Sunday, June 27, 2021

Teaching Vacancies In Sarawak - To Benefit Who?

 Teaching Vacancies In Sarawak - To Benefit Who?

On the matter of the plan by the Ministry of Education (MOE) for a one-off big scale recruitment to employ 18,702 non-teaching graduates to fill in teaching vacancies nationwide.

Sarawak is among the states badly affected by the shortage of teachers.

Three notable reactions (among the many that had surfaced) are worth taking note of as they represent two extremes of thoughts on the matter.

The first reaction, and it has been reported by several mainstream newspaper, represent the agenda of an NGO guided by the Ketuanan Melayu Malaya philosophy. They very cleverly disguised their agenda as ‘care’ for quality teachers and quality teaching. They said they are against the MOE employing non-teaching graduates.

The two other reactions are from thinking and intelligent Sarawakians whose thoughts on the matter are correctly placed. These two said unemployed teaching graduates must be prioritised.

There is no information in public sphere about how many teaching graduates are still unemployed in Sarawak but the MOE had disclose that there are 3000 teaching vacancies in Sarawak. The number of unemployed teaching graduates cannot be more than 1000 so we are easily looking at 2000 vacancies that can be taken up by non-teaching graduates from Sarawak. Is this in fact the real reason why this Malaya based NGO is objecting to the MOE’s plan? Are they, in reality, looking at this 2000 vacancies as an opportunity for them to exploit and to further their ketuanan melayu Malaya agenda in Sarawak by getting their own non-teaching graduate members to fill in the vacancies?

The problem with the shortage of teachers in Sarawak is a manifestation of the policies of the federal government in the past. There is no two way about it and this Malaya based NGO is a big contributory factor to the problem.

Reporting on this issue on the 22nd June 2021, the New Sarawak Tribune had use these words to describe it: We have sacrificed meritocracy and quality teaching for mediocrity and politics.

The politics was imbued with ketuanan melayu Malaya and the end result was widespread mediocrity among the teaching force and in the quality of education in Malaysia.

The taking in of guru sambilan and guru interim has long been a practice adopted by the education ministry to fill in urgent teaching vacancies, particularly in rural schools. As far as a teaching background is concerned, these temporary teachers are not substantially different from the non-teaching graduates who is now at the heart of this issue. In fact if the brains in the MOE were to critically look at this issue they should notice that this problem present a very unique opportunity for them to put in place a measurable key performance indicator system that will objectively measure the performances of teachers. And I have this weird gut feeling that if this were to be done, the members of this NGO will take to the streets to protest against it as the system will put in danger the continuing employment of many of their members.

So to the officials of this NGO and its members, I show you my middle finger.

That being said, the Sarawak government is guilty, in part, of allowing the problem to fester for so long. Not withstanding that education is on the Federal List in the federal constitution, the Sarawak government, past and present, should have exerted their rights and made sure sure that education matters in Sarawak must fully meet the aspirations of Sarawakians and of the state.

Sarawakians, as we approach the  12th state elections, let us reflect on this.

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Kekurangan Tenaga Pengajar - Kualiti Biasa Biasa Sahaja Dan Mainan Politik

 Kekurangan Tenaga Pengajar - Kualiti Biasa Biasa Sahaja Dan Mainan Politik

Akbar The New Sarawak Tribune, melaporkan mengenai keputusan Kementerian Pendidikan untuk mengadakan satu pengambilan secara besar-besaran tenaga pengajar berkata ‘ Dalam usaha kita memenuhi kekosongan yang besar ini, jangan sampai kita lupa bahawa kualiti itu penting. Di masa yang lepas kita abaikan meritokrasi dan pendidikan yang berkualiti demi kepentingan politik’

Ungkapan itu tidak di kaitkan dengan sesiapa pun dan pembaca boleh membuat tanggapan bahawa kata -kata itu datang dari seorang penyunting The New Sarawak Tribune. Sama ada itu hasil dorongan dari seorang ahli politik GPS atau sebaliknya tidak dapat dipastikan.

Tidak kira dari mana sumber tersebut, yang pasti ialah isu kekurangan tenaga pengajar di Sarawak adalah satu-satunya isu yang sudah sekian lama berlarutan. Ibu-bapa dan pelajar juga sering mengeluh mengenai kualiti guru yang dihantar ke Sarawak dari Malaya, seperti juga isu kandungan buku teks sejarah yang mana sejarah Islam mengambil bahagian lebih keperluan.

Persatuan Guru Sarawak (STU), dalam satu kenyataan bertarikh 20 Jun 2021, mengatakan bahawa terdapat kira-kira 3000 kekosongan jawatan di Sarawak.

Kenyataan itu juga mengatakan bahawa Sarawak amat memerlukan guru baru terutama untuk mata pelajaran seperti Bahasa Inggeris, Sejarah, Pengajian Islam dan Program Pendidikan Khas. Namun ini bukanlah perkara yang nak dibincang dalam artikel ini. Objektif artikel ini adalah untuk menimbulkan perdebatan mengenai peranan Kementerian Pendidikan, Sains & Penyelidikan Teknologi Sarawak dalam menentukan hala tuju sektor pendidikan di Sarawak sehingga dapat memenuhi aspirasi para pelajar Sarawak.

Tiga tahun yang lalu, Jabatan Pelajaran Sarawak (atau Bab Sarawak Jabatan Pendidikan Malaysia) mengatakan bahawa pihaknya telahpun berusaha untuk mencapai nisbah pengeposan 9 guru tempatan dengan seorang dari luar negeri di bawah inisiatif 90:10 pada tahun 2018.

Pada masa itu, nisbah sekolah menengah, nisbah guru tempatan dengan guru dari Semenanjung Malaysia, Sabah dan Labuan adalah 73: 25: 2 (10,628 penduduk tempatan, 3,687 orang Semenanjung Malaysia dan 229 dari Sabah dan Labuan) Jumlah guru bukan Sarawak di sekolah rendah juga hampir sama. Sehingga kini, Sarawak masih tidak mencapai nisbah sasaran 90:10. Sebenarnya keadaan bertambah buruk sehingga pengambilan tenaga pengajar secara besar-besaran kali ini menjadi satu-satunya jalan keluar untuk masalah kekurangan guru di Sarawak.

Nisbah 90:10 sebenarnya bermula hingga tahun 2010. Dan pada tahun 2015 berita mengenai graduan mengajar yang menganggur dari UNITAR muncul.

Antara alasan yang dikemukakan oleh KPM ketika itu ialah calon Sarawak untuk Institut Pendidikan Guru (IPG) tidak berkelayakan, baik dari segi akademik atau kerana mereka gagal dalam beberapa ujian psikologi. Namun sangat jelas bahawa banyak guru yang dihantar dari Malaya berkualiti rendah dan kurang motivasi terutama ketika mengajar di sekolah luar bandar.

Kecuali untuk tempoh pendek selama 22 bulan iaitu dari Mei 2018 hingga Mac 2020, kerajaan Sarawak selalu menjadi sebahagian daripada kerajaan persekutuan. Sebelum Mei 2018, Kerajaan Barisan Nasional (BN) adalah Kerajaan Sarawak. Selepas Februari 2020, Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS), yang dijenamakan semula, adalah kerajaan. GPS, seperti yang kita semua tahu adalah rakan gabungan dalam kerajaan Perikatan Nasional (PN) yang berkuasa hari ini. Sebenarnya, GPS bukan sahaja rakan kongsi tetapi juga sangat strategik kerana tanpa mereka kerajaan PN tidak akan wujud hari ini. Mereka adalah pembuat atau penentu raja dan mereka tidak malu malu untuk menuntut gelaran tersebut.

Persoalan yang harus kita tanyakan sekarang ialah: Mengapa Kerajaan Sarawak, walaupun telah menyedari masalah ini sejak dulu lagi, namun, tidak melakukan apa-apa untuk megekang masalah itu dan membiarkannya membaik sehingga ia sampai pada keadaan darurat yang sedang kita lihat sekarang? Adakah kedudukan strategik mereka di BN dan kini di PN cuma satu helah atau impian kosong?

Kerajaan tempatan Sarawak yang bertanggungjawab dalam hal-hal pendidikan di Sarawak, dulu dan sekarang gagal dengan teruk. Kepentingan BN dan kini penggubal undang-undang GPS lebih diutamakan daripada kepentingan penting rakyat Sarawak dan mereka menjadi tunduk kepada pemimpin-pemimpin Malaya. Dengan kata lain, mereka menjadi ulun Malaya. Ini membuka jalan bagi menteri bertugas Malaya untuk menghantar banyak guru yang tidak berkualiti dari Malaya ke Sarawak, yang kebanyakannya boleh dikatakan tidak mampu nak menyusun satu ayat dengan baik dalam Bahasa Inggeris.

Sebagai bahagian dari latar belakang artikel ini, perlu diketahui bahawa dalam sejarah kementerian pendidikan Malaysia ada 23 menteri pendidikan sejauh ini, dimulai dengan Abdul Razak Hussein. Dari 23 menteri pendidikan yang kita miliki sehingga ke hari ini, hanya 2 orang dari Sarawak iaitu - Abdul Rahman Ya’kub (dari 1969 - 1970) dan Sulaiman Daud (Julai 1981 - Julai 1984). Manakala, 21 yang lain kesemuanya adalah dari Malaya.

Daripada 23 menteri pendidikan yang telah berkhidmat di Malaysia, 6 daripadanya menjadi Perdana Menteri (PM) Malaysia. Setiap satu daripada mereka, termasuk 6 yang kemudiannya menjadi PM, sebenarnya mengetahui masalah yang berlaku, namun tiada seorang pun yang peduli dengan apa yang berlaku, dan jauh sekali niat untuk menyelesaikan masalah tersebut. Jelas sekali, mungkin kedudukan Negeri Sarawak berada jauh dari Malaya.

Adakah anda masih mahu menyerah masa depan anak-anak anda kepada kerajaan yang tidak cekap dan tidak peduli ini?

Renung renung lah.

PETROS, PETRONAS and PETRA – who’s really oiling the business for Sarawak ?

 PETROS, PETRONAS and PETRA – who’s really oiling the business for Sarawak ?

In June 2017, the Chief Minister of Sarawak, Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari Openg, announced that Sarawak will establish a state-owned oil and gas exploration company which will work on ‘equal terms’ with Petronas, the national oil company.

Petroleum Sarawak Berhad (Petros) - a Malaysian oil and gas company 100% owned by the state of Sarawak owned by the Sarawak State Government was thus formed on 7th August 2017.

This attracted much attention and generated feverish excitement among Sarawakians that finally, the oil and gas would be ‘flowing home’ as anticipated, as part of the on-going negotiations with Putrajaya  over what belonged to Sarawak, including our Oil & Gas Resources under the Malaysian Agreement, popularly referred to as MA63.

That said, we are then made to understand that ‘Petros is not Petronas’ but will be working with it, AMONG OTHERS, as YAB Chief Minister Datuk Amar Patinggi Abang Johari mentioned that “all these initiatives by the State Government would ensure greater opportunities for Sarawakians and Sarawak companies to participate and invest in the oil and gas industry and to acquire expertise, knowledge and technology that would contribute to the continued growth and development of the oil and gas industry which will contribute to the economic success of the State and of Nation.”

Chairman of Petros, Tan Sri Datuk Amar (Dr) Hamid Bugo added that “we have revisited our purpose – that is to harness our resources for the sustainable progress of Sarawak and deliver on our growth strategy both in the upstream and for downstream Sarawak.” PETROS will be taking over the stewardship role of Sarawak onshore oil and gas activities.

‘State-owned Petroleum Sarawak Bhd (Petros) is expected to award petroleum contracts for the first two onshore blocks in northern Sarawak in first-quarter 2021 - Block SK 433 in the Miri area and Block SK 334 in the Engkabang area south of Marudi.

“We will encourage open bidding,” according to Petros Upstream executive vice-president James Foo, in his presentation on “Harnessing our resources, rejuvenating onshore” at a Sarawak oil & gas briefing for industry players last Friday.

He said Petros intends to package the prospecting licence and mining lease for both Block SK 433 and 334, adding that the petroleum contracts would be based on production/profit sharing between the investor and resource manager (Petros).

“Block SK 433 is the onshore extension of the prolific Baram Delta, which has been producing oil for decades.

Oil exploration and production activities have been concentrated offshore Sarawak where abundant resources have made it more lucrative for investors.

“Petros as onshore manager is to drive a focused programme to assess the remaining hydrocarbon potential for the entire Sarawak onshore aimed at early commercialisation of any discoveries and encourage prospecting and de-risking of frontier areas.

“Initial focus will be SK 433 and SK 334,” he added.’ [ TheStar, Tuesday, 03 Nov 2020 ]

Fast Forward – 2021  PETRA ENERGY, UZMA JV bags E&P contract from Petros for Block SK433 in Sarawak

‘A joint venture (JV) between Petra Energy Bhd and Uzma Bhd has secured a contract from Petroleum Sarawak Bhd (Petros) for the exploration, development and production of petroleum in Block SK433, onshore Sarawak.

According to both companies' filings this evening with the local bourse, the 29-year contract was secured by Petra Energy Development Sdn Bhd (PEDSB) and Uzma Engineering Sdn Bhd (UESB) JV — wholly-owned subsidiaries of Petra Energy and Uzma, respectively.

PEDSB will be the operator of the contract on behalf of the JV. Phase 1 of the job is for an initial period of four years, with a one-year extension option. Phase 2 involves development and production activities, which will start upon the successful outcome of Phase 1.

"The opportunity to explore, produce and develop the onshore block SK433 is a progression and an extension of its activities within the oil and gas industry. In addition, the Petra Energy group has the right capabilities and partner (UESB), bringing expertise and experience spanning sub-surface know-how, well services capabilities and production optimisation," it said.

The value of the contract, however, is not determinable, Petra Energy said, as it is based on the production of the asset, although both companies expect the contract to contribute positively to their future earnings.

[The EdgeMarkets June 18 2021]


It is said that business and politics in Malaysia, including Sarawak, are inevitably related, if not ‘intertwined’. While it may be argued that both need each other for a ‘mutual and smooth co-existence’, this relationship is also a potential breeding ground for corrupt practices, notwithstanding the ‘checks and balances’, which are often overlooked, if not ignored for expediency.

Doubts were raised on whether ‘questionable deals’ had been concluded at the expense of prudency and good governance, as noted in the timber and plantation industries. If these were any guide, the oil and gas industry will be no exception, especially when it has all the signs of coming home to roost with the millions, if not billions to be made.

Hence eyebrows were raised among the oil and gas fraternity when Datuk Ibrahim Baki was appointed as a director of Petroliam Nasional Bhd (Petronas) on 17th August, 2020.

‘For one, while Ibrahim is not a prominent mainstream politician, he is the deputy secretary-general and supreme council member of Sarawak-based Parti Pesaka Bumiputera.

Since when, have politicians been appointed to the national oil corporation’s board?

Datuk Ibrahim is also executive chairman and non-independent director of Hubline Bhd, with a shareholding of 11.09% in the shipping company.

Hubline was quoted in new reports as saying that ‘the company was eyeing long-term contracts with the Sarawak government and Petronas for the transport of methanol products from an RM8 billion plant that is set to come onstream in Tanjung Kidurong, Bintulu, in 2023’.

While there should not be any objection to Petronas appointing a director from Sarawak, maybe it should consider a candidate with no conflict of interest.

Even though Ibrahim may not be involved in the award of contracts to Hubline, or declare his interest upon joining the board, a director with a major stake in a company bidding for deals with Petronas may make some uneasy.

As the guardian of the country’s oil and gas assets, Petronas must hold itself to a higher standard of governance.’  [TheEdge Malaysia September 1st 2020]

A Voice in the Wilderness ?….

but still a voice worth listening to….

The appointment of corporate figure Ibrahim Baki, a member of the ruling Parti Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu’s supreme council, as the state’s representative on the Petronas board of directors was also singled out by Parti Sarawak Bersatu member See Chee How who ‘said the state government should have allowed the state assembly to deliberate, debate and decide on the appointment of Sarawak’s representative on the Petronas board.’

See, who is assemblyman for Batu Lintang, reiterated that “the Sarawak government must clarify and explain whether it was consulted and if it had recommended the appointment of Ibrahim to the Petronas board.” [FMT 21st August 2020]

PETROS….PETRONAS…..PETRA – what’s next ? Big, Bigger, Biggest ?

Connecting the dots…..

FACT No. 1 – PETROS was formed on 7th August 2017 ‘to ensure greater opportunities for Sarawakians and Sarawak companies to participate and invest in the oil and gas industry’.  

Question : Who are the ‘Sarawakians’ who will really benefit from Petros 

FACT No. 2 -- Datuk Ibrahim Baki, deputy secretary-general and supreme council member of Sarawak-based Parti Pesaka Bumiputera  was appointed as a director of Petroliam Nasional Bhd (Petronas) on 17th August, 2020.

Question : As YAB CM’s close associate and a PBB Deputy Secretary-General and Executive Chairman of Hubline Berhad, whose interests is Datuk Ibrahim Baki’s actually serving, in his capacity as a Director of Petronas ?

FACT No. 3 – With Tan Sri Bustari Yusuf’s Petra Energy Berhad inking a JV with Uzma Berhad to secure a contract from Petroleum Sarawak Bhd (Petros), doesn’t this come across as a ‘business tinged with politics’ or a ‘politics mired in business’ deal ?  

Tan Sri Bustari is well-connected with Umno-BN and KL Leaders. He has the wealth and power to influence the Sarawak ‘political landscape’.

His brother Fadillah Yusuf, the current Minister of works, has been rumoured to be ‘positioned’ as the ‘future Chief Minister of Sarawak’ – if GPS still holds the reins.

Is this a case of – ‘You help me, I help you’ ?

FACT No. 4 – With Petros, Petronas and Petra coming together with a ‘oneness in purpose’ – what holds for the ‘rights and interests’ of ordinary Sarawakians ‘pursuant to MA63’ insofar as our Oil and Gas resources are concerned - if the ‘track record’ of the timber and plantation industries were to taken as a guide ?

We would expect ‘leakages and seepages’ to happen as soon as the oil starts flowing from the wells.

It’s an oily and slippery road ahead for Sarawak with many ‘hands in the gloves’.

As John Travolta would have said – ‘Grease is the word’.

On the dot.

Dominasi Politik - Penting kah Perkara Ini Bagi Masyarakat?

 Dominasi Politik - Penting kah Perkara Ini Bagi Masyarakat?

Antara industri yang akan kekal “hijau” di mana sahaja di dunia adalah sektor tenaga dan sektor telekomunikasi, terutamanya bahagian internet. Industri pendidikan juga merupakan salah satu sektor seperti itu (sektor penting) tetapi di Malaysia, kerajaan kekal mengawal sektor pendidikan kerana sebahagian besar penduduk Malaysia berada di B40 dan di spektrum rendah kumpulan M40. Untuk kumpulan ini, institusi pendidikan swasta berada di luar jangkauan mereka.

Artikel ini bukan bertujuan untuk 'menjelajah' di luar pesisir Sarawak tetapi hanya akan mengulas potensi kedua-dua sektor ini di Sarawak.

Telekomunikasi - Kesambungan Internet

Industri internet di Sarawak boleh dikatakan sebagai bidang yang paling menguntungkan kerana potensi keuntungan dalam industri ini tidak terbatas.

Ketika dunia bergerak tanpa henti menuju ekonomi digital dan era IR.4, internet dan kecerdasan buatan (artificial intelligence) semakin menonjol kerana kedua-dua ‘utiliti’ ini merupakan komponen penting dalam usaha untuk merangkul sepenuhnya kedua-dua perkara baru itu (new normal).

Tiada perbezaan untuk Sarawak.

Sejauh manakah sebenarnya 'lombong berlian' ini yang kita lihat? Secara ringkasnya, kita sedang melihat rancangan untuk membina sekitar 1400 telekomunikasi menjelang 2022. Setakat ini sekurang-kurangnya 1200 telah dibangun dan dilengkapi dengan peranti yang memungkinkan komunikasi dari satu titik ke titik yang lain. Sejajar dengan cita-cita ekonomi digital Sarawak, CM Abang Johari telah mengeluarkan pernyataan mengenai peningkatan kelajuan internet di Sarawak kepada 2 tera bit sesaat (2000 Gbps. Fikirkan internet 5G masa nyata). Setakat ini, Abang Johari kata RM1 bilion telah diperuntukan untuk tujuan ini. Akhir-akhir ini, RM50 juta disebutkan, untuk pembinaan dan pemasangan rangkaian VSAT. Dia juga menyebut bahawa dia berharap kerajaan persekutuan dapat menandingi RM1 bilion yang telah diperuntukan oleh kerajaan Sarawak. Oleh itu, anggaran nilai lombong berlian ini berada dalam lingkungan RM2 bilion. Siapakah syarikat pertama yang berjaya merebut peluang keemasan melombong disektor ini?

Tiga syarikat telekomunikasi tempatan iaitu PP Telecom Sdn Bhd, Danawa Resources Sdn Bhd dan Sacofa Sdn Bhd menjadikannya bahan berita pada Oktober 2020 apabila dinamakan sebagai pendahulu dalam perlumbaan ini.

PP Telecom Sdn Bhd adalah telco milik bersama Abang Abdillah Izzarim bin Abang Abd Rahman Zohari. Abang Abdillah memiliki 8,633,100 saham dalam syarikat itu. Secara tidak lansung Izzarim juga merupakan pengarah / pemegang saham di Borneo Seaoffshore Engineering Sdn Bhd. Borneo Seaoffshore dan rakan jv Handal Resources Bhd diberi kontrak RM300 juta oleh Petronas Carigali pada bulan Jun 2015. Sekiranya anda tertanya-tanya mengapa nama keluarga Izzarim kelihatan sangat akrab, anda betul, ia sangat biasa. Dan hubungan dengan kerajaan Sarawak sukar dilepaskan.

Tenaga (Minyak & Gas)

Halaman depan di keratan akhbar New Sarawak Tribune pada 19 Jun 2021 memaparkan "Kita Posisi Mengawal " dan itu adalah satu keyataan yang membanggakan tetapi bukan dalam kontek yang jelas bagi mata dan fikiran orang yang kurang cerdas dalam hal hubungan antara perniagaan besar, politik dan kerajaan.

Berita itu mengenai pemberian bersyarat oleh syarikat Petros Sarawak Onshore Block SK433, sebuah konsesi gas asli, kepada Petra Energy Development Sdn Bhd dan rakan jv, Uzma Engineering Sdn Bhd untuk dibangunkan.

Peranan utama dalam usaha keuntungan berpotensi berbilion-bilion ini adalah Petra Energy Development Sdn Bhd, anak syarikat induk bernama Petra Energy Bhd. Pengarah eksekutif Petra Energy Berhad adalah keperibadian kelahiran Sarawak, Dato Hj. Ahmadi Bin Yusoff (Ahmadi Bin Yusoff). Sekiranya anda tertanya-tanya sama ada Ahmadi Yusoff ada hubung kait dengan menteri kerja raya persekutuan Dato ’Sri Fadillah Yusoff, jangkaan anda itu tepat. Dia juga merupakan abang kepada Tan Sri Bustari Yusoff, seorang personaliti yang pernah digambarkan sebagai penggerak di Sarawak dan individu yang secara diam-diam membimbing tangan bekas PM Najib Razak. Bekas Bendahari PBB ini mempunyai kepentingan perniagaan yang luas dan pelbagai, dari harta tanah dan pembinaan hingga minyak & gas hingga sektor perubatan dan pembangunan infrastruktur.

Anda mungkin juga ingin membaca mengenai pelantikan timbalan kepada Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari di PBB Satok, Ibrahim Baki ke lembaga pengarah Petronas. Ibrahim Baki adalah Pengerusi Eksekutif Hubline Berhad, sebuah syarikat yang dianugerahkan kontrak bernilai RM63 juta untuk menyediakan perkhidmatan udara kepada Jabatan Kesihatan Sarawak, selain kontrak dari Petronas.

Sekali lagi, hubungan dengan kerajaan sukar dilepaskan.

Ketika perbincangan mengenai potensi Dayak diangkat sebagai Ketua Menteri pada PRN yang akan datang mendapat daya tarikan, apakah yang dapat diambil sebagai pelajaran dari contoh dalam dua sektor yang disebutkan di atas?

Dalam kontek politik dan perniagaan di Malaysia, untuk mana-mana komuniti berjaya terlibat secara aktif dalam apapun sektor ekonomi , salah satu syarat mesti ada adalah penguasaan politik. Oleh itu, untuk masyarakat dayak mampu memiliki bahagian yang adil dalam lombong berlian ini, masyarakat dayak mesti terlebih dahulu memiliki dominasi politik di Sarawak. Ini adalah hadiah yang mereka gagal capai sejak kelahiran Malaysia pada bulan September 1963 dan kegagalan mencapai dominasi politik adalah sebab mengapa orang-orang Dayak tidak dapat mengatakan bahawa kita dalam posisi mengawal ”.

Ini bukan hanya masalah kemampuan memperoleh bahagian yang adil di lombong berlian ini, tetapi juga di pelbagai bidang lain seperti pekerjaan di sektor awam atau perkhidmatan awam dan sektor pendidikan.

Bukankah kesatuan dan perpaduan orang Dayak dalam GPS yang sering disebut oleh pemimpin GPS memberikan dominasi politik yang diperlukan oleh orang Dayak untuk dapat menambang lombong berlian ini? Jawapannya boleh didapati dalam soalan lain. Bolehkah ilusi memberikan hasil yang nyata dan dapat diukur? Sebenarnya, perpaduan yang diperkatakan oleh pemimpin dayak dalam parti komponen GPS hanyalah khayalan.

Tidak dapat dinafikan bahawa terdapat segelintir jutawan dayak di Sarawak. Tetapi hampir semua jutawan dayak ini adalah hasil daripada sistem perlindungan di mana pemegang kunci kemakmuran ekonomi bukan berasal dari masyarakat dayak. Jutawan jutawan ini datangnya dari pemimpin dalam gabungan GPS atau kroni pemimpin ini. Sebilangan besar orang Dayak berada dalam golongan keluarga B40 dan kebanyakannya berpusat di luar bandar.

Ketika kita semakin dekat dengan PRN-12, mesej ini tepat pada masanya: Dayak, Reneng Renung Lah.

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Shortage Of Teachers - Mediocrity And Politics

 Shortage Of Teachers - Mediocrity And Politics

The New Sarawak Tribune reported on the MOE’s decision to implement a one-off recruitment of 18,702 graduates teachers to fill vacancies in schools nationwide with a front page teaser which in part said ‘ But in our pursuit of quantity, let’s not sacrifice quality.
 We have sacrificed meritocracy and quality teaching for mediocrity and politics

That teaser was not attributed in any one in particular so we have to assume that it comes from an editor of the Sarawak Tribune. Whether you would like to further assume that is was prompted by a politician from the ruling GPS government (who wish to remain anonymous) is entirely up to you.

Whoever those thoughts came from it highlighted what is common knowledge among many Malaysians, particularly Sarawakian parents and students who have long complained, not just about quality of teachers who arrived from Malaya but also about the distorted history of Sarawak and disproportionate amount of the history of Islam in the text books for Sejarah.

The Sarawak Teachers Union (STU), in a statement dated 20st June 2021, said that there are some 3000 vacancies in Sarawak.

The statement also said that Sarawak is in dire need of new teachers especially for subjects such as English, History, Islamic Studies and Special Education Programme. This is however is not the point which this article wants to discuss. The objective of this article is to stir a debate on the role of the Sarawak’s Ministry Of Education, Science & Technological Research in determining the direction of the education sector in Sarawak so that it will fully meet the aspirations of Sarawak’s students.

Three years ago the Sarawak Education Department (or the Sarawak Chapter of the Jabatan Pendidikan) said that it was working  to reach a posting ratio of nine local teachers to one from outside the state under initiative 90:10 by 2018.

That time the ratio for secondary schools, the ratio of local teachers to those from Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah and Labuan was 73:25:2 (10,628 locals, 3,687 West Malaysians and 229 from Sabah and Labuan). The number of non-Sarawakian teachers in the primary schools were about the same. Three years down the road, Sarawak was no where near the targeted ratio of 90:10. In fact the situation worsen to a point where this one-off mega recruitment became the only viable solution to this problem of shortage of teachers in Sarawak.

The 90:10 ratio in fact went all the way back to 2010. And in 2015  news about unemployed teaching graduates from UNITAR surfaced.

Among the reason proffered by the MOE then was Sarawakian candidates for the Institut Pendidikan Guru (IPG) were not qualified, either academically or because they failed some psychological tests. Yet it was painfully obvious that many teachers sent from Malaya were of inferior quality and lacking in motivation especially when it comes to teaching in rural schools.

Except for a very brief period of 22 months i.e from May 2018 to March 2020, the government of Sarawak was always part of the federal government. Before May 2018, it was the Sarawak’s chapter of Barisan Nasional (BN) that was the government in Sarawak. After Feb 2020, it was the Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS), a rebranded BN, that is the government. GPS, as we all know is a coalition partner in the ruling Perikatan Nasional (PN) government. In fact, GPS is not only a partner but a very strategic one too because without them the PN government would not be in existent today. They were the kingmakers and they were shy about claiming the title.

The question that we must ask now is this: Why did the Sarawak government, despite recognising the gravity of the problem so long ago, did nothing to arrest the problem and let it fester until it reached the emergency that we are seeing now? Was their strategic position in BN and in PN a farce?

The local Sarawak ministry in charge of educational matters in Sarawak, past and present failed miserably. The incumbency of BN and now GPS’s lawmakers takes precedent over the vital interest of the general Sarawakians and so they become subservient to the of leaders of Malaya. In other words they become ulun Malaya. This paved the way for the Malayan minister-in-charge to send many substandard teachers from Malaya to Sarawak, many of whom cannot even string a decent sentence in English.

As part of the background to this article, it is pertinent to know that in the history of Malaysia’s ministry of education there had been 23 ministers of education so far, starting with Abdul Razak Hussein. Out the 23 ministers of education that we have had until today, only 2 are from Sarawak - Abdul Rahman Ya’kub ( from 1969 - 1970) and Sulaiman Daud (July 1981 - July 1984). The other 21 are all Malayan.

Of the 23 ministers of education that have served Malaysia, 6 went on to become prime minister (PM) of Malaysia. Every single one of them, including the 6 that went on to become PM,  were fully acquainted with the problems but none demonstrated any particular motivation to solve the problem. Sarawak was not in their backyard.

Do you still want to entrust your children’s future to this incompetent and uncaring government? Renung renung lah.


From the time the problem of shortage of teachers in Sarawak became public sometimes in 2010, there had been 5 ministers of education, among them the current prime minister of Malaysia, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin.

( 3 MRSM in operation in Sarawak). 2 under construction - Lawas and Bintulu

 ( 3 SMK Sains in Sarawak)

Monday, June 21, 2021

Political Dominance - How Important Is It For A Community?

 Political Dominance - How Important Is It For A Community?

Among the industries that will remain forever green anywhere in the world are in the energy sector and the telecommunication sector, particularly the internet part of it. The education industry too is one such sector but in Malaysia the government still maintain a firm grip on education as the vast majority of the Malaysian population are in the B40 and in the lower spectrum of the M40 group. For this group, private educational institutions are out of their reach.

This article does not seek to ‘explore’ beyond Sarawak’s shores but just the potentials of these two sectors in Sarawak.

Telecommunications - Internet Connectivity

The internet industry in Sarawak can rightly be described as a most lucrative diamond field as the potentials for profits in this industry is boundless.

As the world moved relentlessly forward to the digital economy and the IR.4 era, internet and artificial intelligence becomes increasingly prominent as these two ‘utilities’ are crucial components in the drive to fully embrace the two new normal.

Sarawak is no different.

How big exactly is this ‘diamond field’ that we are looking at? Very briefly, we are looking at plans to construct some 1400 telecommunication by 2022. So far at least 1200 have erected and equipped with devices that enabled communication from one point to another. In line with Sarawak’s digital economy ambitions, CM Abang Johari had spoken about upgrading internet speed in Sarawak to 2 terrabits per second (2000 Gbps. Think real time 5G internet). So far Abang Johari has pinned RM1 billion to this ambition. Lately, RM50 million was mentioned, for the construction and installation of VSAT network. He further mentioned that he is hoping that the federal government will match the RM1 billion by the Sarawak government. We are therefore looking at RM2 billion that is to be made in this diamond field.

Who are the companies that are the first to take off from the starting blocks in the race to mine this fields?

Three local telcos namely PP Telecom Sdn Bhd, Danawa Resources Sdn Bhd and Sacofa Sdn Bhd made it to the news in October 2020, as forerunners in this race.

PP Telecom Sdn Bhd is a telco co-owned by Abang Abdillah Izzarim bin Abang Abd Rahman Zohari. Abang Abdillah owns 8,633,100 shares in the company. Izzarim incidentally is also a director/shareholder in Borneo Seaoffshore Engineering Sdn Bhd. Borneo Seaoffshore and its jv partner Handal Resources Bhd were given a RM300 million contract by Petronas Carigali in June 2015.If you are wondering why Izzarim’s surname looks very familiar, you are right, it is very familiar. And the connection to the government of Sarawak is hard to miss.

Energy (Oil & Gas)

The front page in the New Sarawak Tribune on the 19th June 2021 screamed “ We’re In Control “ and that is no mean boast, although not just in ways obvious to the eyes and minds of the less savy in matters of connection between big business and government.

The news was about the conditional award by Petros of Sarawak Onshore Block SK433, a natural gas concession, to Petra Energy Development Sdn Bhd and its jv partner, Uzma Engineering Sdn Bhd to develop.

The starring role in this potentially multi-billion profits venture is Petra Energy Development Sdn Bhd, a subsidiary of a holding company called Petra Energy Bhd. The executive director of Petra Energy Berhad is Sarawak borned personality, Dato Hj. Ahmadi Bin Yusoff (Ahmadi Bin Yusoff). If you are wondering if Ahmadi Yusoff is a relation of federal minister for works Dato’ Sri Fadillah Yusoff, you are right. He is also the brother to Tan Sri Bustari Yusoff, once described as a mover and shaker in Sarawak and the hands that quietly guides former PM Najib Razak. This former Treasurer of PBB has a wide and diverse business interests, from property and construction to oil & gas to the medical sector and infrastructure development.

You may also want to read up on the appointment of Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari’s deputy in PBB Satok, Ibrahim Baki to the board of directors of Petronas. Ibrahim Baki is the Executive Chairman of Hubline Berhad, a company that was awarded an RM63 million contract to provide air service to the Sarawak Department of Health, in addition to contracts from Petronas.

Once again, the connection to the government is hard to miss.

As the conversation on a potential dayak CM after the coming PRN gains traction, what are the take home lessons from the examples in the two sectors mentioned above?

First of all, for any community to be actively involved in any sector of the economy, one of the must have prerequisite is political dominance. And so it follows that in order for the dayak community to be able to have a fair share in these diamond fields the dayak community must first have political dominance in Sarawak. This is a prize that has eluded them since the birth of Malaysia in Sept 1963 and the failure to achieve political dominance is the reason why the dayaks are unable to say we are in control.

It is not just a matter of the ability to acquire a fair share in these diamond fields but also in many other areas like employment in the public sector or the civil service and the education sector.

Isn’t the much touted dayaks’ unity in GPS providing the political dominance  that the dayaks require in order to be able to mine these diamond fields? The answer can be found in another question. Can an illusion deliver a tangible and measurable result? For truly, the unity spoken of by the dayak leaders in GPS component parties is just an illusion.

There is no denying that there are a handful of dayaks millionaires in Sarawak. Almost all of these dayaks millionaires are a result of a system of patronage where the holders of the keys to economic prosperity are not from the dayak community. These millionaires are either leaders in the GPS coalition or cronies of these leaders. The vast majority of the dayaks are to be found in the so-called B40 households and they are mostly rural based.

An as we moved closer to the PRN-12, this message is timely : Dayaks, Reneng Renung Lah.