Thursday, January 28, 2021

Soal Hidup dan Mati - Covid-19 (Bahasa)

 Soal Hidup dan Mati - Covid-19

Hidup Rakyat Sarawak penting!

Secara umumnya, peranan setiap kerajaan haruslah melindungi, menyediakan dan membantu rakyat. Perkara ini tidak terkecuali bagi Kerajaan Negeri Sarawak kita. 

Terdapat gesaan agar pihak berkuasa yang bertanggungjawab harus bertindak dengan segera kerana jumlah kes Covid-19 di Sarawak terus meningkat dengan lebih cepat semenjak wabak penyakit ini berlaku’

‘Semakin prihatin’ -Perkataan ini amat sesuai untuk menggambarkan perasaan umum di kalangan rakyat Sarawak terhadap pandemik COVID-19 di negeri ini.

Rakyat Sarawak bingung dengan kenyataan yang dibuat oleh DCM Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah Embas berkaitan dengan sidang media yang diadakan semalam, seperti yang dilaporkan dalam The Borneo Post hari ini, (28 Jan 2021): bahawa COVID-19 berada pada arah aliran menurun di Sarawak.

Semasa pengumuman untuk kemas kini mengenai maklumat COVID-19 semalam, keadaan masih belum stabil kerana daripada 40 daerah di Sarawak, hanya 11 (27.5%) yang kekal sebagai zon hijau. Kini, terdapat 10 kelompok aktif, dan meningkat 2 orang lagi sejak  minggu lalu.

Inilah masanya untuk menggunakan autonomi dan pengecualian Negara kita dari Akta Pencegahan dan Pengawalan Penyakit Berjangkit 1988 (Akta 342). Kita harus cepat dan mesti bertindak, serta bertindak pantas.

Vaksin Covid-19 - Persoalannya, adakah kerajaan akan membeli vaksin tersebut atau tidak? Hanya ada satu pilihan untuk Sarawak yang kaya dengan wang tunai - Beli dan Vaksinasi!

Dengan lebihan RM31 bilion dalam Rizab Negeri kita, pasti kita dapat menyisihkan sebahagian kecil dari itu untuk membeli dan menggunakan vaksin Sinovac untuk melindungi  semua rakyat Sarawak yang layak.

Seperti laporan yang dilampirkan di bawah ini, Kerajaan Persekutuan juga adalah salah satu sumber untuk  memperoleh Vaksin Sinovac tersebut.

Mengapa kita perlu tunggu sedangkan kita mampu?

Hidup Sarawak penting!

Ingat - penundaan akan menghabiskan masa, serta Corona virus boleh menyerang bila-bila masa.

Sekiranya kita dapat menyewa pesawat untuk terbang bagi mendapatkan bekalan perubatan dari China, mengapa kita tidak menggunakan wang sewaan pesawat untuk terus membeli vaksin?

Apakah penipuan yang wujud di masa hadapan?

Masa depan bukan milik kita untuk dilihat tetapi ini mungkin merupakan kenyataan suram yang terpaksa kita hadapi.

Pada bulan April 2020, kira-kira sebulan selepas wabak COVID-19, New Sarawak Tribune melaporkan bahawa 46.6% rakyat Malaysia yang bekerja sendiri telah kehilangan pekerjaan.

Dalam tinjauan yang melibatkan 168,182 responden, 52.6% responden mengatakan bahawa mereka amat terjejas dari segi kewangan.

Wabak ini telah merosakkan perniagaan dan industri di Sarawak hampir 1 tahun sekarang dan keadaannya pasti bertambah buruk.

Perlu dinyatakan di sini bahawa kekurangan statistik dan data yang amat teruk untuk memberikan petunjuk mengenai kesan sebenar wabak ini terhadap perniagaan dan industri di Sarawak sangat mengerikan.

Bagaimanakah Kerajaan dapat menyusun strategi dengan betul dengan data yang dapat dipercayai?

Rakyat Sarawak hanya mahu terus maju sehingga pemulihan sepenuhnya dalam sektor pekerjaan dapat dicapai dalam masa sesingkat mungkin. Bak kata pepatah - “A stitch in time saves nine”.

Apa pun keadaannya, masa untuk kerajaan Sarawak bertindak tegas adalah sekarang dan mesti bermula dengan membuat rancangan konkrit agar semua rakyat Sarawak diberi vaksin terhadap virus ini dalam waktu sesingkat mungkin.

Setiap detikkan waktu yang hilang adalah peluang musibah akan menimpa pada masa depan.

Kami tidak mampu lagi untuk berlengah, lebih-lebih lagi ketika perkara-perkara tersebut masih dalam kawalan kami.

Setelah mengambil iktibar dan pengalaman yang diperoleh dari 'Pasai Cluster', urgensinya menjadi lebih kritikal. Orang ramai semakin bimbang dengan jumlah kes asimtomatik yang mungkin berlaku di negeri ini.

Dapatkan Vaksin - Lakukan sahaja!

Jika tidak sekarang, bila ?

Sekiranya bukan Kerajaan kita yang bertindak, siapa lagi?

Untuk menjaga dan melindungi rakyat Sarawak?

Hidup Sarawak penting.

Adakah anda 'bersepakat dengan kami'?

A matter of Life and Death - COVID -19 (English)

A matter of Life and Death - COVID 19

Sarawakian lives MATTER !

Back to basics ... every government should protect, provide for and invest in its people.

This is no exception for our Sarawak State Government.

There are calls for the authorities concerned to act as the number of Covid-19 cases in Sarawak continues to rise more rapidly than at the start of the pandemic'

‘Increasingly concerned’ – these two words aptly sum up the general feeling among Sarawakians towards the COVID.19 pandemic in the state.

Sarawakians are puzzled by the statement made by DCM Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah Embas yesterday as reported in The Borneo Post today, (28th Jan 2021) : that COVID-19 is on the downward trend in Sarawak.

At the cut-off time for COVID-19 updates yesterday, the situation was still of much concern as out of the 40 districts in Sarawak, only 11 (27.5%) remained as green zones. There are currently 10 active clusters, up by 2 since I week ago.

This is the time to exercise our State’s autonomy and exemption from The Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases Act 1988 (Act 342). We can, and must act, and act swiftly.

The Covid-19 Vaccine – to buy or not to buy  ? There’s only one option for cash-rich Sarawak – Buy and Vaccinate !

With a surplus of RM31 billion in our State Reserves, surely we can set aside a small portion of that to purchase and fly in the Sinovac vaccine for immediate vaccination of all eligible Sarawakians.

As per the report attached below, our Federal Government is also sourcing for the said Sinovac Vaccine.

Why wait when we can afford it ?

"Sarawakian lives MATTER !

Remember – procrastination is the thief of time and time and tide, as well as the Coronavirus wait for no man.

If we could charter a plane to fly in medical supplies from China, why can’t we charter a plane to fly in the Vaccine ?

What lies ahead ?

The future’s not ours to see but this may be the grim reality facing us.

In Apr 2020, just about 1 month after the COVID.19 outbreak the New Sarawak Tribune reported that 46.6% of self-employed Malaysians lost their jobs.

In a survey involving 168,182 respondents, 52.6% of the respondents said that they were very badly affected financially.

The pandemic has ravaged business and industry in Sarawak for close to 1 year now and the situation must have worsened considerably.

It must be pointed out here that the severe lack of statistics and data to provide indications of the true impact of this pandemic on business and industry in Sarawak is appalling.

How can a government properly strategize without hard reliable data at their disposal ?

Sarawakians just want to move on so that full recovery in the employment sector can be achieved in the shortest possible time. As the saying goes – “A stitch in time saves nine”.

Whatever it is, the time for the Sarawak government to act decisively is now and it must start with making concrete plans to have all Sarawakians vaccinated against this virus in the shortest possible time.

Every hour of lost time is a chance of future misfortune.

We cannot afford to play the waiting game anymore, more so when things are still very much within our control.

After the lesson and experience learnt from the ‘Pasai Cluster’, the urgency is even more critical. Members of the public are increasingly concerned about the number of possible asymptomatic cases in the state.

Get the Vaccine – Just do it !

If not now, when ?

If not our Government, who ?

To protect and safeguard Sarawakians ?

Sarawak lives matter.

Are you ‘IN’ ?

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Silence Of Sarawak’s Shepherds - Part 3: Confusion All Around

 Silence Of Sarawak’s Shepherds - Part 3: Confusion All Around

“Sarawak would like to thank Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin for increasing the fund allocation and the number of health officers to strengthen the country’s health system during this pandemic……However we call on the government not to forget Sarawak. Please give more allocation to Sarawak and increase the number of officers in the state,” quote DCM Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah.

Being in-charge of the COVID.19 disaster management committee and seeing COVID.19 clusters springing all over the place will surely induce a lot of stress on a person and anybody in that position can become slightly disoriented. Reality may suddenly become not be so clear and one may even slip into a confused mode. We certainly hope this not the case with Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah because he seems to be somewhat confused by the realities before him.

The words he spoke are certainly not the words of the king on the top of the hill.

There was a time though when the Sarawak GPS government was positioning themselves as the kingmaker, both during the dark days when Malaysia was without a prime minister and later, when without-mandate Perikatan Nasional became government and Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin became prime minister. That was when, for the very first time in their 57 years history of cohabitation with Malaya and Sabah in Malaysia Sarawakians were filled with so much hope and the future looks filled with the promise of everything good and rosy. It is the kind of feeling that comes with having a vice-like grip on your enemy’s balls and he is completely at your mercy. It was a time to make a demand and issue a threat, knowing well you will get what you demand for. That was at least what Sarawakians imagined it to be and it was a wild feeling.

Datuk Seri Dr. Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar was one of the Sarawak’s lion that was squeezing Malaya’s balls. Many Sarawakians still vividly remember his brave words, ‘ Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) will withdraw its support for interim Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad if Sarawak’s rights are undermined ‘.

Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar said GPS leaders wanted Mahathir to fulfil his promises, including those under the Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63) and the special rights for Sarawak entrenched in the Federal Constitution, in accordance with the MA63, which he said are strictly non-negotiable.

Less than a year after Wan Junaidi brandished his rottan cane at Mahathir and Muhyiddin, DCM Douglas Uggah was begging Muhyiddin to show kindness to Sarawak as the GPS government struggled to shield the rakyat and the economy from the ravages of COVID.19. But let us not be too quick to judge GPS unfavorably. Let us first do a position audit and see if Sarawak had actually achieved any things substantial from squeezing Malaya’s balls.

"Let us see how much has Malaya given in to Sarawak after having their balls put through the mills and shown the rottan cane"


1.Devolution Of Powers Within The Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63) Framework

Negotiations with the malaya-driven federal government on the devolution of power to the Sarawak state government commenced in July 2016, under the leadership of the late Tan Sri Adenan Satem. In a statement dated the 7th July 2016 Adenan Satem said he expected negotiations to be concluded by end of 2016. He did however qualify his statement by saying devolution of power is a very complex process. By those words he implied that negotiation will most probably extend beyond 2016.

Sarawakians will remember Adenan Satem as very earnest in his words and actions in the fight for Sarawak’s rights under MA63. Unfortunately for Sarawak, Adenan Satem died in January 2017. The baton was passed over to current CM Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari. The highlight of the process under Abang Johari’s leadership on the matter was when Datuk Hanifah Hajar Taib announced that the cabinet committee meeting on MA63 will not be made public. Prior to that, in mid-July 2017 the Sarawak state government had dispatched a team to London to inspect documents pertaining to the MA63.

Until today Sarawakians are in the dark over what the fact-finding team found in London and what transpired during the cabinet committee meeting in Nov 2020. Sarawakians however know that nothing substantive was achieved from the devolution of powers initiatives that were initiated by Adenan Satem.


2. Oil And Gas

The principal demand of Sarawak in the matter of the oil and gas resources of Sarawak was a 20% royalty on revenues earned from oil and gas extracted from Sarawak’s territory. The official path to this claim was set on the 6th May 2014 when the Sarawak Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) unanimously agreed to make the demand to the federal government. Unofficially, it went as far back as 2011, when the coalition partners of Pakatan Rakyat (PR) made it their clarion call for Sarawak. Article 6 of PR’s Kuching Declaration 2012 (dated 16th Sept 2012) speaks of oil justice and the 20% royalty. Eight years down the road we see a 5% sales tax on oil & gas products being levied, a product of commercial settlement between Sarawak’s GPS government and the federal government. We see Sarawak taking over the distribution rights for LPG tanks (through SEDC) from Petronas and the taking over of exploration on 2 on-shore natural gas fields.

The 20% royalty is still on the wish list. For all intent and purpose, it is not even a work in progress now.

With all this in mind, should we strive to remain optimistic that our local-bred GPS can still be a real kingmaker for Sarawak, capable of neutralising Umno and PAS influence in PN and actually get the 20% royalty on our O&G resources? I don’t know about you but I have lost not just confidence but hope as well.

GPS does have the lions in their midst to roar loud enough for their malayan partners in Putrajaya (UMNO, PAS, Bersatu) to cow in fear and relent. It is therefore both puzzling and frustrating that they are not roaring. Sarawakians are asking why but I think the time to ask why is long gone. Now is the time for change.

We vividly remember the short period (22 months) when GPS was an opposition in parliament. They were like the majestic lions of the African savanna. Today, as a coalition partner in the Perikatan Nasional (PN) federal government they are like lambs being led to the slaughter. Sarawakians should revert them to where they were effective representatives for Sarawakians - as opposition in parliament and in the Sarawak DUN.

Monday, January 25, 2021

Penderitaan Anak Domba - BKSS 5.0

 Penderitaan Anak Domba - BKSS 5.0

Saya menghadapi masalah iaitu fikiran bercanggah apabila saya mula menulis artikel tentang Bantuan Khas Sarawakku Sayang (BKSS 5.0) yang diumumkan oleh KM Abang Johari pada 21hb Jan 2021. Soalan yang saya terpaksa jawab ialah dari sudut manakah saya harus menulis artikel ini: Dari segi percubaan kerajaan negeri Sarawak untuk meringankan kesusahan yang dialami dimasa COVID-19 merebak atau dari segi kegagalan kerajaan Sarawak yang diterajui GPS (dulunya dikenal sebagai BN) menangani masalah kemiskinan yang sudah begitu lama memudaratkan kehidupan sebahagian besar rakyat di Sarawak.

Di dalam kenyataan media berkaitan dengan BKSS 5.0 yang dikeluarkan oleh Unit Komunikasi Awam Sarawak (UKAS), terdapat 11 inisiatif didalam pakej BKSS 5.0. Dua inisiatif tersebut berhubungkait dengan diskaun yang diberi keatas bil elektrik dan bil air. Manakala, inisiatif yang lain berhubungkait dengan penangguhan pelbagai pembayaran yang wajib dibayar kepada kerajaan dan diskaun ke atas sewa tempat berniaga iaitu fasiliti milik kerajaan.

"Persoalannya sekarang ialah, adakah pakej BKSS 5.0 ini mampu memberi manfaat yang berkesan kepada rakyat yang kini hidup dalam kesusahan serta dalam keadaan serba berkurangan? Wabak COVID-19 dan banjir teruk dibeberapa kawasan di Sarawak telah menambahkan lagi keadaan buruk  kepada seluruh rakyat Sarawak"

Pada tahun 2020, berdasarkan laporan Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri (LHDN), terdapat sebanyak 369,139 keluarga B40 di Sarawak dan ini merupakan 52.5% daripada jumlah keseluruhan keluarga di Sarawak. Untuk lebih memahami kepentingan angka ini perlu ada fahaman yang lebih mendalam tentang istilah B40.



Dalam pengukuran pendapatan isi rumah di Malaysia, terdapat tiga istilah yang digunakan untuk mengkategorikan pendapatan setiap sebuah keluarga. Kategori B40 (atau Bottom 40) adalah istilah yang diguna untuk  keluarga dimana pendapatan isi keluarga sebulan tidak lebih daripada RM4849.00. Keluarga B40 merupakan keluarga yang berada dalam kumpulan 40% terendah. Kategori M40 (atau Middle 40) diguna untuk merujuk kepada keluarga keluarga yang mana pendapatan isi keluarga diantara RM4850.00 sehingga RM10,959.00 sebulan dan T20 (atau Top 20) diguna untuk merujuk kepada keluarga yang mana pendapatan isi keluarga lebih daripada RM10,959.00 sebulan.


Boleh dilihat dengan jelas disini bahawa 369,139 keluarga yang dikategorikan sebagai B40 adalah tidak tepat dan istilah B40 tidak sesuai digunakan lagi. Daripada statistik terkini terdapat 702,500 keluarga di Sarawak pada masa ini. Ini bermakna angka 369,139 itu sebenarnya merupakan 52.5% daripada jumlah keseluruhan keluarga di Sarawak.

Maknanya disini ialah, sebelum kedatangan wabak COVID-19 dan kesannya seperti penutupan perniagaan dan kehilangan pekerjaan sebahagian besar rakyat di Sarawak telah hidup dalam kemiskinan. Pada tahun 2019, Pertubuhan Bangsa Bangsa Bersatu (atau UN), dalam satu laporan berkenaan dengan kemiskinan di Malaysia mengatakan kadar kemiskinan di Sarawak adalah diantara yang tertinggi di Malaysia.

Jadi, apakah yang rakyat Sarawak atau khususnya ahli keluarga B40 dan sebahagiannya kategori M40, tunggu dan tercari-cari dalam pakej BKSS 5.0? Jawapannya ialah bantuan dalam bentuk tunai. Tekanan yang deras akibat kehilangan pekerjaan akibat wabak COVID-19 dan belanja tambahan daripada keperluan yang mengiringi pembukaan tahun persekolahan baru memang cukup membimbangkan. Akan tetapi, bantuan tersebut bukanlah berbentuk tunai seperti apa yang difikirkan olerh rakyat. Apa yang terdapat dipakej itu adalah cuma penanguhan pembayaran wajib kepada kerajaan Sarawak, diskaun keatas sewa untuk premis perniagaan dan diskaun untuk bil eletrik dan bil air.  

Supaya apa yang ditulis dapat difahami dengan lebih jelas, saya akan mengakhiri artikel ini dengan kata kata berikut: Selepas menjadi kerajaan Sarawak selama 57 tahun, Barisan Nasional (yang kini dikenali sebagai GPS), bukan sahaja gagal memakmurkan rakyat Sarawak, malah sebahagian besar rakyat Sarawak pada hari ini hidup dalam keadaan kemiskinan dan serba berkurangan. Selepas lebih setenggah abad mentadbir Sarawak, mereka gagal memperoleh kemampuan dan kebijaksanaan yang amat perlu untuk menangani dengan jayanya lebih-lebih lagi dengan keadaan darurat seperti yang kita alami sekarang. Adakah lebihan dana kerajaan yang mengikut TKM Tan Sri James Masing lebih daripada RM31 billion sebenarnya tidak wujud? Dan bagaimana pula dengan pendapatan kerajaan Sarawak hasil 2 Production Sharing Contracts dengan Petronas yang dikatakan berbillion ringgit nilai keluaranya?


Thursday, January 21, 2021

(English Version) - PART 2 The Silence of Sarawak’s Shepherds - GPS/PN And MA63.

 The Silence of Sarawak’s Shepherds Pt.2 - GPS/PN And MA63


When Dr. Mahathir Mohamad was sworn in as a prime minister of the Pakatan Harapan government (PH) and as the 7th prime minister of Malaysia on the 10th May 2018, it marked the beginning of what was supposed to be very exciting times. Hopes were high (tinggi Harapan) that Malaysia was finally entering into a period of enlightment, justice and prosperity for all. They lasted for 22 months. On the 24th Feb 2020 they were shown the exit via the front door through which they enter and that was the end of the tinggi Harapan thingy. In come the Perikatan Nasional (PN) government, via the backdoor.

But it is not the chronology of the change in government or the chess games and the horse trading during that period that I want to talk about. What I want to reminisce on in this article is the performance of GPS lawmakers, both in parliament and in the DUN during the 22 months that PH was government. Personally, I will sum their performances in one word : Superb. Truly I feel very nostalgic when I recall the words of their lawmakers during that period. 

Here I would like to list down some of the words uttered by some of GPS lawmakers as they go about ‘defending’ Sarawak’s rights which are enshrined in the the MA63.


CM Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari

“Let me state, although we approved the intention to amend Article 1(2) in principle, no approval was given in respect of the amendment in its current form….This was because the committee never discussed the actual contents and wording of the amendment”. He spoke those words in relation to the amendment bill to change Article 1 (2) to restore rights of Sabah and Sarawak as per the MA63. The bill was met objections from opposition MPs, including from GPS, which is in power in Sarawak ( Malaysiakini dated 6th Apr 2019)


DCM Tan Sri James Masing

“All parties from both political divides in Sarawak should join forces to gain the ‘full-house’ support to get better deals for greater autonomy under Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63)….If we could get a full house, there is nothing that (federal) side can say. Then when it comes to negotiation, regardless of whatever happens (on) the other side, we’re very strong. So whether it’s the angel or the devil looking after the other side, at least we’re together. Fight us – you try.” (Borneo Post dated 20th Feb 2018)


Dato Seri Dr. Sim Khui Hian, President Of SUPP

“The Bill tabled in Parliament to amend Article 1(2) of the Federal Constitution is totally unacceptable to Sarawak ….We view the Bill as another failure of the Pakatan Harapan government to honour the Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63)….In fact, Pakatan has just committed another U-turn on their election promise to return Sabah and Sarawak’s status accorded in MA63," he said in a statement on Thursday” (The Star dated 4th Apr 2019)


Dato’ Sri Dr. Wan Junaidi - MP for Santubong

“People in Sabah and Sarawak can give up hopes about having more rights and continuous development if they are ruled by the opposition….Dr Mahathir could simply regard MA63 as “history” and irrelevant if Pakatan governed the country” (NST dated 8th Apr 2018)

Regaining Sarawak’s rights has nothing to do with politics, but simply reclaiming the genuine rights of the state as enshrined in the Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63)….Sarawak is not demanding more than what we have agreed to in the MA63 and the Federal Constitution….(federal government) to repeal all the laws, regulations and procedures that have eroded much of Sarawak’s rights.(SarawakVoice dated 21st May 2019)

Alexander Nanta Linggi - MP for Kapit

“MA63, oil and gas are priority, not cabinet posts: GPS sec-gen”…3rd Mar 2020

…dated 22nd May 2020


Datuk Seri Nancy Shukri - MP for Batong Sadong

“MPs in Sarawak and Sabah want to have a look at the draft of the proposed amendment to Article 1(2) of the Federal Constitution before it is tabled in Parliament….there is no need to rush the amendment through if it requires further changes from what has been proposed originally….the proposed amendment to the article would restore the status of the two states as equal partners with Peninsular Malaysia in the Malaysian federation” FMT 31st Mar 2019

“Sarawak welcomes move to set up select committee on MA63….A PSC will be established in a bid to return the rights of Sarawak and Sabah as enshrined in MA63”  Borneo Post dated 22nd Apr 2019

"We did not oppose the amendment, but we did not vote for the provisions that they put in because for the sake of Sarawak we wanted 'pursuant to the Malaysia Agreement 1963' to be there” 14th Jan 2020


Datuk Abdul Karim Hamzah - ADUN for Asajaya

 dated 3rd Nov 2018

“called for the Bill to amend Article 1(2) of the Federal Constitution to be given to MPs before its tabling in Parliament….Datuk Amar Mohd Asfia Awang Nassar said it would only support amendments that contained substantive improvements to Sarawak's rights and interests and were not merely for window dressing” The Star dated 3rd Apr 2019

 In local malay dolok rindok hati baca kata kata sidak iya pok. Kinek tok, bunyi batuk yg dilepas ditepi tangga pun sik ada.

Now, after GPS together with their partner PAS facilitated the formation of the Perikatan Nasional government, there is only deathly silence on Sarawak’s rights and the MA63. It is as if MA63 has become a dirty word in their circle. I am sad. I truly miss those days when GPS were in the opposition in parliament and when the GPS state government was such a bold opposition when it comes to dealing with federal government.

 To all Sarawakians, I extend this invitation: Let us together make GPS the opposition coalition again. Let us bring back those good days.