 weeks before they announced that schools in Covid.19 critical areas will remain close for the time being? We understand that the power you have is derived from the people aka votes banks and therefore you must wait for sufficient number of voters to protest first. But it is precisely this kind of politically motivated decision that is causing the Covid.19 to continue ravaging Sarawak and its people.

In all the success stories in the containment of the Covid.19 pandemic in countries around the world, 3 strategies stand out: Sharp reduction in the flow of people through strict lockdowns, aggressive or mass testing of the population and disinfection of all public facilities. Countries like Taiwan, American Samoa, New Zealand South Korea and Brunei achieved enviable success by ‘locking down’ their country and quickly doing mass screening. Why did the GPS government of Sarawak failed to do that. Sarawak is on an island, the same island where Brunei is situated and locking up our borders would have been relatively easier.

Now the government is talking about fines that only politicians and cabinet members can afford to punish the rakyat when the failure to mitigate and contain Covid.19 resulted from their own incompetence. Well, it is the rakyat who will do the punishing and the rakyat must now mete out the ‘fines’ on the government, not the other way round. It is not a capable government that we have and they must be shown the exit.

Monday, February 22, 2021

Bye Bye Immigration Autonomy - Kong Pun Boh Yong

 Bye Bye Immigration Autonomy - Kong Pun Boh Yong


Sarawak will urge Putrajaya to allow foreign workers to enter the state legally from next month to counter the influx of illegal immigrants who bring the risk of Covid-19 with them’ ..quote Deputy Chief Minister Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah Embas.

The incoherence with which the Sarawak Disaster Management Committee (SDMC) handles the Covid.19 pandemic in Sarawak mirrors the way the federal government handle the pandemic through out Malaysia and can rightly be described as a recipe for disaster of titanic/gigantic proportion. It is characterised by u-turns and decisions mainly made based on political considerations rather than medical decisions that are backed by science. We have no doubt members of the committee include medical professionals and scientists but the measures taken thus far are more like political decisions designed to cater to the needs or to the whims of interest group.

CM Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari recently said that Sarawak was fortunate to have autonomous power that aids the government in the fight against the Covid.19 virus in the state. Unfortunately for him and for the GPS government, numbers do not lie. In the first week of Feb 2021 Sarawak was among the 6 states with the highest infectivity rate in Malaysia and with 73 Covid.19 related deaths (out of 1056 deaths nationwide).

Now DCM Douglas Uggah is suggesting that the federal government should allow foreign workers to return to Sarawak, to revive the business sectors that were dependent on foreign labour before the onset of the Covid.19 pandemic. We have no doubt that if foreign labour is allowed back, industries like the plantation and construction sectors will be rejuvenated. But we are not exactly in normal times now and we are still far from being in normal time. First of all, there is the emergency that was declared by the Yang DiPertuan Agung on the 12th Jan 2021 and that is scheduled to be uplifted only in August 2021. Are we to think that Sarawakians are required to be subjected to the terms of the emergency and the successive movement control orders in the bid to contain and eradicate the Covid.19 virus while foreigners with doubtful vaccination status are allowed to freely enter Sarawak. Should not the Sarawak’s government be exercising its autonomous immigration powers to seal Sarawak’s borders and keep potential Covid.19 virus spreader at bay?

What then is the point of demanding for complete autonomy from the Malaya-driven federal government when you are unable to effectively use the autonomous power that you already have to protect  Sarawakians?

It is rather like keeping the airport in Sibu opened while Kuching and Miri were closed, knowing fully well that there are insufficient quarantine facilities in Sibu. Now Sibu and Kapit in the central region of Sarawak has the highest daily new cases. This is also the result of pandering to the whims of small interest groups when it is the greater common good that the Sarawak government should focus on.

When the Sarawak government did not object to the federal government’s decision to reopen  schools next month it has opened Sarawak to the possibility that all schools in Sarawak will be potential new clusters and super spreader of the virus.


But as in everything else, there is always some good in a bad situation. In this case, the Sarawak’s government has shown itself to be incompetent in managing when it matters most. The Sarawak government was ill-prepared to contain the spread of the virus. It was ill-prepared to mitigate the adverse effects of the pandemic on our education system and on Sarawak’s students. And, it was and still is completely unable to play its so-called kingmaker’s role to the full benefit of Sarawak. These are weaknesses that are now laid bare for all Sarawakians to see and these weaknesses have also smashed the myths that only the BN government (now renamed as GPS) can govern Sarawak and only they know what is best for Sarawak.

There is a viable alternative to GPS and the time to change will soon be upon us.

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

7 Km Long & RM848 Million In Cost

 7 Km Long & RM848 Million In Cost



‘ The groundbreaking ceremony of the Batang Lupar bridge project in Sebuyau, scheduled for this Thursday, has been postponed to a date to be announced later,Sarawak%20Public%20Works%20Department%20said.

Those are the words of a terse announcement from Sarawak JKR informing that the groundbreaking ceremony to mark the commencement of the RM848 million bridge project across has been postponed. The 7 km long bridge across the Batang Lupar was supposed to take off immediately as link roads commenced.

The mouth of the Batang Lupar where the bridge is to be constructed is also the site of a recent tragedy that claimed 9 lives on the 1st Jan 2021. In the incident, a 4WD pickup slipped off the ferry ramp and fell into the river.

The reason assigned for the postponement was COVID.19 but it is noted that there has been no reported case of COVID.19 infection in the Sebuyau district lately.

The implementation of the Batang Lupar bridge project was cancelled under the 12th Malaysia plan in August 2018 by the PH federal government and postponed to an undetermined future date. The brickbats received by Yb Baru Bian who was the minister for works at that time was unbelievable, in mainstream media, in online news portals and in social media. Words like betrayal, traitor, neglecting Sarawak, afraid of the boss and dismissive attitude were among the negative comments leveled at Baru Bian then.

In Nov 2018 the GPS government of Sarawak, then an opposition party at the federal level, announced that they will proceed with the project, at their own cost.

As we all are aware of, the PH government fell in the 3rd week of February 2020 and was replaced by the Perikatan Nasional (PN) government. With the installation of the PN federal government GPS, together with UMNO were back in the federal government. PAS too found themselves part of the federal government and comrade to GPS. Then the strangest turn of event took place. Instead of getting the PN federal government to resurrect the 3 massive bridge projects which were cancel by the previous PH government the GPS government of Sarawak decided to proceed with the Batang Lupar project at its own cost. The official earth breaking ceremony was then fixed for today (18th Feb 2021).

Why did the GPS government of Sarawak decided to fully fund the Batang Lupar bridge themselves when they, as the kingmaker in the PN federal government, could have easily demanded from PM Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin that the federal government fully finance the cost of that bridge plus the other two that were also cancel by the PH government? Are they really in the exalted position of a kingmaker or are they just a two-bit follower in the PN government? RM848 million in state money would have been more than enough to buy COVID.19 vaccine to vaccinate ALL Sarawakians or alternatively, to buy communication devices for needy families in the B40 group so that their school-going children are technologically enabled to follow online teaching and learning. It is very disheartening to hear a GPS state assemblyman suggesting that NGOs should use crowd funding to buy communication gadgets for students from poor families to follow online learning.

The message to all Sarawkians now is this: The GPS government of Sarawak has failed Sarawakians in all areas that matter most, especially in on-going COVID.19 pandemic: In the prevention of the period of COVID.19, in the provision of internet to the rural areas of Sarawak, in the provision of road connectivity in the menoa pesisir (the jiwa murni is not visible in the jiwa murni roads), safe school buildings and facilities, completely eliminating or at least reducing to the bare minimum  the B40 families in Sarawak. The time for change is long overdue. Do not let GPS rule Sarawak for another term.

SMA and Telco license - Approved Already Or Not?

 SMA and Telco license - Approved Already Or Not?


At the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in Sarawak, it became immediately apparent to all stakeholders - parents, students, educators, that the inability of schools to continue with face-to-face teaching will take a big toll on students and teachers alike. It also became apparent that our education system and the Sarawak government were completely unprepared and without the capability to effectively deal with the devastating effects of COVID-19 on the education of our children. It was not just the classroom lessons that had to be suspended but year-end major examinations in 2020 had to be postponed. Students who had register to start their primary one education in 2020 have not been able to be fully acquainted with their teachers and classmates until today. Students who entered primary one this year are in the same predicament.


Online learning and teaching was the obvious solution to education during the pandemic but the education system, families and the government were and still are ill-equipped for online teaching. Rural schools and rural students, particularly students from B40 families were the hardest hit. For rural schools, it was not just the problems with dilapidated school buildings and facilities but also the near total absence of internet connectivity. Coupled with the B40 families inability to afford computers and smart phones, the situation for many rural communities and families were really ground zero as far as education is concerned. There news reports about teachers, students and parents desperately combing jungles and hills to look for spots with good internet connectivity so that students can proceed with their studies.

:CM Abang Johari, please tell us where we are now on this issue.

There was a collective sigh of relief from Sarawakians when in mid-May 2020 CM Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari announced that the MCMC had agreed to grant Sarawak Multimedia Authority (SMA) a telco license to enable the Sarawak GPS government to provide internet services to the rural areas. He said he met the minister in charge of the MCMC and he (the minister) had agreed to grant Sarawak the license. The last time Abang Johari spoke on this matter was on the 20th Nov 2020. He said the government was working to set up a telco company within the next 2 years so as to be able to provide internet services to the rural areas of sarawak.

On the 24th Nov 2020, Cikgu Macky Joseph, President of the Sarawak Teachers Union issued a timely reminder, urging the authorities to make sure high-speed internet is easily accessible throughout the state as e-learning or online classes has become the new normal in education.

In a media statement carried by an online news portal he said, ‘ We must provide free internet access to enable all students, both rural and urban, to attend online classes as no child should be left behind in their education’.

It is now about 7 months since Abang Johari first mentioned the telco license and spoke about wanting to provide internet services to the rural areas. Sarawakian students are now 2 months into the new academic year 2021. Stakeholders in the education system in Sarawak - students, teachers and parents are anxiously waiting news about the latest developments on the telco license and the telco company that will provide internet services to the rural areas. The future of the students is critical to their families and to Sarawak. Face-to-face teaching is still an uncertain thing for now as the national COVID.19 vaccination plans does not include people below the age of 18 years. To further compound the problem, the date for the vaccination of able bodied people which group logically include all teachers has not been revealed. While the Sarawak government plans to complete its vaccination programme by august 2021, the uncertainty caused by the lack of clarity in the national vaccination plan brings no comfort to Sarawakians.

With this in mind, it will bring great relief and comfort to all the stakeholders in the education system in Sarawak if CM Abang Johari can give updates on what has transpired after the he last spoke on the matter in Nov 2020. Top leaders of the GPS government like DCM Tan Sri James Masing vehemently objected when Parti Sarawak Bersatu (PSB) voluntarily installed broadband services in 5 rural schools in Kapit in order to bring relief to the teachers and students in those schools but he could not present a viable alternative.

CM Abang Johari, please tell us where we are now on this issue.

Different or Indifference? ( Eng/ Bahasa)

Different or Indifference ?

Sarawak is indeed different  - not because the people are different but because the Government over the decades had failed to make a difference to bridge the socio-economic differences.

The question - is it due to genuine differences or political, socio-economic indifference ?

With a strong, stable and rich government, why are there still poverty, poor basic infrastructures and concerns over clean water, electricity supply and internet connectivity in this 21st century of science and technology  ?

"Sarawakians had voted ‘wisely’ over the years to give the GPS/BN government and leaders the mandate to govern for the past 47 years"

47-57 years..... are way too long, notwithstanding what the 'experts' and political sychopants may say.

SARAWAKIANS must wake up and seriously consider choosing a new government to really feel and experience that...

1. There is always a better way of doing things.

2. No government or leaders are indispensable.

3. If better were possible, good is never enough.

4. Competition brings out the best in most things, including government and leadership.

5. We are RESPONSIBLE for the leaders and government we elect.

Mediocre leaders are a reflection of our very own CHOICES, if we keep electing and putting them in power.

6. A responsible government will ensure EQUITABLE development and ensure that it prospers and empowers its people through people-centric policies driven by a oneness in purpose for the common good and prosperity of all.

7. Leadership and government must be driven by the power of example over the example of power.

Until we get these into our hearts and minds, we will continue to move in circles, with 'business as usual'.

We need leaders driven by patriotism, not by greed.

For that to happen, we must recognise that ‘CHANGE’ is no longer a want, but a NEED.

A dire NEED.

Indeed, for Sarawak.



Berbeza atau Tidak peduli?

Sarawak sememangnya mempunyai banyak perbezaan - Perbezaan ini bukanlah datang dari kepelbagaian masyarakat majmuk, tetapi kerana kepimpinan Kerajaan selama beberapa dekad telah gagal membuat perbezaan untuk merapatkan perbezaan sosio-ekonomi.

Persoalannya - adakah ini disebabkan oleh perbezaan sebenar atau ketidakpedulian sosio-ekonomi politik?

Dengan adanya Kerajaan yang kuat, stabil dan kaya, tetapi mengapa masih wujudnya jurang kemiskinan, infrastruktur asas yang buruk serta kebimbangan mengenai bekalan air bersih, elektrik dan sambungan internet pada abad ke-21, iaitu di zaman kecanggihan sains dan teknologi ini?

Warga Sarawak telah memilih secara 'bijak' selama bertahun-tahun untuk memberi mandat kepada Kerajaan  dan pemimpin GPS / BN untuk memerintah selama 47 tahun terakhir.

47-57 tahun ..... terlalu lama, walau apa pun yang dikatakan oleh 'pakar' dan ahli syurga politik,

SARAWAKIANS mesti bangun dan mempertimbangkan dengan serius untuk memilih kerajaan baru yang benar-benar layak sehingga rakyat dapat merasai dan mengalami ...

1. Selalu ada cara yang lebih baik untuk melakukan sesuatu.

2. Tiada kerajaan atau pemimpin yang mustahak.

3. Sekiranya ada peluang yang mungkin lebih baik, kebaikan tidak akan pernah mencukupi.

4. Persaingan akan melahirkan banyak perkara yang baik, termasuk Kerajaan dan kepemimpinan.

5. Kita BERTANGGUNGJAWAB untuk memainkan peranan penting dalam usahasama memimpin terhadap Kerajaan yang telah kita pilih.

Bahkan jika, pemimpin yang biasa-biasa saja adalah gambaran PILIHAN kita sendiri, jika kita terus memilih dan meletakkan mereka berkuasa.

6. Kerajaan yang bertanggungjawab akan memastikan pembangunan yang SESUAI serta memastikan bahawa pembangunan tersebut haruslah maju dan memberi kekuatan kepada rakyatnya melalui dasar-dasar yang berpusatkan kepada rakyat yang didorong oleh kesatuan yang bertujuan untuk kebaikkan dan kesejahteraan bersama.

7. Pemimpin yang alang-alang atau 'semadi nadai' merupakan gambaran terhadap pilihan kita, kerana kitalah yang memilih dan memberikan mereka kuasa.

Sehingga kita dapat merasainya ke dalam hati dan fikiran kita, kita akan terus bergerak dalam lingkaran, dengan 'business as usual'

Kita memerlukan pemimpin yang didorong oleh patriotisme, bukan dengan penuh ketamakkan.

Untuk itu, kita mesti menyedari bahawa 'PERUBAHAN' bukan lagi kehendak, tetapi PERLU.


Perubahan ini sememangnya untuk Sarawak.


Monday, February 15, 2021

Bernasib Baik - Kata-kata yang sering disalahgunakan ( Bahasa)

Bernasib Baik - Kata-kata yang sering disalahgunakan

“Sarawak bernasib baik kerana mempunyai kuasa untuk membuat keputusan sendiri, sesuai dengan keadaan semasa tempatan dan tidak semestinya mengikuti keputusan daripada kerajaan persekutuan yang mungkin tidak mempunyai kepentingan terhadap negeri Sarawak”

Kata-kata tersebut dikaitkan dengan CM Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari Tun Openg, dan ianya  merujuk kepada langkah-langkah yang diambil oleh kerajaan negeri Sarawak untuk menghentikan penyebaran Covid-19 di negeri ini. Beliau bercakap mengenai 'kuasa' yang diberikan oleh kerajaan negeri Sarawak berdasarkan Fasal Jadual Kesembilan (7) dalam Senarai Bersama dalam perlembagaan persekutuan. Beliau terus mengatakan bahawa perkara tersebut adalah hak (kuasa) yang harus dilindungi oleh rakyat Sarawak pada  masa depan.

"Kata-kata tersebut mencetuskan pertanyaan kepada saya, “Adakah Abang Johari sengaja membingungkan pemikiran beliau sehingga sejarah yang amat jelas yang telah dinyatakan dalam sejarah Sarawak di Malaysia dibuat seakan-akan ianya tidak berlaku? Atau, adakah beliau benar-benar tidak mengetahui mengenai sejarah Sarawak di Malaysia serta tidak tahu mengenai inisiatif yang telah dimulakan oleh parti-parti politik dan masyarakat sivil di Sarawak untuk menuntut semula hak-hak Sarawak? Hak-hak yang bukan sahaja tidak dapat dicabar tetapi juga dilindungi oleh kerajaan persekutuan tanpa rakyat Sarawak mengambil tindakan yang boleh dianggap bersifat konfrontatif seperti berusaha meminda perlembagaan persekutuan atau mencari pembelaan dan keadilan melalui proses mahkamah"

Pembentukkan Malaysia yang berlaku kerana adanya gabungan Sarawak, Sabah dan negeri-negeri persekutuan Tanah Melayu menjadi rakan setaraf di Malaysia dan dari formula rakan setaraf itu, persekutuan Tanah Melayu seharusnya mengalirkan semua kuasa yang diperlukan oleh Sarawak untuk mengawal sumber semula jadi dan pentadbiran negeri. Status tersebut ditegaskan oleh Pejabat Perdana Menteri (PMO) semasa Pakatan Harapan (PH) sebagai kerajaan persekutuan.

Pada 16 September 2012, ketua-ketua parti PKR, DAP dan PAS peringkat negeri Sarawak PKR,DAP telah melancarkan Pengisytiharan Kuching atau Kuching Declaration (dalam bahasa Inggeris) di Chonglin Park, Kuching. Pengisytiharan itu dibuat demi menyahutakan panggilan dan seruan daripada anak Sarawak supaya status rakan kongsi setaraf Sarawak didalam Malaysia dikembalikan.  Pada 6 May 2014, satu titik sejarah telah dicatatkan di DUN Sarawak apabila DUN Sarawak sebulat suara bersetuje untuk menuntut 20% royalti minyak daripada kerajaan pusat. Itu merupakan sebilangan kecil tindakan diambil untuk menuntut semula hak Sarawak yang terhakis kesan daripada pindaan perlembagaan pada 1976 oleh Barisan Nasional. Pindaan perlembagaan pada 1976 tersebut telah menyebabkan penurunan status Sarawak daripada ‘rakan sama-rata dengan Malaya’ dalam menubuhkan Malaysia kepada negeri ‘biasa’ di Persekutuan Malaysia.τρο-chong

Bagaimana perkara tersebut (pindaan) berlaku? Secara ringkasnya, ianya berlaku kerana adanya persetujuan dari Ahli Parlimen Sarawak dalam Barisan Nasional. Dua tahun sebelumnya, kerajaan persekutuan, iaitu melalui Akta Pembangunan Petroleum 1974 telah berjaya mengambil alih kawalan penuh terhadap sumber minyak dan gas Sarawak. Kerajaan Persekutuan berjaya mengambil alih tanpa tentangan sedikitpun  daripada Ahli Parlimen dari Sarawak yang majoritinya dari BN.

Sebenarnya, terdapat peluang besar bagi Ahli Parlimen GPS (BN yang dijenamakan semula) dari Sarawak untuk menuntut kembali perkara tersebut pada Mei 2019 ketika pindaan perlembagaan untuk mengembalikan hak Sarawak dan Sabah sebagai rakan setara dibentangkan di parlimen. Namun, mereka gagal berbuat sedemikian untuk rakyat Sarawak apabila pada masa itu mereka, bersama rakan baharu mereka dalam kerajaan persekutuan PN (UMNO & PAS) ambil keputusan untuk tidak menyokong pindaan tersebut.

Maksudnya di sini adalah: Sarawak seharusnya mempunyai kuasa dalam menentukan hala tujunya. Namun, semua itu tidak lagi berlaku kerana kerajaan pusat yang dibantu oleh wakil rakyat Barisan Nasional Sarawak merampas kuasa yang diberikan kepada Sarawak seperti yang tercatat pada Perjanjian Malaysia 1963 (MA63). Kehilangan kuasa telah menyebabkan Sarawak berada dalam kedudukan 'bernasib baik' dengan hanya sekadar menikmati sisa kuasa, yang berasal dari senarai bersama dalam perlembagaan persekutuan. Tegas disini, itu bukanlah satu keadaan yang boleh dianggap beruntung atau satu keadaanyang bolih dipanggil bernasib baik.

Abang Johari sebagai KM Sarawak merangkap ketua gabungan GPS seharusnya mohon maaf kepada warga Sarawak kerana telah biar Sarawak kekal dalam keadaan atau posisi yang sangat malang ini. Sangat tidak patut beliau cuba menerima kepujian untuk hak yang sebenarnya tidak wujud dengan sepenuhnya seperti yang termaktub di MA63. Sarawak seharusnya memiliki hak atonomi yang penuh dan bukan hak ‘semadi nadai’ seperti hak yang tertulis didalam senarai bersama (concurrent list) perlembagaan persekutuan.

Fortunate - Such An Abused Word ( English Version)

 Fortunate - Such An Abused Word


‘Sarawak is fortunate that it has the power to make its own decisions to suit local conditions and not necessarily follow the decisions of the federal government every time, which may not be in the state’s best interests’

Those words are attributed to CM Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari Tun Openg and it was in reference to the measures taken by the Sarawak state government to stop the spread of Covid.19 in the state. He was talking about the ‘power’ vested in the Sarawak state government by virtue of Ninth Schedule Clause (7) of the Concurrent List in the federal constitution. He went on to say it is a right (power) that Sarawakians must protect in future.

"These words triggered in me this question, ‘ Was Abang Johari mind in so convoluted a state that a very clearly stated piece of Sarawak’s history in Malaysia was made to sound like what it was not?  Or, was he completely clueless about Sarawak’s history in Malaysia and clueless about the initiatives that political parties and civil societies in Sarawak had initiated to reclaim Sarawak’s rights? Rights that should not only have been unchallenged but also preserved by the federal government without Sarawakians having to take any kind of actions that may be regarded as confrontational in nature like seeking to amend the federal constitution or seeking redress in court"

The founding fathers of Malaysia intention was for Sarawak, Sabah and the federated states of Malaya to be equal partners in Malaysia and from that equal partner formula should have flowed all the powers that Sarawak needed to control of its natural resources and to manage its affairs. That status was affirmed by the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) during Pakatan Harapan (PH) tenure as the federal government.

On the 16th September 2012 at Chonglin Park in Kuching, the state heads of PKR, DAP and PAS, collectively known as Pakatan Rakyat launched the historic Kuching Declaration, in answer to the increasingly loud calls from across all sections of Sarawak with perhaps leaders and hardcore supporters of the Barisan Nasional as exceptions. And in an equally historic turn of event, the Sarawak DUN had on the  6th May 2014, unanimously approved a resolution to demand a 20% royalty on O&G from the federal government. That was part of a number of actions taken to fully reclaim Sarawak rights that was lost to the federal government vide a 1976 amendment to the constitution. That amendment relegated Sarawak status as equal partner in the federation to mere state like the states in federated Malaya.

How did that (the amendment) happened? Simply stated, it was with the approval of Sarawak’s MP in the Barisan Nasional. Two years earlier, the federal government, through the Petroleum Development Act 1974 had assumed full control over Sarawak’s oil and gas resources. They achieved that without the slightest bit of opposition from the MPs from Sarawak who were overwhelmingly from BN.

There was an opportunity for GPS MPs (the rebranded BN) from Sarawak to redeem themselves in May 2019 when an constitutional amendment to restore Sarawak and Sabah’s right as equal partner was tabled in parliament. They failed Sarawakians when they, together with their current partners in the PN federal government ( UMNO & PAS ) abstained from voting for the amendment.

The point here is this: Sarawak should have the power over its own affairs if the federal government had not, with the connivance of the Sarawak BN’s MPs (now GPS)  usurp the powers granted it under the Malaysian Agreement 1963 (MA63). The loss of power had caused Sarawak to be in the ‘fortunate’ position to enjoy residual power, emanating from a concurrent list in the federal constitution. That is hardly a state of affairs that can be considered as fortunate.

Abang Johari, as CM of Sarawak and head of the GPS coalition should apologize to Sarawakians for this most unfortunate state of affairs instead of trying to claim credit for non-existent advantages such as autonomous rights. Indeed full autonomy is what Sarawak should have but what Sarawak has is merely ‘smadi nadai’ rights in the concurrent list in the federal constitution.

Monday, February 8, 2021

Pembalakan & Babas/ Hutan Yang Ditanam ba Bahagian Kapit ( Bahasa Iban)

Pembalakan & Babas/ Hutan Yang Ditanam ba Bahagian Kapit

Kena 6hb Feb 2021, Kepala ke megai Sarawak Dayak Iban Association (SADIA) bisi mansut ke jaku ba media senentang pekara ka bekait enggau tanah adat laban tudah ka minta kasih agai kompeni balak ka bisi megai lisen nanam kayu (LPF) ngambika sida bertanggungjawab agai orang ke ngempu tanah adat (NCR) kelebih agi ngagai sida ke bempu tanah ka dipasukka sida dalam lisen LPF.

SADIA minta kasih amat agai sida kompeni ka megai lesen LPF ngambika sida mantaika ulah ke manah serta nemu ngasai bertanggungjawab ianya enggau chara mayar sewa agai tanah NCR ka diguna sida ka dipasukkan ba dalam lisen LPF ngena chara salah ( nadai inggar) ka digaga sida pihak bekuasa lalu nyau digasak/dichuri sida kompeni ka bisi  megai lesen  LPF. Maya bejaku ba media mega, SADIA bisi meri jaku bejaga-jaga nuju sida bala kompeni ke nyau makin majak deka encheruboh tanah NCR dayak .Enti nitih, ukai sida SADIA ke patut meri jaku bakanya ngagai kompeni, tang kebendar ya sida Menteri Pembangunan Bandar enggau sumber Asli ke patut mansutka jaku nya lalu nagang serta nyaga tanah adat dayak. Menteri tu meh kebendar ia betanggungjawab ngeluluska ni bagi kompeni ka minta lisen ngambi kayu balak enggau meri lisen LPF. Diatu, menteri tu dipegai Awang Tengah Ali Hassan.

Industri balak enggau Industri ke baru ianya industri kelapa sawit udah lama dikumbai mai penusah serta mai pemerinsa agai idup kelebih agi agai bangsa dayak enggau orang ulu ka diau ba pedalaman sarawak.

Proses perintah GPS (suba dikangau Barisan Nasional)  ke ngeluarka lisen balak ianya siti proses ke amat sulit ( penuh rahsia)  lalu nyentukka diatu maklumat nya nyau dilalai ka sida ya laban mayuh lisen ke udah dipansutka sida, pemayuh serta penyampau tanah, rampa menua diatu nyau udah digundul ka sida ia magang, pekara tu amat nyelai lalu ngasuh mayuh orang nyau tusut runding kelebih agi ngagai sida ke bempu rampa menua ianya orang asal Sarawak empu. Bangsa Dayak enggau orang Ulu ke jauh diau ba pedalaman Sarawak nemu utai nya dekan nyadi lalu sida semina meda bala sida piko/kobi , lipan ka datai ari kompeni LPF serta orang ke enda dikelala sida nyau encherubuh tanah NCR laban ke endur sida betanam ka sawit. Sebedau nya mega, sida udah nemu penusah ke deka datai agai sida laban sida meda sungai enggau rampa menua ka nyadi penatai pemisi (pemakai) nyau musnah lalu jelu mega nyau majak punas.

Siku ari menteri bangsa Dayak kala madah, rampa menua nyau baka pasar ke alai endur ngalu bagi sida dayak, orang Ulu enggau kaum Penan ke diau ba pedalaman Sarawak.

Kena bulan 1 2015, rayat Sarawak bisi nemu pasal maklumat ka bekait enggau lisen balak ka dipansutka perintah negeri Sarawak maya Tan Sri Adenan Satem ke agi nyadi kepala menteri : Penyampau 572 iti lisen balak ke dikemedarka temasuk lisen ngambi kayu tebelian enggau 155 occupation ticket.

Occupation Ticket nya dikena ngaga ladang kelapa sawit.

Ba Kapit, munyi ka dipadah sida SADIA, diatu nyau bisi 11 iti kompeni LPF. Tiap- tiap LPF nya udah diberi pajak pengelama 60 taun.Tu reti ya bagi sapa ke bisi megai lisen LPF ulih ngaga ladang sawit ba endur sida sepemanjai 60 taun. Nitih utai ke  dipadah SADIA, kesemua lisen LPF tu makai tanah pemesai 1 juta hektar. Sebagian besai ari kawasan nya ianya Kapit. Kawasan Kapit nya diatu dipegai 2 iku menteri dayak ke ukai semina bepangkat tinggi enggau megai pengaruh besai, tang seduai ia mega sigi orang ke datai ari menua kapit.

Jerita industri balak enggau industri kelapa sawit ba Kapit tu tadi citi jerita ke amat meri penyinu agai kitai dayak. Tu meh jerita pasal rayat ke behempas pulas bejuang deka nyaga pengelikun menua lalu milih wakil rayat, tang wakil rayat ke dipilih sida diatu nyau udah melakang ka sida baru baka jaku sempama “ ngarap ka pagar, pagar makai padi” enggau “ kaban makai kaban”.

Keni utai tu ulih nyadi lalu ninggang sida bangsa dayak enggau orang Ulu ba kawasan pedalaman Sarawak lalu utai tu nyadi lalu nadai nemu putus-putus? Pemerinsa idup bangsa dayak enggau orang ulu tu bepun ari perintah GPS ( suba ke dikangau kitai Barisan Nasional) ngeluarka lisen balak peneka ati, diatu lalu nambah ke ladang kelapa sawit.

Keistimewaan tu diberi agai sida nengah klausa ( jaku ke ditulis ba bup undang-undang) 26 ke bisi ba peraturan Hutan ( Rampa Menua) 1997. Nengah Klausa nya tadi,  pelabur dikemendarka ngemansang 20 % endur belisen, ianya kelapa sawit sepemanjai 25 taun ngambika pelabur bulih penguntung enggau masa ke pandak agi.  Nitih ka runding sida, pelabur ke udah kala melabur ba kawsan nya sigi diberi duit lebih. Bagi sida pelabur baka kompeni LPF, sida ka melabur nya tadi baka ngelombong emas ke ulih tumbuh baru. Ba jaku hokkien, utai tu disebut orang “ Chiek beh Liau”.

Nama utai ke patut digaga sida bangsa Dayak enggau orang Ulu senentang pekara ke nyadi tu?  Udah tentu sida ukai semina ulih bediri dedegi meda ngapa enggau sembahyang ngambika bala pemegai perintah serta penyukung sida ba industri balak enggau ladang kelapa sawit bisi ngasai pengasih enggau penyiru meda sida ke ditindas? Utai nya semina ngasuh CM Abang Johari lalu membuktika senentang pekara ke disebut ia ke kala viral ba media sosial kena 2/2/2021 nya betul.

Siti utai ka patut digaga bangsa dayak enggau orang Ulu ianya sedar, utai ke ngasuh sida merinsa enggau penusah ka nuntung bepun ari pengawa ke digaga sida perintah GPS. Sida perintah GPS tu endang rangka/ bam lalu sida  dayak enggau org Ulu ke agi nyukung GPS ngasuh perintah GPS nyau gaga agi ngerja pengawa jaik. Amat nadai pechaya, kitai bisi 2 iku orang dayak ke megai pangkat pengambis besai ba perintah ke diatu, tang mayuh orang dayak ke diau ba bandar mayuh merinsa laban sida ke nadai ulih gawa di menua , tanah NCR sida ke dichuri bala sida kompeni. Amat nadai adil bagi kitai dayak digaga baka tu , kelebih agi bangsa dayak empu ke makai kitai dayak.

Nyadi, jaku lalau nuju bangsa dayak enggau orang Ulu : Perintah GPS tu udah nunjuk ke agai kitai senentang sida ia tu sigi perintah ke enda beduli, nadai peduli agai nuan enggau nadai peduli agai generasi biak. Nuju perintah dayak ke megai pangkat besai, nuan bisi untak tang nuan nadai nemu berunding. Semina siti aja chara agai orang Dayak enggau Orang Ulu ke ulih digaga : Anang ngundi GPS maya bepilih ke deka datai tu ila. Beri meh peluang agai nuan empu ngambika nuan bisi masa depan ke lebih manah agi enggau perintah megai menua ke baru.