Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Deferment, my foot !

 Deferment, my foot !

In the SPIRIT of MA63 and the PLEDGE' 'to PROTECT and SAFEGUARD' Sarawak's rights and interests under the tagline 'SARAWAK FIRST !', this is sheer HYPOCRISY and betrayal. 

That should not have even be brought up in the first place.

Sarawakians cannot TRUST GPS/BN to protect us. 

After 57 years... we would be FOOLS to believe they would do so. 

The question ALL PATRIOTIC SARAWAKIANS should ask - is this 'Project IC' and the 'Malayanisation' of Sarawak in disguise ?

Is GPS aka ex-BN the 'Trojan horse' of PN/BN/UMNO/ short, a proxy of 'Malaya' ?

Oh Fellow Sarawakians……after 57 long years

Are we so blind not to see ?

Are we so deaf not to hear  ?

I have never felt so angry with our State Leaders.

'Disappointment' is a gross understatement. 

And to rub it in…what should have been done is still not done.

We are still WAITING for them to move a motion to REJECT PDA74 and public after public declarations had been made by various GPS leaders including YAB CM that "PDA74 is irrelevant to Sarawak".

Why not INVOKE Article VIII of MA63 in the DUN - our State BASTION of Constitutional and Legislative HOPE and PROTECTION ?

GPS……Oh GPS….finding excuses after excuses to justify their incompetence in protecting and safeguarding Sarawak when there is only one good reason to do so – ACTION !

Procrastination is the thief of time…..that’s 57 years of ‘Sarawak’s time’.

If they are not wolves in sheep’s clothing, what are they ?

Monday, November 9, 2020

Oh SALAH-WAK ..Not equal partner but KINGMAKER and getting PEANUTS instead of a King's RANSOM

                                                                     Oh SALAH-WAK.... 😢

Not equal partner.... but KINGMAKER....and getting PEANUTS...instead of a King's RANSOM. 

I really pity Salahwak....

especially, I also pity our 'LOCAL KINGMAKERS'  - the DAYAKS, who keep getting and receiving the 'local peanuts' too. 

Maybe they are happy just 'eating peanuts'  ?

After all, they have been among the most fervent supporters of GPS and ex-BN. 

Keeping the 'peanut manufacturer and distributor' in business for 57 years. 

Peanut for pittance...? 


Are the Dayak VOTES worth peanuts or are they worth like DIAMONDS ?

Problem is.... peanuts can be eaten right away... 

but Diamonds have great FUTURE VALUE.... 

It's time to look beyond peanuts. 

Go for Diamonds and put these peanut manufacturers and distributors out of business. 

Otherwise, we may end up eating 'Kacang Tumbuk'. 

Catch the drift....? 

THINK about that.... 


Sunday, November 8, 2020


 1st day of CMCO in Kuching 

                                           Seen at Best Corner FoodCourt, Trinity Hub. 

60% drop in customer turnout. 

Obviously this will translate into lower revenue and income for the stallholders. 

Nevertheless, their monthly rental remains unchanged. 

While public health is undeniably of utmost priority, the 'economic health' cannot be ignored too. 

The notion that the business community will innovate and find ways around these challenges is unfounded.

They NEED help, especially the small and medium industries... even petty traders and FoodCourt stallholders. 

And help must be fast, impactful and practical to be of relevance - minimal, if not zero 'bureaucracy'.

The National Budget doesn't seem to grab the bull by the horns - more like addressing the symptoms rather than administering the CURE. 

For example - the decrease in allocation to the Health Ministry despite the knowledge that the Covid19 pandemic is going to be around for quite a while is 'self-defeating'. 

Ironically funding JASA appears to be a greater priority... to keep the PN Government 'politically healthy' over safeguarding and keeping the Rakyat socially, economically and medically healthy  ? 

Even the ordinary uncles and aunties can see through this. 

Therein lies the CRUCIAL decision by our own Sarawak MPs (LAWMAKERS) to make that critical CHOICE....when the going gets tough, the tough gets going. 

Tough decisions but necessary decisions.

We voters have been constantly advised and reminded that - "OUR VOTES MATTER, VOTE WISELY"

 In a similar vein, may we now remind our Sarawak MPs from all political divide to do likewise - "YOUR VOTES in Parliament matter - VOTE WISELY." 


Just follow your CONSCIENCE. 

In your honourable hands lie the conscience of the NATION. 

As Mark Twain had famously said - "LOYALTY to Country - YES !!!

Loyalty to the government  - only when it deserves it."


Patriotism and Conscience NEVER fail. 

Over to you, our Honourable Members of Parliament, our Representatives, Our Voice, Our Conscience. 



Like a certain Putrajaya-based engineer, I wish to start by saying I am not a tax accountant or any other kind of accountant, by training and profession. I am just a kedai kopi political commentator and currently, in a state of bewilderment.

As a budget commentator somewhere said of the Malaysia’s federal budget 2021: It is a behemoth deficit budget, the biggest ever in Malaysia’s history. 

I supposed this will receive a notable mention in Malaysia Book Of Records. The deficit we are looking at is RM85.6 billion pok.

Now, this is the most perflexing  part of this budget : Finance Minister Tengku Zafrul said the economy is seen growing at 6.5%-7.5% in 2021, after shrinking 4.5% this year. 

As far as I know, the Malaysian economy, like the rest of the world was and still is in a recession, with China as the sole exception. Still, there could have been some external intervention from ‘over the blue yonder’ which I was unaware of and Malaysia extricated herself out of the recession just before the budget was tabled yesterday. Maybe our Raja Bomoh Sedunia Nujum VIP took out his fish trap and with honey coconut (kelapa madu) enticed all the magical economic rays to converge in Malaysia. 

But seriously, if you are talking about a GDP growth of between 6.5% - 7.5% immediately after a recession, you are talking about a V-shaped recovery. This to my mind is most unlikely as the other figures and data in the budget speak otherwise. Let us take a look at some key numbers and see if they jive with the forecasted GDP growth:

.  Dividend from state oil firm Petronas [PETR.UL] at 18 billion ringgit, down from this year's 34 billion ringgit

.  Total revenue is expected to be severely affected following the decline in business, trade and tourism receipts as the worldwide lockdown actions reduce global trade vibrancy and people's mobility.

.  Current account surplus is seen falling to 20.3 billion in 2021, from this year's 48.5 billion ringgit due to an expansion of domestic industrial and investment activities.

Centre for Market Education Malaysia CEO Carmelo Ferlito said a 7% GDP in 2021 is a dream.

We recall that this budget’s deficit is going to be RM85.6 billion. How will the PN government finance this deficit? A stable government presiding over a thriving economy during normal times will have no problem borrowing money from the international community to finance it. But this government is without mandate from Malaysians and is hanging on to dear life through an intricate game of appeasement of greed crazed members of parliaments. I am beginning to wonder if the RM81.1 million allocation to JASA is part of it’s survival plan. 

At this point I must once again remind readers that I am not a tax accountant who is singularly qualified to comment on budget. Just a kopi tiam political commentator.

At the micro level, I am most disappointed with this PN’s budget. While it is a behemoth, never-before-this-big budget, Sarawak’s share of the development budget increased by a mere RM100 million. Surely that is not the value PM Muhyiddin should place on a state that had used its kingmaker status and helped PN enter from the backway and became government. Sungguh tidak berbaloi lah. Muhyiddin is thumbing his nose up at GPS MPs and ministers and saying ‘ I am Malaya first’ and the GPS boys are not even aware of it.

ADUN Yb Dr. Annuar said Sarawak need at least RM3.2 billion to repair and upgrade close to 800 dilapidated schools. Sarawak got RM725 million, enough for only 50 dilapidated schools. 

Children from B40 families particularly those in rural Sarawak are left far behind in their studies because they do not have the means to attend classes online but there is not even 1 sen allocated to assist them. 

The RM3 billion allocations for the COVID.19 vaccine seems to be based on Malaysia’s population of 32.6 million people and a projected vaccine cost of around USD20 or approx. RM80 per pax. The other assumption seems to be that 1 dose per pax will be enough to insulate all Malaysians against the COVID.19. If 2 doses per pax is required to protect Malaysians then the allocation is woefully insufficient.

I tell you lah, like this cry also no tears one.

Thursday, November 5, 2020

PM’s announcement of a Special Council on MA63 to discuss issues related to Sabah, Sarawak’s rights


PM’s announcement of a Special Council on MA63 to discuss issues related to Sabah, Sarawak’s rig

Really  ?

If past records of ‘over-promising and under-delivering’ were any indication, this is likely to be ‘pre-election marketing’, at best.

As Sarawakians, we consider this rather insulting that not only  was the ‘SPIRIT’ of MA63 not upheld, but also trampled upon by ‘self-vested’ leaders using MA63 as an election bargaining chip.

MA63 is a CONTINUOUS process since 1963, regardless of who’s running the State or Putrajaya.

Lest we forget – MA63 is an OBLIGATION, a COMMITMENT, a DUTY, akin to a ‘marriage vow’ mutually agreed upon, prior to tying the knot.

The unfulfilled promises over 57 years smack of irresponsibility, if not dishonesty or deceit and insincerity.

As reported by the Consultative Committee on MA63, 17 out of 21 issues had been decided while the remaining 4 are still ‘on-going’.

All it needs is compliance and implementation. 

On that note, we are posing this question to the GPS State Government – why aren’t we implementing the 17 items in progression first, while awaiting the outcome of the remaining 4 which are still ‘works in progress’?

If not, why not ?

If that’s not stalling for time, what is it then ?

History had shown that Sarawak was rushed into joining the ‘formation’ of Malaysia in 1963, notwithstanding the challenges and circumstances then.

On the same note, why not apply the same urgency in compliance and implementation ?

Aren’t these important issues pertaining to MA63 ?

From the ‘excuses ‘ given, it does appear that the remaining 4 issues would ‘take time’ to be resolved, possibly ‘till the cows come home’.

While not wanting to sound sceptical, we cannot help but remind ourselves that GPS aka ex-BN had hardly been a good ‘role model’ in protecting and safeguarding Sarawak’s rights and interests, insofar as MA63 is concerned.

Who can forget PDA1974, the Constitutional Amendment of 1976 and the Territorial Sea Act 2012 which led to the erosion of Sarawak’s rights including the surrendering of our Oil & Gas Resources to Petronas, relegation of Sarawak’s status and the restriction on our territorial waters to just 3 nautical miles offshore, respectively ?

Moreover, the announcement by the PN Government, more so through a Minister from GPS, to keep the Special Cabinet Committee for MA63 report under the Official Secrets Act (OSA) created more doubts than clarity over the seriousness about restoring Sabah and Sarawak’s rights.

Or is it a case of ‘the promise given was a necessity of the past; the word broken is a necessity of the present’ ?

Doesn’t this remind us of the ‘leopard and its spots’ ?

Or the fox volunteering to guard the chicken coop ?

History is the best judge – those who choose to ignore the mistakes of history are doomed to repeat them.

May we share a word of ‘friendly and patriotic advice’ with all sons and daughters of Fairland Sarawak – GPS can fool all of us some of the time and some of us all the time but we cannot allow them to fool all of us all the time.



In 1976, a 25 years timber license (T/0537) covering 49,996 hectares was issued to Keresa Timber Corporation S/B and on August 15th 1979, another larger timber concession under timber license (T/3024) for 25 years was issued to Rajang Wood S/B covering a virgin forest area of 309,575 hectares.

These two companies issued with a total of nearly 360,000 hectares are all owned and controlled by the famous well-endowed and politically connected Linggi family.

The Linggi family also owns Keresa Plantations Sdn Bhd which owns 8,551 hectares of oil palm plantation land in the Labang District some 66KM from Bintulu along the Bintulu-Bakun Road and another 5 oil palm plantations land of 24,622 hecatares situated within the Bintulu / Miri regions, owned by Asia Plantation S/B (APSB). APSB, until it was sold to FGV, was mostly owned by Linggi through Keresa Plantations Sdn Bhd and other means.

1. Keresa Timber Corporation S/B        49,996 ha

2. Rajang Wood S/B                 309,575 ha

3. Keresa Plantations S/B         8,551 ha

4. Asia Plantations S/B         24,622 ha

       Total                 392,744 ha

The Linggi family is not only famous but politically well endowed. The grandfather of YB Alex Linggi was none other than Tun Jugah, who was the paramount leader of the Dayak when Sarawak agree to form Malaysia in 1963.

In 1962, Tun Jugah founded a political party called Parti Pesaka Sarawak representing the Sarawak Bumiputra. But in 1973, Tun Rahman Yacoob convinced Tun Jugah to merge Pesaka with Parti Bumiputra in order to, amongst others, protect and guarantee the future rights of bumiputera and to develop the bumiputera, specifically, Malaysians, generally, in the educational, economic, social, and cultural spheres.

Another new party PBB. 

The formation was based on the structure that PBB has two divisions, one Pesaka and one Bumiputra. Of course cleverly, Bumiputra was and still the majority in this new entity.

In return for the Linggi family agreeing to merge Pesaka with Bumiputra, the Linggi family were given positions in PBB and of course large forest concession areas and sizeable oil palm agriculture land with ridiculously low payment of to the Sarawak Government. Keresa Plantations Sdn Bhd for example paid a mere RM44,640.00 for 8551 hectares of palm oil land.

The two timber licenses were not renewed because firstly Linggi did not contribute political funds to PBB in spite of high profit, estimated to be in excess of RM886.3 million; and secondly, both Rajang Wood and Keresa never carried out any value adding investment but instead just sit and collect high timber premiums.

When the two timber licenses were not renewed, Tan Sri Linggi Jugah turned against Tun Taib who was then the CM and President of PBB. Instead of supporting Adenan Satem, adopted by Tun Taib to be the deputy president of PBB in the election against Abang Jo, Tan Sri Linggi Juggah supported Abang Jo and gave full financial resources to Abang Jo during the party elections and Abang Jo won the deputy President post against Adenan  in spite of Adenan’s party status and seniority and also endorsed by Tun Taib to be his eventual successor as CM of Sarawak. The rest is history.

The relationship between Linggi family and Abang Jo was sealed and blossomed and Alex Linggi, the son of Tan Sri Linggi Juggah was awarded the position of Secretary General in PBB replacing Dr Rundi.

Not only that, Alex Linggi was offered the Minister of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs in the backdoor MY Government.

Now, with YB Alex Linggi speaking on reviewing Sarawak’s timber policy and claiming that “certain people” who became very rich from it over the years are now unfriendly to the ruling GPS party, is he implying that these instead should be granted to “friendly” parties and only those who support the GPS? This could even be seen as a threat and in case he doesn’t know, this is corruption and cronyism at its very best. Also, funny that this should come from him too, whose family has benefited so much to be enriched by such policies he so very much suggests to be reviewed.

So what happened to the large land given by the Sarawak Government for timber extraction and oil palm plantation to the Linggi family?

Among the various favours given by Abang Jo, just the sale of oil palm land of 24,622 hectares under Asia Plantation S/B to UMNO related Felda Global Ventures (FGV) for a whopping RM 1,016,000,000.00 (RM 1.016 Billion) shows how much YB Alex Linggi’s family pocketed.

BTW, the sale of Asia Plantation land to FGV is now a subject of investigation according to a  report by The Edge dated Apr 2015.

How did the Linggi family manage to sell the 24,622 hectare land to FGV with such a high, overpriced value is anybody’s guess and beyond our imagination.