Thursday, September 23, 2021

The Wool Over Sarawakians Eyes And The Two Third Majority In The DUN

 The Wool Over Sarawakians Eyes And The Two Third Majority In The DUN

I chanced upon a comment made a facebook user in which he said, ‘That is your takes, not hers. Whatever they found in England is not supposed to be broadcast like a football match. Not everything Government knows have to be told to all and sundry. What Government in the world does that? Even what is privy to your own party leaders are not told to all the party members for your adversaries to plan your failure. What a foolish notion. This is nothing more than a cheap political talk.

Senang kan? If that was easy to show GPS the exit - it would have been done long time ago. Hallo, they are still the Government with two third majority. What do you have? Nothing!

I shall refer to him as Enc Banyak Untung (BU).

He was responding to an article in which Sarawakians were invited to show the exit door to GPS in the looming PRN-12. The article referred to was a response to a statement made by a GPS lawmaker Datuk Sharifah Hasidah on the need to update the definition of ‘natives’ in the federal constitution.

While I do not think it was the intention of the Enc BU to openly and brazenly say that the acts of government politicians  hiding important matters from the eyes of the electorates is a commonly accepted practise among GPS politicians, it does however highlights certain facts about Sarawakians’  involvement in politics and the impact on their lives.

The one episode that comes to mind is the supposedly facts finding mission to London by a high powered delegation led by Datuk Sharifah Hasidah in July 2017. Upon their return they were unable to tell Sarawakians what they found or did not find in, relation to the MA63.

The sum total of what he said is GPS (and its predecessor, the Sarawak BN) is able to maintain its two third majority in the Sarawak DUN by hiding from the general Sarawakian public important matters that otherwise may cause them to lose their two third majority or even lose their grip on the governance of the state. And Enc BU took the opportunity to thumb his nose at the opposition and rub salt of their wounds by saying that inspite of all that the opposition are saying, they really have nothing to show for it.

Before I proceed further I wish to categorically say that in no way am I saying or even suggesting that what Enc BU said is the truth. I invite readers to make their own conclusion.

What we do know as a fact is this: As far as enjoying a two third majority in the dewan undangan negeri is concerned, BN Sarawak (now GPS) holds an enviable unbroken record. Is the overwhelming support from the general Sarawakian public the result of uninformed or under-informed electorate? I would say there is a possibility of that happening. Why? The performance of the GPS government (previously the Sarawak BN) leaves a lot to be desired but they continue to enjoy their two third majority in the Sarawak’s DUN. That makes them supremely confident about themselves and gives them enough power to pretty much do what they want to do.

Signs of incompetence, corruption, misuse of office and power are hard to miss. Sarawak has among the highest rate of incidence of hardcore poverty. Based on the recipients of the various aids programme from both the federal and state government, the number of the so-called B40 households in Sarawak today has exceeded 50%. The vast majority in this group are the dayaks and mostly rural based. The dayaks are also far from happy with the situation involving their NCR land and with a host of other issues.

Recently, the GPS government was put into a spot when the Batang Baleh log jam that threatened the safety of the Baleh Dam was shown to be caused by negligence of a state government linked agency. The education sector in Sarawak is plagued by the problem of a severe shortage of teachers and unsafe schools buildings and the list go on and on. You would have though that with all the natural resources that Sarawak possess or should possess, our living standards would at least equal if not surpass that of the Singaporeans.

What are we to do about this? Obviously Sarawakians must show GPS the exit door in the coming PRN. It is unacceptable that a government that cannot bring itself to govern with transparency is allowed to continue to govern us.

Wake up Sarawakians. Start the process to show the exit door to GPS now and you can start by sharing this write-up.

Thursday, September 16, 2021

Negeri Sarawak Adil ia ke Sekular

                                                   Negeri Sarawak Adil ia ke Sekular

(Bahasa Iban)

Jaku ke patut ditanya semua rayat Sarawak ke ngembuan pikir ke sama enggau patriotik- Enti perintah kitai empu nyadi begian ari sida parti ba malaya, keni kitai deka ngarapka sida deka ngemaduka penusah ke nuntung kitai?

Bakani GPS deka nyaga “ Sekular Fairland Sarawak” ari bangsa enggau pengarap baka PAS, UMNO enggau perintah ari semenanjung sedangka sida GPS nya empu ke begulai bekutu enggau sida nya, parti ke merintah urang ngena kaum enggau pengarap?

Maioh kaum serta maioh pengarap ba Sarawak ia ke ulih dikena GPS beduan urang.

Utai tu suah ddidngan kitai ia ke sida ngumbai politik nyau dikumbai seni?

Utai ke nyadi tu nyau nimbul ke jaku tanya- nama kitai tu ngumbai GPS parti ia ke ulih nyaga nama-nama aja kini?

Parti-parti ke begabung ba GPS patut nimbang ke baru jaku sida enggau elbih serius agi- kada sida amat bisi ati deka ngenanka menua Sarawak awakka nyadi nenggeri sekular baka ke selama ia lalu utai nya meh ke nyadi lambang Sarawak tauka sida ya nyau nyadi proksi baka sida PAS, UMNO enggau bersatu?

Sepengudah 58 taun- kitai ngingatka baru danji sida ngagai kitai serta danji ngagai aki inik kitai suba sebedau Sarawak deka masuk ngaga Malaysia lalu negeri bukai baka Singapura, Borneo Utara enggau Tanah Melayu.

Bansa enggau pengarap patut ia ukai pekara ke mai penusah ngagai kitai, “Negeri-negeri Borneo” baka ke udah bisi ba danji MA63.

Kami pechaya danji ke udah disain patut dipebasaka.

Nama kitak udah bejalaika pengawa kitak laban kitai semua tu anak Sarawak ia ke tulin serta adil.

Ngarapka saritui-16 ari bulan sembilan- maya kitai merening serta bepikir panjai meda ulah ketuai Sarawak ke benung megai kitai diatu.


(Bahasa Melayu)

Persoalan yang mesti diajukan oleh semua rakyat Sarawak yang bersikap patriotik dan berpikiran yang sama - apabila Kerajaan Negeri kita sendiri adalah sebahagian daripada masalah keseluruhan, bagaimana kita mengharapkannya menjadi sebahagian daripada penyelesaian?

Bagaimanakah GPS dapat melindungi SEKULAR FAIRLAND SARAWAK terhadap bangsa dan agama PAS, Umno dan kerajaan Persekutuan ketika ia adalah sebahagian daripada Kerajaan yang dikuasai oleh Parti Berasaskan Kaum dan Agama?

Terdapat Gabungan pelbagai kaum dan pelbagai agama alternatif yang boleh dipilih oleh GPS untuk dipergunakan.

Apa yang berlaku dengan ucapan yang tidak asing iaitu - "politik adalah seni yang mungkin"?

Ini menimbulkan persoalan - adakah kita menghadapi GPS sebagai part yang 'mustahil'?

Parti-parti Komponen dalam GPS harus mempertimbangkan semula pendirian mereka dengan serius - adakah anda berniat mempertahankan negeri sekularisme dan berbilang kaum seperti yang dilambangkan oleh Negeri Sarawak yang anda wakili atau adakah anda hanya proksi untuk parti-parti bangsa dan agama PAS, UMNO dan Bersatu?

Selepas 58 tahun - ingat apa yang dijanjikan kepada kita dan nenek moyang kita SEBELUM ke Sarawak yang bersetuju untuk menyertai Singapura, Borneo Utara dan Tanah Melayu untuk 'membentuk Malaysia' - menurut MA63.

Bangsa dan agama seharusnya bukan masalah, untuk 'Negeri-negeri Borneo' seperti yang termaktub dalam MA63.

Kami percaya Perjanjian telah ditandatangani untuk dihormati.

Sudahkah anda menjalankan tugas sebagai 'son of Secular Fairland Sarawak'?

Semoga hari ini - 16 September - menjadi masa untuk renungan semua Pemimpin Sarawak kita.


(Bahasa Inggeris)

The question all patriotic and like-minded Sarawakians must ask  - when our own State government is part of the overall problem, how do we expect it to be part of the solution ?

How on earth can GPS protect and safeguard SECULAR FAIRLAND SARAWAK against the race and religious narratives of PAS, Umno and the Federal government when it is part of the government dominated by race and religious-based Parties?

There is an alternative multi-racial and multi-religious Coalition which GPS could have CHOSEN to ALIGN with .

What happened to the famous remark - "politics is the art of the possible" ?

This begs the question  - are we dealing with an 'impossible' GPS?

Component Parties within GPS should seriously reconsider their own stand - are you for secularism and multi-racialism as epitomised by the State of Sarawak which you represent or are you mere proxies for the race and religious parties of PAS, UMNO and Bersatu  ?

After 58 years - please remember what were promised to ours and your forefathers PRIOR to Sarawak agreeing to come on board with Singapore, North Borneo and Malaya to 'form Malaysia' - pursuant to MA63.

Race and religion should be non-issues, for 'the Borneo States' as enshrined in MA63.

We believe Agreements were,  and are signed to be honoured.

Have you done your duty as 'sons of Secular Fairland Sarawak'?

May this day - 16th September - be a time for reflection for all our Sarawak Leaders. 

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

New Syariah Laws Plan

 New Syariah Laws Plan

The response by a GPS federal minister, Datuk Seri Dr. Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar (Wan Junaidi) to the announcement by Deputy Minister in the PM’s Department Ahmad Marzuk Shaary (Ahmad Marzuk) that the the government plans to draft four new syariah laws, including the Control and Restriction on the Propagation of Non-Muslim Religions Bill is troubling in multiple ways, particularly to Malaysians in the East Malaysia’s states of Sarawak and Sabah. 

First of all, it appears that Wan Junaidi was not aware that there a plan to move draft the 4 new syariah laws. This is puzzling to Sarawakians,to say the least. Both Wan Junaidi and Ahmad Marzuk, minister and deputy minister respectively are in the same ministry i.e the Prime Minister’s Department. Very obviously Ahmad Marzuk will need fellow muslim Wan Junaidi’s support if the bill is to be moved in parliament. Ahmad Marzuk’s failure to clue in Wan Junaidi speaks both of disrespect for a full minister and of disturbing presumption on the part of Ahmad Marzuk. It looks like Wan Marzuk is presuming that because Wan Junaidi is a muslim, he will unhesitatingly support the bill. The question that arises here is this: Upon what basis was Wan Marzuk bold enough to make that kind of presumption? Was it because that in the past, government MPs from Sarawak had unquestioningly  support all that were proposed by Malayan leaders in the federal government, the kind of support that suggest the GPS MPs and the GPS government of Sarawak were and still are subservient to government leaders from Malaya?

With this latest plan of the federal government, Sarawakians finds themselves in an unwelcome deja vu, a situation that they have experienced at least three times before, in May 2016, in Apr 2017 and in Mar 2018. 

In May 2017, 20 leaders and former leaders, politicians and non-politicians from Sarawak and Sabah signed a joint petition urging Malaysians especially East Malaysians to reject what was then termed the Hudud Bill. Among those who signed the bill was the late Pehin Sri Adenan Satem, the Chief Mininster of Sarawak. 

The bill was tabled by PAS’s Hadi Awang in Apr 2017. The bill was later referred to as the RUU355, after it was tabled again in Mar 2018.

With all the above in mind, we would like to issue this friendly but firm reminders: Firstly, we would like to remind Ahmad Marzuk that Sarawakians are fully aware that the Sarawak’s state constitution is a secular constitution and the right to freely profess the religion of one’s choice is a right cherished by all Sarawakians. It is a right that was carved in stone in the MA63 and in the state’s constitution. It is not to be messed with.

Secondly, we would like to remind the GPS government of Sarawak that Sarawak was a founding partner in the formation of Malaysia and her rights are clearly spelt out in the MA63 and on this matter, in the state constitution. 

Over the years, through negligence and resulting directly from the subservient position adopted by GPS predecessor’s in the form of Sarawak BN, crucial rights were eroded by the Malayan-led federal government. In this matter of the Syariah bill which now is proposed as a government bill, we strongly urge the Sarawak’s state cabinet, led by CM Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari to public reject the bill (as did the late Pehin Sri Adenan Satem) and that if the bill should be moved in parliament, GPS’s MPs, to be led by Dato’s Sri Fadillah Yusof must vote against it. In the alternative and should the bill be moved in parliament, GPS should withdraw support for the federal government and move to the opposition’s block. The benefits from Sarawak’s association with the federated malay states in Malaysia is primarily moving in just one direction - in the direction of Malaya. 

It is a time to change the equation and GPS's status as the king maker in the federal government is the perfect tool for it. CM Abang Johari must prove to multi-racial and multi-religious Sarawakians that the days of the the Sarawak government as ulun Malaya has come to an end and that he has what it takes to standup against the bullying of federal malay leaders from PAS and PPBM backed UMNO. The GPS government of Sarawak must cease and desist from further cooperation with malay leaders from Malaya in their quest to further their Ketuanan Melayu agenda.

Friday, September 3, 2021

GPS Failure - Covid-19 Management & BKSS 6.0

 GPS Failure - Covid-19 Management & BKSS 6.0

Covid-19 Pandemic


The GPS government of Sarawak has failed big time and there is no two way about it. As they say, figures do not lie and we do not expect responsible leaders in our government to lie about numbers that pertains to crucial matter. We therefore assume all figures quoted here are accurate and truthful.

Let us examine what the GPS government leaders have told us about the management of Covid-19 in the state and the numbers that they have put out into public sphere as proofs of what they have done.

Before we move down to the targets set, let us recap what was revealed yesterday through media statements made by the Sarawak Disaster Management Committee (SDMC). These are the figures, extracted from the infographics provided by the CIFT/JHJAV:

Total 1st dose given  : 1,853,358 (*90.7%)

Total 2nd dose given : 1,780,249 ( *87.2%)

It is unclear though what the 90.7% and 87.2% meant.

The target was for Sarawak to achieve herd immunity by end of August 2021. To achieve that, one of the actions taken was to ensure there is sufficient amount of vaccines available. This (providing sufficient vaccines) they have done.

The other target was to achieve herd immunity by 31st August 2021. We are now into the 3rd day of September meaning we have passed the targeted date of August. What are we seeing now? Let us start by recalling what was said about herd immunity.

Herd immunity for Sarawak was defined by the Minister of Local Government & Housing Prof. Dato Sri Dr. Sim Kui Hian in April 2021 as 80% of Sarawak’s total population of 2,810,000 (2.8 mil). This was in line with World Health Organisation’s (WHO) guideline on herd immunity.The statement was qualified to say that only 70% of the 2.8 mil (some 1.967 mil) is adult population. That qualification is important as the vaccines available at that time was suitable only for those who are 18 years and above of age. If the 80% herd immunity rule is applied to Sarawak’s adult population, then herd immunity in Sarawak has been achieved and within the time frame set i.e by end of August 2021. As at the 31st August 2021, a total of 1.773 mil adult population have received their 2nd dose and hence fully vaccinated, representing 90.1% of Sarawak’s adult population.

It is important to remember these figure because there is a very serious and significant implication that comes with achieving herd immunity : The daily positive figures should be greatly reduced, preferably to a single digit level and the Covid.19 related deaths brought down to zero. This however is not what we are seeing now. For the last seven days, the daily positive cases ranged from 2224 to 2992. Death tolls too have not abated. For the last two days I.e on the 1st Sept 2021 and 2nd Sept 2021, the new deaths toll stood at 7.

We do not know where exactly the GPS government of Sarawak and the SDMC have gone wrong with their strategies and action plans. What we do know is the situation with the pandemic has gone from bad to worse. The question that we must ask now and to which the GPS government of Sarawak must provide an answer is this : What is the point in achieving herd immunity when it is not doing us any good at all?

BKSS 6.0 And The B40 Households


To see the fully extent of the failure of the GPS government in the management of the Covid.19 pandemic, the consequences on Sarawakians must be put under the microscope.

On the 28th May 2021, CM Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari Tun Openg (Abang Johari) announced that the Sarawak government will soon roll out the latest in the  Bantuan Khas Sarawakku Sayang series (BKSS  6.0). The portion that involves cash payouts was to have commenced in July 2021.

Among the groups that were targeted to receive aids under BKSS aids programme is the B40 segment of the communities, the majority of which are to be found in the rural areas.

The B40 recipients under this BKSS 6.0 comprised 369,139 heads of household, 301,281 single individuals and 118,114 single parents without dependents.

Before we go further, it is important to know what the term B40 denotes. In Malaysia, B40 is the term used to refer to the bottom 40 (in terms of household’s income) of the population in the country. This segment comprises the hardcore poor. These are households whose average monthly income ranges from RM1849 to RM4395.

In the BKSS 6.0 aids programme, 369,139 households were listed as recipients of the cash aid of RM250 per month for a period of 6 months. In addition, there were another two categories of B40 recipients namely the B40 single individuals and single parents without dependant.

As previously mentioned, Sarawak has a population of 2,810,000. For purposes of calculating the number of households in Sarawak, each household or family is assumed to have 4 members. On that basis, the total households in Sarawak is put at 702,500. 369,139 households out of the total of 702,500 is 52.54%. And this not counting the B40 single individuals and the B40 single parents without dependant.

As is plainly obvious, the term B40 here is a misnomer because the households in this hardcore poor now comprises 52.54 % of the total households in Sarawak so by right the correct term to use is B52. Originally, the hardcore poor households was at the 40% level hence the term B40. This was the result of GPS governance and administration when times were good and 60% of Sarawak’s households live in conditions of plenty. The additional 12.54% is a direct result of the mismanagement of the Covid.19 pandemic by the GPS government. Lock downs and movement controls causes businesses to close down and consequently, loss of jobs and under-employment. In other words, the B52 class of households and the attendant hardship and misery that comes with it is a direct consequence of GPS failure to look after the well-being of Sarawakians.

So my fellow Sarawakians, do you want GPS to continue to govern Sarawak? Wake up now to the folly of letting GPS govern us and reject them in the coming PRN-12.

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Laluh Kayu 2021: Angkat Enggau Dani Kitai Anak Sarawak

 Laluh Kayu 2021: Angkat Enggau Dani Kitai Anak Sarawak

Tugung laluh kayu ke bisi ayan ba alan dampih enggau dam HEP Baleh ke ayan ba malam 20hb Ogos 2021 lalu udah direpot ba surat kabar kena ka 22hb Ogos 2021 udah narit orang maioh, ukai semina rayat dalam negeri tang mega luar negeri, Aku deka nyebut tasah ke nyadi tu dalam nama tuggung laluh kayu 2021 tauka episod 2021. Kebuah bakatu laban maia Oktober 2010 ba Sarawak mega kala nyadi utai ke sama ba alan enda jauh ari Baleh mega. Penusah tu deka dikumbai aku episod tuggung laluh kayu 2010 tauka episod 2010.

Perintah negeri patut udah belajar enggau ngambi penemu ari episod 2010. Udah nya, sida patut ngeringka pengawa bejalaika undang-undang ngambika laluh tuggung kayu enda larat ba sungai agi dudi ari ila. Tang, perintah negeri, ke dipegai GPS enda ngaga utai ke patut. Nama kebuah? Ba taun 2010 kelia, sida ke diau ba menua nya berasai takut lalu ngaga pengawa miring ‘muji menua’ dikena nyuruh bala Petara badu ringat ngagai sida ke diau ba pelilih menua nya. Engka perintah mega pechaya ngagai pengawa nya lalu berunding Petara enda nganu agi lalu penusah bakatu enda nyadi agi sepengudah pengawa miring tu digaga. Nya alai, perintah nadai ngaga nama-nama ke patut ngambika episod 2010 tu enda nyadi agi ba taun dudi ila.

Ngambi ka bala ke macha ulih nemu enggau cherita lebih silik agi, latar cherita deka dipadah ba artikel tu. Utai tu deka nyuruh bala ke macha meda utai ke sama entara episod 2010 enggau episod 2021 lalu meda penusah ke diberi kedua-dua episod tu.

Episod 2010 nyadi ba Sungai MElatai. Sungai Melatai tu pati Batang Baleh. Batang Baleh tu pati ari Batang Rajang, sungai ke pengabis panjai ba Sarawak. 

Episod 2021 mega nyadi ba Batang Balh. Sekali tu, ia nyadi ba ulu Sungai Mengiong, dampih enggau HEP Baleh. Munyi je udah disebut tadi, ai Batang Baleh anyut ngagai ai Batang Rajang. 

Kedua-dua kes laluh tuggung kayu ke nyadi ba taun 2010 enggau 2021 tu ngujungka pengerusak ke amat besai. Orang maioh ke diau ba Batang Baleh enggau Batang Rajang enda ulih nengah jalai lalu sungai mega enda selamat ditengah. Dalam episod 2010, bisi repot ke madah (enda ulih disah) bisi nembiak parai laban apai indai iya enda ulih mai ngagai Sepital Kapit. Laluh tuggung kayu ka ba sungai maia nya nyuruh perau dikena sida enda ulih bejalai nengah tuggung kayu nya. Dalam episod 2021, penatai ai ba bandar Sibu bisi teputus. Operasi ba loji ai Lembaga Air Sibu diketuka end lama laban ai ke bangat kamah laban bisi tekang tanah enggau laluh-laluh utai ari tuggung kayu nya. Sarawak Energy, kompeni ke ngaduka dam HEP Baleh mantaika pengirau ati senentang enggau penusah ke dibai laluh kayu ke larat ba sungai ke ulih ngeruga pengelantang dam sida iya. Sapit Kepala Menteri Tan Sri James Jemut Masing madahka pengawa laluh kayu tu bepun ari lekapan berat ba sungai, laban pengawa nebang kayu ke besai nyadi ba ulu Batang Baleh ulih ngelemika struktur dam lalu ngujungka dam nya enda selamat dikena. 

Utai ke nyadi tu meri penusah ngagai pengelikun pengidup mensia maioh ke diau ba sepanjai Batang Baleh enggau Batang Rajang. 

Sama enggau episod 2010, pengawa balak ke besai-besai enggau ujan lebat ke panjai ngujungka laluh kayu ba kawasan balak nya anyut ke sungai. Utai tu ngujungka bisi laluh kayu betuggung ba sungai. Tanya iya ba ditu, nama sida ke bekuasa ba perintah negeri enda ngabi jalai ke patut dikena nyeliahka benchana tu nyadi. Nama kebuah pengawa balak ba kawasan ulu Sungai Baleh enda diketuka?

Tanya lumur 1 ke patut ditanya suba nya dini alai Pengarah Jabatan Perhutanan Sarawak maia nya, Datuk Len Talif sepengudah episod 2010 suba. Nitihka repot, sekeda pengawa nebang kayu ba SUngai Baleh udah diketuka bepun ari taun 2007. Utai ke nyelai sereta nyuruh ati kitai alit nya jawasan nebang kayu tu diau ba DUN Baleh lalu YB ba kawasan nya ukai ornag bukai tang James Jemut Masing empu. 

Lebuh pengawa miring digaga ba Sungai Melatai ba bulan Nov 2010 kelia, James Masing pen bisi datai.

Bisi jaku mulut madahka dua iku orang besai dalam perintah enggau kroni GPS ngembuan ‘kepentingan’ ba kawasan Sungai Baleh din, sida ngembuan lesen balak enggau lesen ngambi kayu belian. Dipadahka mega, lesen masuk ngagai ‘coupe’ dikena bejalaika pengawa balak ba luar sereta enda irauka atur ke udah ditetapka dikena nyaga alam sekitar enggau pemanah kampung udah dikereja balak. Enti semua orang bedau nemu agi, ornag ke patut disalah senentang enggau pengawa tu nya perintah GPS empu, ke bepun ari Perbadanan Kemajuan Perusahaan Kayu Sarawak. Enti kita bedau nemu, Sapit Kepala Menteri 2 Menua Sarawak mega Menteri Sumber Asli ianya Awang Tengah meh orang ke megai kuasa nya. Ia menteri ke megai tanggul pengawa dalaam ngemajuka pengawa kayu tu. Rayat Sarawak bangat pedis ati meda menteri sida ke enda ulih mutarka penyai ke nyadi tu. 

Dinga kita nembiak Sarawak, enti kita bedau dani lalu meda penyai GPS dalam megai Sarawak, diatu meh maia ke betul kita semua dani. Perintah GPS udah ‘fail’ dalam pengawa bejalaika utai ke patut. Anang meri sida peluang agi megai menua tu laban utai nya mai penusah ngagai kitai aja.