Monday, March 15, 2021

The Kingmaker Status That Exist Only In The Figment Of Their Imagination

         The Kingmaker Status That Exist Only In The Figment Of Their Imagination

The GPS government of Sarawak has failed to leverage on their kingmaker status in the PN federal government and stopped the Putrajaya from appealing the high court decision on the 'Allah' issue. By doing so, they joined their allies in PAS, UMNO and Bersatu to pander to those who would further split the Malaysian society.

The GPS government of Sarawak has betrayed Jill Ireland Lawrence Bill and all the other Christians in Sarawak. There are many among their leaders who will say that if not because of the Covid.19 pandemic and the ensuing MCOs, churches in Sarawak will be open as usual and Christians will be going to church as usual so this is not even an issue for Sarawakians.

They either do not want to acknowledge that citizens like Jill Ireland and all the other Christians in Sarawak are being denied the fundamental human rights enshrined in the constitution. And there are others who will say the federal government actually allows Christians in Sarawak and Sabah to freely use 'Allah' in their prayer books and other publication through the 10 - Points Resolution crafted by Najib. They will however not say if the 10 - Points Resolution was a product of a cabinet decision and whether or not it had and still has the force of law.

It is becoming very apparent that the GPS government and its leaders have concluded that the vast majority of Sarawakians are willing to trade their basic human rights for some rural transformation projects (RTPs). I have considered the possibility that they (GPS) are right so this shall be my last socmed posting on this matter.

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