Friday, April 30, 2021

Lampu Suluh Jenama Covid.19 - Jelas sekali Kegagalan Kerajaan GPS

According to the national Covid.19 vaccination plan, the vaccination programme will end in Feb 2022. By then 2,240,000 Sarawakians would have been fully vaccinated, if everything goes according to plan.

Today, Sarawak’s Health Department director Dr Chin Zin Hing is on record saying that as at last Wednesday, 28th Apr 2021, a total 52,960 Sarawakians, comprising mostly frontliners have been fully vaccinated. Among this total are also the wakil rakyats or ADUNs.

The medical front liners had to be vaccinated first because they are the foot soldiers in this battle against Covid.19, fighting and putting their lives on the line everyday that other Sarawakians may live. The wakil rakyats or the ADUNs have all been fully vaccinated because they are the privilege group, made the privileged by the votes of those who are still waiting in the queue to be vaccinated.

The first phase of the vaccination in Sarawak started on the 26th Feb 2021 with CM Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari among the first few to be vaccinated. This means that as at the 28th Apr 2021, we are already 61 days into the vaccination process. With 52,960 Sarawakians having been fully vaccinated, Sarawak is averaging an average of 868 people being fully vaccinated daily.

Sarawak has a population of roughly 2.8 million people. To achieve herd immunity, about 2.2 million Sarawakians will have to be fully vaccinated by 28th Feb 2022. At a daily average of 868 people per day, it will take 7 years from now before Sarawak achieves herd immunity.

Registration For Covid.19 Vaccination

In today’s (Friday, 30th Apr 2021) issue of the Borneo Post, the chief advisor to the Sarawak Disaster Management Committee (SDMC) Dato Dr. Sim Kui Hian is reported as saying that Sarawak supply of vaccine may exceed recipients. 

There are at least two ways on interpreting this: 1. That the registrations for Covid.19 vaccination is well below what it should be, for reasons either not known or that cannot be made public. 2. For reasons best known to the Sarawak GPS government, their stated intention to buy the Covid.19 vaccines is not practicable and has to be abandoned. The confirmed registration numbers against available vaccines will justify them not proceeding with their plans to buy the vaccines outside the national plan managed by the federal government.

What are the possible reasons contributing to the low registration among Sarawakians? Surely it cannot be because Sarawakians do not value their lives or they have lost their desire to return to normalcy.

According to Dr. Sim K.H, of the 1.2 million registrations in the books, 868,000 was made online via the MySejahtera app while about 300,000 made manually. Two things can be said here: 1. The Sarawak GPS government has failed miserably to provide internet connectivity to Sarawakians that only 31% of all Sarawakians have access to internet and was able to register for vaccination online. 2. There was very little efforts made the Sarawak GPS government to register rural based Sarawakians that we have to asked why was there an urgent need to vaccinate the privileged ADUNs for rural areas. Only 300,000 manual registrations was recorded. 

The end result of this is that rural based Sarawakians may not get to be vaccinated at all or they will have to endure a long wait in the queue. And all this makes us wonder, is the GPS government people centric or perihatin rakyat as they often claimed to be?

Breaking The Chain Of Transmission Of Covid.19

Yesterday was another day of misery for Sarawak. There were 522 new cases recorded, bringing the total to 29,899 cases since the pandemic started in Sarawak. There were 2 new fatalities, bringing the Covid.19 related death tally to 173. The number of death involving people in their 30s and early 50s too have increased. Equally critical, as at yesterday, there was only 1 green zone left in Sarawak. Our public hospitals are stretched to the limits.

Our public hospitals are stretched to the limits and surely our medical front liners are drained and stressed beyond words. Images of burning funeral pyres in Delhi, India comes to mind.

There was a time when Sarawakians were hopeful. Our leaders in the GPS government spoke about how Sarawaks’ autonomous power will stem the tide on Covid.19 and that Sarawak will make sure that enough vaccines will be available in Sarawak so that no Sarawak will be left behind.

Up until Oct 2020, the numbers of Covid.19 infections did not cause numbing fears among Sarawakians. It looked like it was under control. Then it all went wrong in Nov 2020.

Where did it all go wrong? Simply put, the GPS government failed to do the necessary to break the chain of transmission. Why for example was surge or mass testing of all Sarawakians, to identify all asymptomatic people and isolate them not done? We live on an island and that should have made it relatively easier to contain the virus. Why were entry points into Sarawak not sealed in the early days? I suspect that because we were approaching the state elections, selfish requests from groups with vested interest or from groups which the GPS deemed to be their votes bank were entertained and this rendered successive MCOs ineffective.

How long do we want to leave our fate in GPS hands. Renung renung lah.

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

State Of Finances - Sarawak Sayangku Masih Dapat Bernafas Ke ?

 State Of Finances - Sarawak Sayangku Masih Dapat Bernafas Ke ?


Of the RM10.012 billion revenue that Sarawak is estimated to earn in 2021, some RM3.034 billion (30% or almost 1/3 of the total estimated revenue) will come from the State Sales Tax on O&G products. This was clearly stated in the Sarawak’s 2021 budget, tabled Nov 2020.

The budget has among other things estimated that there will be a surplus of about RM180 million, a very commendable figure indeed given that at the time the budget was tabled the figures of Covid.19 infections were not encouraging at all.

In Sept 2020 Petronas paid Sarawak RM2.95 billion, being the Sales Tax accruing on O&G products for 2019. In the 2021 Sarawak’s state budget, the amount of sales tax on O&G products was stated as RM140 million higher than what was earned in 2019 and received in Sept 2020.

There are 3 areas of concern here that this article would like to touch on: 1) That the sales tax, projected at RM3.034 billion is the single largest contributor to the estimated revenue for 2021. 2) The budget surplus estimated at RM140 million and finally 3) The big ticket off-budget expenses that have since been mentioned.


Big Ticket Off-Budget Expense Items

1. The Batang Lupar Bridge

     The earth breaking ceremony for this RM848 million project took place on the

     23rd March 2021 and so we assumed that this project is really taking off.

2. The Spaoh STOLPort (aka Betong Airport)

    It was reported on the 15th April 2021 that a few days earlier, the construction agreement                       document was handed over to the successful tender bidder for the project, D.A.L Keluarga Realty           Cara Raya JV Sdn Bhd. The project value mentioned was as RM108.1 million.

3. The Sabah Sarawak Link Road (SSLR)

      It was reported that Letter of Intention (LoI) had been issued to the contractor on July 7, 2020 and        the Letter of Acceptance (LoA) would be issued to the contractor once the contractor fulfilled all            the terms and conditions set in the tender document. The value of the project is not mentioned              but during the watch of the PH government, the project was valued at RM1.2 billion.

4. The Covid-19 Vaccines

      In Feb 2021, it was reported that the Sarawak government has approved an

      allocation of RM30 million to buy Covid-19 vaccines.

These 4 items alone which comes close to RM2 billion will wipe the estimated surplus of RM140 million, leaving Sarawak with a budget deficit of close to RM1.9 billion. Why has this become a matter of such grave concern?

Within the last 14 days or so, the prime minister, a minister in the PM Department and the finance minister have all said that Malaysia is facing a serious financial problem. In order for the government to buy enough Covid-19 vaccines to vaccinate enough Malaysians so as to achieve herd immunity the government was forced to use RM5 billion from the National Trust Fund - KWAN. All these points to one very important point: Sarawak will not be in pole position when it comes to any money from Petronas.

Allocations from the federal budget 2021  are also beginning to look very doubtful.

The question that must be asked now concerns the Sarawak’s reserve, once said to be in the region of RM31 billion. There was never an official statement from the Chief Minister regarding this reserve. Assuming that such a reserve exist, Sarawakians would like to know in what forms is this reserve held and where. If there is a time when transparency with  government finances is most urgently needed, it is now. Sarawakians want to know if Sarawak can survive this difficult period with minimum help from the Malayan-run federal government in Putrajaya.

Monday, April 26, 2021

The Covid-19 Mystery in Malaysia - Converging Conveniences For The Privileged Few

 The Covid-19 Mystery in Malaysia - Converging Conveniences For The Privileged Few


“The chief minister and the state Cabinet shall wield full authority to government Sarawak beyond the expiry of their term on June 6 this year….this is provided for under Section 11(b) the Emergency (Essential Powers) Ordinance”…..GPS federal minister Datuk Seri Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar.

Disclaimer - Readers Discretion Is Advised

The following is just my Sunday morning musings which I was moved to put into writing. It was not based on any in-depth analysis of any data and truth be told, there was a strong impulse to indulge in conspiracy theory and I succumbed to the impulse.

I would like to first state that my musings were triggered by the above-mentioned news article which appeared on last Sunday’s (25th Apr 2021) issue of the ‘New Sarawak Tribune’ (NST) .

 The Nationwide Malaysia’s Covid-19 Scene

From the Monday of 19th Apr 2021 to Sunday, 25th Apr 2021, Malaysia recorded 17,888 new

Covid-19 positive cases, averaging 2555 new cases daily.

I would like to bring readers back to 12th January 2021 - the day a proclamation of Emergency by the Yang Di-Pertuan Agung (YDPA) was officially gazetted. The Emergency, which is to last until 1st August 2021, has just one sole purpose, according to the government: to enable the Malaysian government to eradicate the Covid-19 virus in Malaysia, stop the pandemic and bring back normalcy to our lives.

At this point, it would be good to remember that the pandemic in Malaysia first started when local clusters appeared in March 2020 so it was about 10 months later when the Emergency was declared. It is also equally good and useful to remember that one of the results of the Emergency is the suspension of parliament. The Perikatan Federal (PN) government will rule Malaysia through Emergency powers which includes making laws without convening parliament.

The first movement control order (MCO) was implemented on the 18th March 2020 and from March 2020 until Aug 2020, the Covid-19 pandemic appeared to be well under control in Malaysia. The surge in the numbers of positive cases started around the 1st week of Sept 2020 and it coincided with the state elections in Sabah. The blame for the upsurge in the numbers of positive cases throughout Malaysia was put squarely on the Sabah elections. By Dec 2020, the figures had breached the 2500 per-day levels.

In the meantime, worries and anxieties about the impending dissolution of Sarawak’s Dewan Undangan Negeri, scheduled for automatic dissolution on the 6th June 2021 began escalating in earnest. At that time, the PN federal government helm by PM Muhiaddin Yassin had 111 seats (out of parliament’s total of 222). UMNO, who was and still is not part of the PN government but  had pledged support for PN, started showing signs of discontent with Muhiaddin.

Sarawak, who was the ‘kingmaker’ that helped PN became the federal government, was fast approaching the end of the current DUN’s term and a decision must be made on whether to hold an election or not. GPS, the incumbent state government and GPS’s MPs from Sarawak must have their sense of security during this difficult time.


The 2021 Emergency Proclamation

A GPS federal minister, Datuk Seri Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar put it very clearly when he said the Sarawak’s cabinet shall wield full authority to govern Sarawak beyond the expiry of the current DUN’s term “by virtue of Sect 11(b) the Emergency (Essential Powers) Ordinance.”

The Emergency was for one purpose i.e. to control the Covid-19 pandemic and Sabah’s experience of an upsurge in the Covid-19 positive numbers was a very valid precedence that must be avoided at all cost. So how long can GPS govern Sarawak without an election? The answer is until the Emergency is lifted and that is the security that GPS wants.

So, with all these in mind, a question that now begs an answer is this: was the purpose of the Emergency, declared by the YDPA ‘on the advice of PM Mahiaddin’, to help the government control Covid-19 or was it to avoid a vote of no confidence in parliament, one that may just come if GPS feels that their crucial support during the formation of the PN government is not being reciprocated ? Was the idea for an Emergency something that was prompted by GPS from Sarawak?

The advice here now is – ‘keep your thoughts on this to yourself.’

Why do these questions arise?

Well, for one, the Emergency has not shown itself to be an effective tool in the efforts to stop the pandemic. Of course, it does not stop Home Minister Datuk Seri Hamzah Zainuddin from saying that the Emergency is helping to contain Covid-19 as it ‘could have been worse’. ‘Could have been worse’ - than what?

The Sarawak Covid-19 Nightmare

As was said earlier, from 19th Apr 2021 to the 25th Apr 2021, Sarawak recorded a daily average of 567 new Covid-19 positive cases. The total for the week was 3974. Almost all these positive cases were supposed to have been isolated and treated in public hospitals in Sarawak. If you are looking at a 14-day period for a hospital to resolve and discharge a Covid.19 patient, you will be looking at close to 1000 patients over the last 2 weeks.

There are 22 public hospitals in Sarawak with a combined bed-capacity of 3862 beds. All these hospitals are hybrid hospitals, meaning these hospitals also treat non-Covid-19 cases.

State Health Department director Dr. Chin Zin Hing is on record saying that Sibu Hospital is no longer experiencing congestion. His statement was affirmed by the chairman of Sibu Municipal Council (SMC) who said nobody sleeps on the hospital floor in Sibu.

In the meantime, an online news dated 26th Apr 2021 described the situation at the Sarawak General Hospital as ‘quite bad with Covid-19 isolation wards and ICU beds stretched to the limits’.

If these figures reflect the real situation, then the medical systems, specifically the hospitals are all at breaking point and we are all in ‘deep shit’. It is akin to an old submarine that had dived 800 meters when it was built to dive to a maximum depth of 500 meters. The crushing pressure caused it to break and crumble. That, is the kind of pressure which our public hospitals are now subject to, with the Covid-19 positive numbers which we are currently experiencing.

What of our leaders in the Sarawak government? Presumably they have all received their vaccines. The pandemic of course has caused the DUN to be suspended and the DUN is not functioning for now so the ‘wakil-wakil rakyat’ are not at risk of contracting the virus from each other in the DUN.

The movement control orders have also prevented any meeting between the ‘wakil-wakil rakyat’ and the needy people they represent. The cabinet members will continue to ‘govern’ through the provisions of the Emergency Ordinance and will continue to earn their fat RM30,000 plus per-month allowances and salaries while the B40 and lower rung M40 households continue to struggle.

That is ‘a convenient arrangement’ under the circumstances and benefits converging for the privileged few. How convenient can that be?

This is inequity and injustice at ‘micro’ level, simultaneously caused and exposed by the Covid-19 virus.

‘A friend in need is a friend indeed.’

Only question is – who’s the ‘friend’ and what’s the ‘need’ ?

Covid-19 ? The Wakil-wakil Rakyat, the Rakyat or the Emergency itself ?

Your guess is as good as mine – one man’s suffering is another man’s ‘gain’ ?

Indeed and ‘In Need’.

Thursday, April 22, 2021

Hospital di Sibu kekurangan peralatan dan terpaksa meminjam dari hospital swasta

 "Hospital di Sibu kekurangan peralatan dan terpaksa meminjam dari hospital swasta.

k Covid-19 yang sedang berlaku telah menunjukkan dengan jelas pemerintahan buruk dari kekurangan pelaburan yang serius dan keutamaan rendah di hospital berbanding di Tanah Melayu."

Dia berkata, sebagai contoh, ventilator di Sibu sebelum wabak Covid-19 datang, peralatan hospital sudah berusia 10 tahun malah telah dihapus dengan nilai sifar.

"Ini bererti ianya usang dan tidak boleh diperbaiki dan jika ianya sudah rosak, haruslah diganti. Malangnya, permintaan penggantian baru setiap tahun tidak akan datang. "

Di samping itu, dia menunjukkan bahawa kerajaan negeri baru-baru ini membeli tiga ventilator baru untuk Hospital Sibu dan sektor swasta menyumbangkan satu ventilator ke Hospital Sibu dan satu lagi ke Hospital Kapit.

"Terdapat individu yang sangat dermawan dalam menyumbangkan peralatan dan banyak barang lain ke Hospital Sibu sejak setahun lepas. Bahkan dua unit mesin ujian PCR disumbangkan oleh syarikat swasta. "

Adakah ianya patut disesali?

Untuk makluman, saya membeli-belah dalam talian - segala sesuatu mengenai produk dapat dilihat / disahkan / ditinjau SEBELUM membeli / penghantaran.

Di sini, kita bercakap mengenai kebolehtahanan peralatan 'penyelamat nyawa' untuk Hospital Sarawak semasa PANDEMIK.

Sudah semestinya, tanda aras yang tinggi ini sudah dijangka. Di manakah 'SOP'? Tidakkah Sarawak mempunyai 'pakar perubatan' untuk MENGESAHKAN Ventilator ini bahkan sebelum dihantar?

Napolean berkata - "setiap jam masa yang hilang adalah peluang untuk musibah di masa depan".

Tidakkah kita bosan mendengar kisah lama yang sama , berulang kali, untuk sekian lamanya?

Bagi mereka yang terlibat dalam kegagalan ini - anda melakukan layanan yang BESAR kepada rakyat Sarawak.

Perkara terhormat yang harus dilakukan adalah mengundurkan diri dan dengan ramah membiarkan pemimpin yang lebih cekap mengambil alih.

Kehidupan manusia dipertaruhkan.

Bilakah kita hendak belajar dari kesilapan? Apa kesan yang akan berlaku seterusnya nanti? SAYA TIDAK BOLEH BERNAFAS ..... ???

Probe ventilator yang rosak dihantar ke Sarawak



“Hospitals in Sibu are running low on equipment and have had to resort to borrowing from private hospitals.

“The pandemic has revealed the ugly truth of the serious lack of investments and the low priorities on hospitals here compared to Malaya.”

He said, as example, ventilators in Sibu before the pandemic were already 10 years old and had been written off with zero value.

“This means they are obsolete and should not be repaired if broken and had to be replaced. Sadly, yearly request for new replacements never come.”

In addition, he pointed out that the state government recently bought three new ventilators for Sibu Hospital and the private sector donated one ventilator to Sibu Hospital and one to Kapit Hospital.

“People have been very generous in donating equipment and many other items to Sibu Hospital over the last one year. Even the two units of PCR testing machines were donated by private companies.”


Crying over spilt milk ?

For information, I do online shopping - everything about the product could be viewed/verified/reviewed CLEARLY PRIOR to purchase/shipment.

Here, we are talking about procurement of 'life-saving' equipment for Sarawak Hospitals during a PANDEMIC.

Surely a HIGHER benchmark is expected. Where are the 'SOPs' ? Doesn't Sarawak have 'medical experts' to VERIFY these Ventilators before they are even shipped over ?

Napolean said - "every hour of lost time is a chance for future misfortunes".

Are we not tired of hearing this same old story, being repeated, for umpteenth times ?

For those involved in this fiasco - you are doing GREAT disservice to Sarawakians.

The honourable thing to do is to step down and graciously allow more competent leaders to take over.

Human lives are at stake.

WHEN will we ever learn ? WHAT's NEXT ? I CAN'T BREATHE.....???

Probe why faulty ventilators sent to Sarawak

Nganu enda nuan? - Tu peminta pemadu mimit enti deka terus idup ba Sarawak

Nganu enda nuan? - Tu peminta pemadu mimit enti deka terus idup ba Sarawak

MIRI (21 April) : Pengara program vaksinasi Covid-19 renggat kedua ba menua pesisir Ulu Baram diatu nyau ditangguh dua kali. Jaku tu dipansutka ADUN Telang Usan, Dennis Ngau.

Dennis Ngau madah ke pekara senentang Menteri Pengerai Malaysia (KKM) udah netapka semina menoa ke ngembuan 8000 rayat aja deka diberi Vaksin. Tang, menoa ka ba pesisir baka Ulu Baram nadai datai 8000 iku penyampau rayat ka diau diak .

Nama seput orang menoa Sarawak iya ke deka idup , bepanggai ba kepala menteri pia?

Mayuh pekara ke ngasuh siku-siku orang nganu perintah Perikatan Nasional (PN). Perintah ke netap ka penyampau rayat ke ulih nerima vaksin amat ngasuh orang begedi serta ringat baka gunung berapi ke deka meletup. Aku amat pedis ati maya aku maca berita pasal perintah Sarawak ianya Perintah GPS ka begulai sama dalam Perintah PN nyau meri kuasa agai ketuai-ketuai ba malaya ianya PN. Utai tu dipeda kitai amat ngemain serta ngemelik ke seput rayat Sarawak. Ketua-ketua ke diberi kitai tabi basa ke dikarap kitai nyaga pengelantang menoa nyau ngena kuasa sida peneka ati ianya sida ke nentuka ni bagi sapa patut dijaga ari Virus Covid-19, sapa ke patut kena virus lalu sapa ke patut mati.

Nadai kala ba mimpi aku sebedau tu, tu meh mimpi aku ke pemadu remban maya aku ngingatka bisi menoa ke ngembuan pengarap rasmi serta rayat ke diau di menoa nya ke udu belayak pasal pengarap laban penemu pengarap ke nadai sama lalu bisi sekeda ketuai-ketuai menoa ke deka sida ya empu nyadi tauka nganti kereja Tuhan.

Nama patut ka rayat ke nadai manah nasit ke diau ba pesisir diberi peminta minimum ke ditatak perintah PN ia ke enda ulih digapai patut di’lak bakanya aja? Nama sida ya mensia taula jelu ke dibuai serta enda dikibuh peneka ati? Ketuai Sarawak dalam perintah PN enggau perintah GPS patut meri jaku saut ngagai pekara tu.

Rayat Sarawak di’lak diau ba dalam utai ke mundup redup

Ketuai kitai, nadai  ngira ketuai ba renggat pusat tauka negeri nyau baka udah ngerampas kuasa enggau hak dikena sida nentuka sapa patut idup lalu bisi hak mejam ke mata rayat tauka ngelalai pekara ke beguna bagi sida.

Aku diau ba bandar lalu aku semampai berunding laban aku bisi ngembuan capai internet ke chukup manah, bisi tv baka saluran tv astro lalu aku ulih maca berita ari surat khabar. Nya meh kebuah aku nemu utai ke nyadi ngagai menoa kitai. Aku amat tekenyit pagi tu tadi maya maca berita pasal perintah ke meri vaksin ngagai siti-siti menoa. Perintah nyau natak maya sida deka nyadung vaksin covid-19 ianya enti siti menoa nya, rayat enda datai 8000 iku, menoa nya enda diberi vaksin. Nama kebuah rayat sarawak enda madah ke pekara tu sebedau perintah muka sistem dikena rayat nerima regista ngambika diberi vaksin?

Bisi 5 chara kitai regista vaksin ke patut ditemu kitai : 1. Ari Aplikasi MySejahtera, 2. Laman web JKJAV COVID-19:, 3. Talipaun agai :1800-888-828, 4. regista kediri empu agai sepital enggau klinik lalu 5. Bisi urang regista agai pintu ke pintu.

Bagi sapa ke landik serta ngembuan penemu pasal bakani pengidup urang ke diau ba menoa pesisir sigi nemu chara 1,2,enggau 3 amat nadai ulih dipejalaika laban sida nadai ngembuan internet ke manah tauka sigi te nadai internet. Regista ngagai sepital enggau klinik mega mayuh kelikuh laban ngambi masa ke panjai serta tusah kelimpak agi rayat ke diau di teluk menoa.

Semua utai ke nyadi nyau ngasuh rayat ke diau di pesisir menoa pedis deka ngaga nama-nama laban perintah nyau udah meri takat ngagai sida. Enti ketuai Sarawak ia ke beserakup enggau perintah PN serta perintah GPS bisi ngasai pengasih tauka penyiru ngagai sida ke diau di pesisir, sida patut ngiga jalai ianya chara bekunsi ka berita nya agai rayat di pesisir lalu ngiga chara bakani deka regista ke sida.

Tang, nadai siku ketuai Sarawak ke irau ngagai pengidup rayat Sarawak. Jangka aku, sida udah lalek pasal rayat nya ke milih sida ngambika nulung serta mantu sida maya susah.

Vaksin ke diungkupka agai rayat di menoa pesisir.

Vaksin ke diungkupka ngagai rayat ke diau di menoa pesisir ianya vaksin Cansino siti dos aja, Vaksin ke digaga ari menoa China. Penemu milih utai tu enda maioh pemanah ari penemu sains tang keno ko sida iya, pemansang orang Sarawak bisi ba menua pesisir

Siti menoa ke ari luar china ke setuju deka ngena Vaksin CanSino ianya menoa Hungary.

Kitai nemu WHO ( Organisasi Kesihatan Dunia) nadai ngeluarka sebarang jaku vaksin nya pasal Malaysia begantung 100% ngagai China pasal pengelikun enggau pemisa vaksin nya.

Enti sema bisi pemanah ke datai laban utai ke nyadi tu ianya Covid-19, utai nya ianya: Kitai ukai semina meda perintah GPS nadai landik megai menoa lalu perintah persekutuan mega nadai bedulika rayat ke udah milih sida megai pangkat ke tinggi ke diulih sida diatu.

Udah chukup jam kitai rayat Sarawak ngaga pilih ke susah ianya kitai mesti lalu patut nukar perintah ke megai menoa kitai diatu.

Anda marah tak? - Kelayakan Minimum untuk Terus Hidup di Sarawak/Are You Angry Yet? - Minimum Qualification To Be Alive In Sarawak (BM/BI)

Anda marah tak? - Kelayakan Minimum untuk Terus Hidup di Sarawak/Are You Angry Yet? 


MIRI (21 April): Pelaksanaan fasa kedua program imunisasi Covid-19 untuk penduduk kawasan pedalaman di Ulu Baram kini ditunda setelah dijadualkan semula buat kedua kali, kata ADUN Telang Usan, Dennis Ngau.

Dennis Ngau mengatakan bahawa Kementerian Kesihatan (KKM) telah menetapkan sasaran 8,000 penerima berdaftar di sebuah daerah agar vaksinasi dapat dilakukan. Namun, kawasan luar bandar seperti Ulu Baram amatlah sukar untuk mencapai jumlah penduduk seperti yang disasarkan.

Adakah Hak Rakyat Sarawak Untuk Hidup Berada Di Tangan Pemimpin?

Terdapat banyak perkara yang membuatkan individu marah dengan kerajaan pusat Perikatan Nasional (PN). Penetapan syarat minimum yang mesti dipenuhi oleh rakyat Sarawak agar dapat terus hidup membuat seseorang merasa sangat jijik dan menimbulkan kemarahan di hati seperti gunung berapi yang hendak meletus. Saya merasa sakit pedih hati apabila mengetahui bahawa pemimpin  Sarawak didalam kerajaan GPS dan juga didalam kerajaan PN telah memberikan kuasa kepada pemimpin-pemimpin malaya di PN secara langsung mempermainkan dan memperlekehkan nyawa rakyat Sarawak .Pemimpin-pemimpin yang kita sanjung tinggi untuk menjaga kepentingan warga Sarawak dan menegakkan keadilan sebaliknya menggunakan kuasa mereka untuk memutuskan siapa yang harus dilindungi terhadap virus Covid-19 dan siapa yang harus terdedah dan dibawa ke pintu kematian.

Tidak pernah dalam mimpi saya yang paling menggerunkan saya membayangkan bahawa terdapat di sebuah negara di mana terdapatnya agama rasmi lalu rakyatnya yang selalu berbeza pandangan antara satu sama lain mengenai Tuhan yang mereka sembah terdapat pemimpin yang sanggup mengangkat diri mereka menjadi Tuhan.

Adakah rakyat bernasib malang yang tinggal di kawasan di mana syarat minimum yang ditetapkan oleh Kerajaan PN tidak dapat dipenuhi patut dibiarkan begitu sahaja? Adakah mereka manusia atau binatang yang boleh dibuang atau diabaikan sesuka hati? Pemimpin Sarawak dalam kerajaan PN dan kerajaan GPS Sarawak tolong beri jawapan kepada pertanyaan ini?

Warga Sarawak Ditinggal Dalam Keadaan Kegelapan

Pemimpin kita, sama ada pemimpin peringkat pusat atau negeri seolah - olah telah meragut bukan sahaja hak dan kuasa untuk menentukan siapa yang layak hidup dan siapa yang boleh didedahkan bahkan hak untuk ‘menutup’ mata rakyat terhadap perkara yang penting bagi mereka.  

Saya tinggal di bandar dan saya selalu berfikir oleh kerana saya mempunyai akses internet yang cukup baik, kabel t.v (saluran TV Astro) dan dapat membaca berita dari srat khabar yang dicetak, oleh itu, saya arif tentang perkembangan terkini. Saya tercengang ketika saya mengetahui pagi ini bahawa jika kawasan tertentu di Sarawak tidak dapat memenuhi minimum 8000 penduduk untuk pendaftaran vaksinasi Covid-19, maka, secara automatik kawasan tersebut tidak akan menerima vaksin. Mengapa orang Sarawak tidak memaklumkan hal ini sebelum kerajaan membuka sistem mereka untuk menerima pendaftaran untuk diberi vaksinasi?

Terdapat 5 kaedah pendaftaran vaksinasi yang diketahui: 1. Melalui Aplikasi Sejahtera, 2. Laman web JKJAV COVID-19:, 3. Hubungi talian pendaftaran: 1800-888-828, 4. Pendaftaran manual di hospital dan klinik dan 5. Pendaftaran dari pintu ke pintu

Sesiapa yang mempunyai kecerdasan serta pengetahuan mengenai keadaan di luar bandar Sarawak akan mengetahui bahawa pilihan 1, 2 & 3 hampir mustahil kerana kesambungan internet yang hampir tidak wujud. Pendaftaran di hospital dan klinik kesihatan memerlukan perjalanan panjang dan sukar terutamanya seperti  rakyat Sarawak yang menetap di luar bandar.

Semua ini digabungkan untuk menjadikan masyarakat luar bandar sukar dapat memenuhi syarat minimum yang ditetapkan oleh pemimpin kita. Sekiranya pemimpin Sarawak dalam kerajaan persekutuan PN dan kerajaan negeri GPS mempunyai rasa prihatin terhadap mereka, mereka akan mencari jalan untuk menyebarkan maklumat itu kepada masyarakat luar bandar dan mencari cara untuk mendaftarkan semua penduduk Sarawak yang berpusat di luar bandar.

Tiada satupun pemimpin Sarawak menghiraukan kehidupan seharian rakyat Sarawak. Sudahkah mereka lupa yang rakyatlah yang memilih mereka untuk berkhidmat untuk rakyat?

Vaksin Yang Ditujukan Untuk Masyarakat Luar Bandar

Vaksin yang diperuntukkan bagi masyarakat luar bandar adalah vaksin CanSino dos tunggal, vaksin yang dibuat di China. Logik di sebalik pilihan itu tidak begitu banyak dari segi sains tetapi kononnya kemudahan untuk orang Sarawak yang berpusat di luar bandar.

Satu-satunya negara di luar China yang telah menyetujui vaksin CanSino untuk penggunaan kecemasan adalah Hungary.

Nampaknya WHO (Organisasi Kesihatan Dunia) tidak mengeluarkan sebarang kenyataan mengenai vaksin ini bahawasanya Malaysia bergantung 100% pada jaminan China terhadap keselamatan dan keberkesanan vaksin tersebut.

Sumber-sumber China telah menuntut kadar keberkesanan 65.7% untuk suntikan vaksin CanSino.

Sekiranya ada kebaikan yang muncul dari pandemik Covid-19 ini, ianya adalah: Ia tidak hanya memperlihatkan ketidakcekapan pemimpin GPS dalam mentadbir kerajaan negeri dan kerajaan persekutuan tetapi juga sikap mereka yang tidak mempedulikan rakyat yang telah memilih mereka serta jawatan yang bepangkat tinggi yang mereka miliki sekarang.

Masanya telah tiba untuk rakyat Sarawak membuat pilihan yang sukar iaitu harus dan mesti menukar kerajaan.



Are You Angry Yet? - Minimum Qualification To Be Alive In Sarawak

MIRI (April 21): The implementation of phase two of the Covid-19 immunisation programme for the rural folk in Ulu Baram is now hanging in the air after it was rescheduled twice, Telang Usan assemblyman Dennis Ngau revealed.

He said the Health Ministry (MoH) had set a target of 8,000 registered recipients in a district for the vaccination to be carried out but in rural areas like Ulu Baram, it was difficult to achieve that number.

Sarawakians’ Right To Live Is In The Hands Of Our Leaders?

There are many things one can get angry with the Perikatan Nasional (PN) federal government for but their setting of a minimum requirement that Sarawakians must meet in order to live makes one feels absolutely disgusted and causes anger to well up in the heart like a volcano at bursting point. And I feel sick in the stomach knowing that our very own Sarawakian leaders in the PN government and in the GPS Sarawak government have empowered the malayan leaders in PN to play God with Sarawakians live. These leaders whom we raised to high office to serve us have instead use their power to decide who should be protected against the Covid.19 virus and who should exposed and brought to death’s door.

Never in my wildest dream have I imagined that in a country where there is an official religion and where its citizens are constantly at odds with each other over the god they worship, its leaders have promoted themselves to become gods.

What are these unfortunate living things who are residing in areas where this minimum requirement set by the PN government cannot be met? Are they human beings or are they animals that can be dispensed with? Can Sarawak leaders in the PN government and in the GPS government of Sarawak answer that, please!

Sarawakians Kept In The Dark

Our leaders in both the federal government and in the state government seems to have appropriated for themselves, not just the right to decide who should live and who should be exposed to the Covid.19 virus but also the right to keep Sarawakians in the dark over things that matters to them.

I reside in the city and I have always thought that because I have pretty good access to internet, to cable t.v (Astro TV channels) and to printed news I am therefore constantly within the loop. I was dumbfounded when I discovered this morning that if a particular area in Sarawak cannot meet the minimum 8000 confirm registrations for the Covid.19 vaccination, that area will not receive the vaccines. Why were Sarawakians not inform of this before the government opened up their systems for the vaccination programmes?

There are 5 known ways of registering for the vaccination : 1. Via the Sejahtera Application, 2. COVID-19 JKJAV website:, 3.  Ring up the registration hotline: 1800-888-828, 4. Manual registration at hospitals and clinics and 5.Door-to-door registration

Anyone with an average intelligence and knowledge of conditions in rural Sarawak will know that options 1, 2 & 3 is almost an impossibility because of the almost completely non-existent internet connectivity. Registration at hospitals and health clinics will require expensive long and hard journey which many rural based Sarawakians will find very hard to do.

All these combined to make rural communities unable to meet the minimum requirement set by our leaders. If the leaders of Sarawak in the PN federal government and in the GPS state government have any sense of caring in them, they would have found ways to  disseminate the information to the rural communities and find ways to register all the rural based Sarawakians.

The only conclusion that we can arrive at is this : None of these leaders care for Sarawakians who elected them to high office and to serve them.

Vaccines Earmarked For Rural Communities

The vaccine earmarked for the rural communities is the single dose CanSino vaccine, a vaccine made in China. The logic behind the choice is not so much of science but supposedly the convenience for rural based Sarawakians.

The only country outside of China that had approve the one shot CanSino vaccine for emergency use is Hungary.

It would appear that the WHO has not issue any statement on this vaccine and that Malaysia is depending 100% on China's assurances on the vaccine's safety and efficacy.

Chinese sources have claimed a 65.7% efficacy rate for the one shot  CanSino vaccine.

(doubts over efficacy rate)

If there is any good that has come out from this Covid.19 pandemic, it is this: It has exposed not just the incompetence of the leaders of GPS in the state government and in the federal government but also their callous attitude towards the people who voted into the high office which they presently occupy.

The time has arrived for Sarawakians to make some hard choices among which is to change the government.

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

STU dan Vaksinasi Covid-19

 STU dan Vaksinasi Covid-19

“Adalah wajar untuk mereka termasuk dalam kumpulan pertama yang diberi vaksin, memandangkan mereka menghabiskan banyak waktu bersemuka dengan para pelajar di sekolah.

Bagi para guru, kata Adam, ini akan meningkatkan semangat dan keyakinan mereka di tempat kerja ... Tambahan lagi, ini akan meredakan ketakutan dan keraguan para ibu bapa untuk meninggalkan anak mereka di sekolah… Presiden Kesatuan Guru Sarawak (STU) Adam Prakash Abdullah.

Saya mempunyai ahli keluarga yang merupakan guru. Namun, sehingga kini masih belum diberi suntikan vaksin. Namun demikian, boleh dikatakan bernasib baik kerana para guru kini diarahkan mengajar atas talian iaitu dari rumah kerana sekolah-sekolah di zon merah telah diperintahkan untuk tutup selama 2 minggu mulai semalam, 21 April 2021. Salah seorang guru daripada tiga rakan guru yang lain mengatakan bahawa dia dalam status akan menerima vaksin, tetapi tarikh pemvaksinan tidak diberitahu.

Masalahnya di sini adalah, mengapa kerajaan gagal menangani isu-isu ini dan menyelesaikannya secara profesional sebelum membuat keputusan untuk membuka semula sekolah? Saya bukanlah profesional dalam kesihatan dan perubatan, oleh itu, saya akan menyenaraikan isu-isu dan menjelaskannya seperti yang saya lihat.

Orang yang tidak simptomatik

Orang tanpa gejala, tidak kira apa yang anda katakan mengenai mereka yang dikatakan kurang cenderung menyebarkan virus Covid-19, virus yang disebarkan sememangnya tidak dapat dikesan. Hal ini kerana, virus tidak dikenali dan tidak terisolasi, virus bergerak bebas lalu menyebarkan virus.

Saya yakin bahawa Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (KKM), kerajaan Sarawak dan SDMC menyedari sepenuhnya perkara ini tetapi atas sebab-sebab yang diketahui oleh mereka sendiri, mereka tidak melakukan sesuatu dengan serius. Sebagai kerajaan yang mempunyai akses kepada sumber kewangan di peringkat persekutuan dan negeri, dan juga kakitangan kerajaan untuk Kementerian Kesihatan, mereka mempunyai sumber dan kuasa untuk mengasingkan sesiapa yang mempunyai tanda-tanda penyakit daripada orang awam. Hanya satu sahaja perkara yang perlu dilakukan iaitu lakukan pemeriksaan secara besar-besaran terhadap seluruh rakyat Sarawak.

Imuniti Kelompok

Jika diteliti, imuniti Kelompok melalui vaksinasi akan dicapai setelah 80% penduduk telah diimunisasi.

Kita sekarang berada dalam fasa ke-2 rancangan vaksinasi nasional dan fasa ini akan dijangka habis pada bulan Ogos 2021. Secara teorinya, fasa pertama,  untuk barisan depan sepatutnya selesai sekitar hari ini merangkumi para pendidik.

Semasa menulis ini, saya mendapati, tidak semua guru telah diberi vaksin dan itu termasuklah guru yang mempunyai kesihatan yang kurang baik. Kita juga sedia maklum tahu bahawa fasa ke-2 juga mengalami masalah dan oleh itu ada kemungkinan fasa kedua tidak akan selesai menjelang Ogos 2021, seperti yang dirancangkan. Fasa ketiga dijadualkan bermula pada Mei 2021 dan berakhir pada Februari 2021. Oleh itu, pertengahan Mac 2022 adalah tarikh di mana Malaysia seharusnya mencapai kelompok imuniti (iaitu 80% penduduk yang diberi vaksin), jika semuanya berjalan sesuai dengan rencana.

Adakah anda rasa Malaysia akan mencapainya? Anda memikirkannya dan memutuskan sendiri tetapi sebenarnya ada masalah lain yang akan berlaku.

Sekolah diperintahkan untuk dibuka semulabagi sesi pengajaran dan pembelajaran bersemuka pada bulan Mac 2021. Pada waktu itu, mungkin kurang dari 5% dari jumlah tenaga pengajar di sekolah-sekolah Sarawak telah divaksinasi dan tentu saja, tidak ada pelajar yang diberi vaksin. Oleh itu, kelompok imuniti  yang ingin dicapai masih jauh untuk diterajui.

Bagaimanakah KKM membenarkan pembukaan semula sekolah ketika guru masih belum diberi vaksin dan bagaimana kerajaan Sarawak bersetuju untuk membuka semula sekolah dan secara terang-terangan mendedahkan guru dan pelajar di Sarawak?

Warga Pendidik

Pertama sekali dan seperti yang telah disebutkan sebelumnya, pembukaan semula sekolah ibarat memaksa para guru untuk kembali mengajar secara bersemuka dalam persekitaran yang tidak selamat. Jumlah sekolah yang diperintahkan ditutup sejak Mac hingga sekarang adalah sebagai bukti.

Kedua, mungkin ada ibu bapa yang memutuskan bahawa tidak bijak untuk menghantar anak mereka kembali ke sekolah dan memilih untuk pengajaran dan pembelajaran dalam talian. Adakah guru yang kembali ke kelas juga diharapkan dapat mengajar secara dalam talian untuk memenuhi keperluan pelajar yang ibu bapa mereka telah memutuskan untuk tidak menghantar mereka kembali ke sekolah? Bagi saya, perkara ini amat tidak adil kepada guru.

Melonjakkan Bilangan Kes Positif Dan Meningkatkan Kematian

Beberapa hari terakhir menyaksikan peningkatan positif di seluruh negara, Sarawak telah menjadi ‘juara kebangsaan’ selama sekurang-kurangnya 3 hari. Semua perkara dipertimbangkan, kita tidak akan melihat penurunan drastik dalam statistik harian mangsa Covid-19 di Sarawak dalam masa terdekat. Kemungkinan besar, lebih banyak sekolah akan ditutup sebelum imuniti kelompok tercapai dan ‘hari’ berakhir. Sebahagian besar juga, ini disebabkan oleh ketidakcekapan Kerajaan Sarawak dalam menangani wabak ini.


Kepada Kerajaan Sarawak dan SDMC, diharapkan memberi perhatian kepada orang tanpa gejala yang berkeliaran bebas di Sarawak yang berpotensi menyebarkan virus secara tidak sedar.

Kami, orang biasa, dan tidak mengetahui apa yang sedang atau dialami oleh Putrajaya, mengesyaki terdapat masalah serius mengenai kemampuan kerajaan Malaysia untuk membeli dos vaksin Covid-19 yang cukup tepat pada waktunya untuk memenuhi garis tarikh yang disasarkan kerana mencapai keompok imuniti. Perdana menteri, dan menteri di pejabat perdana menteri secara terbuka mengatakan bahawa Malaysia mengalami masalah kewangan. Bolehkah kita mempercayai bahawa anda mempunyai kemampuan dan kemampuan untuk menangani perkara ini?