Friday, August 20, 2021

GPS Cuba Nasib -Dari MA63 Kepada Dua Orang TPM

 GPS Cuba Nasib -Dari MA63 Kepada Dua Orang TPM

(Bahasa Melayu)

Kandungan dua surat khabar arus perdana yang berpengkalan di Sarawak iaitu Borneo Post dan New Sarawak Tribune hari ini merangkumi kenyataan dari beberapa pemimpin GPS dimana mereka menyarankan agar kerajaan persekutuan baru, yang bakal memimpin dalam tiga atau empat hari dari sekarang, melantik seorang ahli parlimen GPS dari Sarawak sebagai Timbalan Perdana Menteri (TPM). Rakyat di Sarawak merasa ‘senang hati’ kerana saranan untuk seorang TPM dari Sarawak, yang bermula dari pemimpin tahap bawahan parti PRS, berjaya menjadi satu permintaan yang berbunyi serius dari beberapa pemimpin atasan GPS. Mereka telah mengesyorkan agar Datuk Alexander Nanta Linggi (Alex Nanta) diangkat sebagai TPM Malaysia.

Pada 19hb August 2021, Lidam Assan, bekas Setiausaha Politik mengeluarkan satu kenyataan dimana beliau menyeru agar Alex Nanta dilantik sebagai DPM. Hari ini seruan yang sama dikeluarkan oleh Datuk Abdul Karim Hamzah (Karim), Menteri Pelancongan, Kesenian,Budayaan, Belia dan Sukan. Karim juga merupakan salah seorang daripada Naib Presiden parti PBB. Alex Nanta pula merupakan Setiausaha Agung parti PBB.

Turut mengeluarkan kenyataan yang serupa ialah Timbalan Ketua Menteri (TPM) Tan Sri Datuk Amar Dr. James Jemut Masing, Presiden parti PRS. Beliau cadang supaya dua (2) orang TPM dilantik, seorang dari Sarawak dan seorang lagi dari Sabah.

Kenapa dia tidak menyarankan agar seorang MP GPS dari Sarawak dilantik sebagai PM sudah menjadi satu perkara yang agak mengelirukan kepada rakyat di Sarawak. Kemungkinan pengalaman beliau sebagai ulun Malaya sekian lama membuat beliau puas hati dengan pingat perak dan pingat emas boleh diberi kepada pemimpin dari Malaya.

Apa erti semua ini kepada kita? Kunci kefahaman keatas erti semua kenyataan ini boleh didapati didalam satu kenyataan daripada Lo Khere Chiang, ADUN Batu Kitang yang terkandung dimuka surat 4 surat khabar New Sarawak Tribune hari ini yang berbunyi ‘Perdana Menteri baru wajib melaksanakan kesemua tuntutan yang terkandung didalam MA63’. Jawatan TPM dari Sarawak dan dari Sabah seperti yang dicadang merupakan penambahan kepada retorik GPS dalam isu MA63, salah satu daripada petunjuk petunjuk prestasi utama mereka. Dalam hal ini sudah cukup jelas bahawa GPS sudah gagal dengan teruk sekali. Supaya kita boleh ingat dengan jelas perlu kita mengimbas apa yang pernah berlaku sebelum ini.

Pada April 2019 kerajaan PH telah bawa ke parlimen satu rang undang undang (RUU) yang bertujuan meminda perlembagaan persekutuan supaya proses untuk mengembalikan hak hak Sarawak yang terkikis semasa pemerintahan BN boleh bermula. RUU itu memerlukan sokongan daripada dua pertiga (2/3) ahli parlimen untuk diluluskan. Semasa sesi mengundi diambil keatas RUU itu ahli parlimen GPS telah ambil keputusan untuk tidak menyertai proses mengundi dan ekoran itu RUU ditolak. Tindakan ahli parlimen GPS itu merupakan satu tindakan mengkhianati Sarawak dan aspirasi aspirasi anak Sarawak dan telah disokong dengan penuh oleh PAS.

Menteri Undang Undang Sarawak Sharifah Hasidah memberitahu Baru Bian, yang pada masa itu merupakan Pengerusi Negeri untuk parti PKR bahawa mereka (barisan pemimpin GPS) bukan bodoh.

Pada bulan Mac 2020, selepas jatuhnya kerajaan PH ekoran tindakan Muhyiddin Yassin membawa keluar parti beliau iaitu PPBM daripada gabungan PH, kerajaan PN ditubuhkan. Disini perlu disebut bahawa penubuhan kerajaan PN adalah diatas sokongan GPS dan sokongan padu daripada ahli parlimen GPS lah yang menjadi pemangkin penubuhan kerajaan PN. Perlu juga disebut disini bahawa sokongan dari ahli parlimen GPS memudahkan kemasukan parti PAS sebagai parti komponen PN.

Dalam peranan mereka sebagai kingmaker semasa penubuhan kerajaan Perikatan Nasional GPS juga telah menjadi rakan yang strategik didalam kerajaan PN. Maka tinggi lah harapan anak Sarawak GPS akan berjaya ambil balik semua hak hak Sarawak yang sekian lama dihakis oleh kerajaan persekutuan semasa BN memerintah. Sayang sekali mereka gagal, dengan teruk sekali.

Sehingga hari ini isu MA63 masih merupakan isu yang hangat sekali, apa lagi dalam keadaan Sarawak bersedia menghadapi pilihan raya negeri ke-12 (PRN-12). Dalam usaha mereka mengelakkan tumpuan anak Sarawak daripada isu MA63 ini, pemimpim GPS telah mengambil keputusan untuk menggunakan isu TPM sebagai satu umpan. Namun anak-anak Sarawak tidak buta dan tidak bodoh. Semasa PRN-12 nanti, anak-anak Sarawak akan membuka pintu keluar kepada GPS.


(English Version)

GPS Try For Some Luck- From MA63 To Two DPM

Sarawak based and mainstream newspapers the Borneo Post and the New Sarawak Tribune is today replete with statements from GPS leaders calling for the creation of two Deputy Prime Minister (DPM) posts, one each for Sarawak and Sabah. It is a ‘pleasant’ surprise that a wish of low level leaders in Parti Rakyat Sarawak (PRS) for Datuk Seri Alexander Nanta Linggi (Alex Nanta) to be made DPM by the incoming Prime Minister (PM) has gained traction among senior leaders in the Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS).

On the 19th August 2021 Lidam Assan, the former Political Secretary of Alex Nanta echoed the call made by the PRS youth leaders. That same call is today repeated by Datuk Abdul Karim Rahman  Hamzah (Karim), state Minister for Tourism, Art, Culture, Youth and Sports. Incidentally, Karim is also a Vice-President of PBB, the party which Alex Nanta belongs to and in which he is the Secretary General.

Echoing the call is DCM Tan Sri Datuk Amar Dr. James Jemut Masing ( Masing ) who is the President of PRS. Masing expanded the scope of that wish by proposing a DPM post each for Sarawak  and Sabah and Sarawakians are now filled with awe and amazement.

Why he did not called for a PM to be appointed from among GPS’s MPs is beyond our imagination. Maybe being subservient to Malayan leaders in BN in the past and in PN recently has conditioned him into being satisfied with a silver medal and not the gold.

What are we to make of all these calls? The key to understanding these calls can be found in the statement by ADUN for Batu Kitang, Lo Khere Chiang which the New Sarawak Tribune put in page 4 of today. The caption for that statement goes ‘ New PM must fulfil MA63 ‘. The proposed DPMs from East Malaysia is the extension of their rhetoric on MA63, a key performance indicator (KPI) in which GPS has clearly failed. Just to recap - In April 2019 the PH federal government moved a bill in parliament to start the process of returning Sarawak’s rights (enshrined in the MA63 and the federal constitution) which were removed by the then BN federal government through an amendment of the federal constitution in 1976. The bill required a two third (2/3) approval in the dewan rakayt but GPS MP’s chose to abstain from voting and as a consequence the bill failed. By abstaining GPS betrayed Sarawak (and Sabah) and the aspirations of all East Malaysians. GPS was supported in their action by PAS.

Sarawak’s de facto Law Minister Sharifah Hasidah told a very upset Baru Bian, then state chairman of Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) that they abstained because they were not fools.

In March 2020, following the collapse of the Pakatan Harapan (PH) government, a consequence of Muhyiddin Yassin leading his party PPBM (Bersatu) out of the PH coalition, the Perikatan Nasional (PN) government came into power. Here is it necessary to point out that GPS facilitated the formation of the PN federal government because it was the support of their MPs that gave the PN coalition the majority they needed. Their support also enabled the islamist PAS to be part of the federal government, a very first for PAS.

As kingmaker in the forming of the PN federal government GPS too acquired the position of a strategic partner in the government. Hopes that GPS will finally recover Sarawak’s rights (something which they failed miserably at doing when they were in BN) ran high. Everybody assumed that they will put the kingmaker status and strategic position to maximum use. Unfortunately they failed, again! This fact is not lost on Sarawakians as they feel the adverse effects on their lives.

The MA63 issue continue to be the hot button issue as Sarawak approaches the 12th state election (PRN-12) and to mitigate the adverse effects of their failure in the MA63 issue they decided it necessary to bring up the DPM posts, to divert the attention of Sarawakians. Now it is the turn of ordinary Sarawakians to tell them we are not fools and during the PRN-12 we will show you the exit door, just as you helped Muhyiddin and his PN’s partners showed PH the exit door. As you opened the back door to let PAS in, we will open the front door for you to leave.

Monday, August 16, 2021

When the PH government moved a bill in parliament in Apr 2019


1. When the PH government moved a bill in parliament in Apr 2019 to commence the process of returning Sarawak rights, his MPs abstained from voting and the bill was defeated. That was an act of absolute betrayal of the rights of Sarawak and the aspirations of Sarawakians.

2. In March 2020, GPS teamed up with PAS and helped Muhyiddin formed the now disposed Perikatan Nasional (PN) government. Earlier Muhyiddin had led PPBM (Bersatu) out of PH and caused it to fall.

Yesterday GPS and their partners in PN were shown the exit door, after 17 mths in Putrajaya. Why didn't GPS moved a bill in parliament and get their partners in PN to support it and thereafter recover Sarawak's rights while they were the government?

Their most probably excuse is parliament was suspended because of Covid.19. Is that acceptable? MPs were among the first group of people to be vaccinated and with SOPs in place in the dewan rakyat parliament can sit and a bill to recover Sarawak's rights could have been moved, discussed and passed. PH would not have objected because that was what the (PH) attempted to do in Apr 2019. So why didn't they do it? Two reasons only:

2.1 - Despite their (GPS) kingmaker's role in the formation of the federal government, they were there just to make up the numbers. They were insignificant. They agreed to just make up the numbers and nothing else beyond that because they were and still are Ulun Malaya.

2.2 - They really are not serious about Sarawak's rights. They just want to talk about it because they like to hear their own voice and because they think they can fool Sarawakians with their words. An assitant minister in the Chief Minister's office advised Sarawakians not to dwell on past breaches of the MA63.

Now we just wait (until around 3pm on Thursday,19th August 2021) and see where GPS will be by then.


Thursday, August 12, 2021

Sarawak Rights, The Federal Constitution, MA63 And GPS

 Sarawak Rights, The Federal Constitution, MA63 And GPS

The August 13th 2021 edition of the Borneo Post features 4 news reports Datuk Sharifah Hasidah Sayeed Aman Ghani, Assistant Minister (Sharifah) in the Chief Minister’s department. The 4 news reports all relates to Sarawak rights which were lost in the 1976 amendment to the Federal Constitution and to the MA63.

You will find these 4 news reports on the front page and page 4 of the Borneo Post.

These are the captions to the news reports referred to:

1.State Seeks To Amend Article 1(2). In this news report Sharifah was quoted as saying, ‘We are proposing to amend the Federal Constitution by adding, The States of the Federation shall be…pursuant to the MA63.

2.MA63 Reports Not Secret But Can’t Be Revealed Yet As Talks Ongoing

3.Need To Amend Constitution To Make Sarawak A Wilayah

4.Hasidah Urges S’wakians Not To Dwell On Past Breaches Of MA63

( this was not covered in the Borneo Post online news)

News report No.4 is the epitome of contradiction because it is the dwelling on past breaches of the MA63 that pushes the issue of the amendment to the federal constitution to the fore front and making it the hot button issue that it is today. I am suddenly reminded of what Simone Weil said about contradiction - ‘When a contradiction is impossible to solve except by a lie, then we know that there really is a door’

And the timing of her statements, I can only say OMG! (oh my gosh). The PN government, in which GPS and PAS are also partners together with UMNO and Bersatu, is disintegrating as we are reading her statements now. Where is Sharifah going to find support for the amendment GPS is seeking to make? Kinda reminds me of a song called New Kid In Town (Johnny Comes Lately) by the Eagles. I’ll put the link here, just in case you want to know what song I am talking about.

What was it that prompted or motivate Sharifah to urge Sarawakians not to dwell on the past breaches of MA63 knowing fully well that the breaches resulted in losses to Sarawak of such a magnitude that it is impossible to quantify today except by its consequences: how far is Sarawak left behind the Malayan states and the unbelievable number of its citizens that are living in hard core poverty.

There is nothing complicated about amending the Federal Constitution to restore Sarawak’s rights. All that is needed is to go back to the original wordings of Article 1(2) of the Federal Constitution before the 1976 amendments. The whole problem here is the betrayal of the aspirations of Sarawakians when GPS members of parliament abstained from voting in the proposed amendments to Federal Constitution in April 2019 simply because the amendments was proposed by the then PH federal government. Then GPS MPs were sitting among the opposition block in parliament.

At that point in time they did not object to the intentions and objectives of the amendment, they just abstained from voting. Because of their abstention, the bill or the proposed amendment failed.

And, as for her statement on the MA63 being not a secret ( News report No.2 above), did Sharifah and her colleagues in the GPS state government suddenly suffered a temporary lapse of memory? They seems to have forgotten that they are elected into the DUN by the rakyat for the sole purpose of representing the rakyat and bringing the voice of the rakyat to the DUN and to the government and they owe a duty of transparency to the rakyat who voted for them.

Finally, I would like to add this: By insisting on amending Article 1(2) of the Federal Constitution using the formula she states in news report No.1 stated above they (GPS state government and its MPs) may be falling straight into the hands of Freemasons and Illuminatis.

Monday, August 9, 2021

Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) - What Do You Stand For?

Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) - What Do You Stand For?


On the 26th July 2021, de facto Law Minister Takiyuddin Hassan told parliament that all six Emergency Ordinances were revoked by the cabinet on the 21st July 2021. On the 29th July it transpired that the revocation was done without the consent of the Yang DiPertuan Agong (YDPA). There was a huge outcry, not just in parliament but also from among many Malaysians who were following the proceedings.

Among the reasons for the outcry were: 1. The revocation without the YDPA’s consent was a serious act disrespect for the monarch. 2. It was against the federal constitution. 3. And more than that, it amounted to Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin (TSMY) the Prime Minister (PM) and his cabinet members usurping the power of the YDPA.

Under Malaysia’s national principles otherwise known as the Rukun Negara Loyalty To King And Country is among the 5 principles, second only to Belief In God. Principle number three (3) speaks of Supremacy Of The Constitution and Principle number four (4) speaks of Rules Of Law. The illegal revocation of the Emergency 2021 Ordinances by the cabinet is against 3 of the 5 principles. It disrespects the YDPA and pays no heed to supremacy of the constitution and rules of law.

All in all, it was an act unbecoming of a responsible government.

As we all know now, parliament sitting on the 29th July 2021 was suspended in the afternoon. Following the announcement of suspension, all members of parliament (MP) present in parliament that day were told that they had to take a Covid.19 swab test before they were allowed to leave. As expected, that announcement was followed with another one - parliament will not reconvene as previously planned.

That closing of parliament effectively stopped MPs from voting on any matters of national concern resulting in the issue of majority confidence for the PM or the lack of it remaining unresolved.

The matter of lack of confidence and supported cropped up again when on the 3th August 2021 UMNO announced that they had decided to withdraw support for the PM and his PN government, resulting in the PM and government left with a very questionable level of support and confidence.

The YDPA was concerned enough with the issue as to raise the matter with the PM during their weekly meeting on the 4th August 2021. During the meeting, the PM promised that a motion of confidence will be tabled in parliament is Sept 2021.

Much of what is said above is essentially just chronological recounting of recent events in the history of governance in Malaysia. So what is the point in all this? When and how did the GPS government of Sarawak entered into the picture?

Before the 23rd Feb 2020, the federal government of Malaysia was the coalition of Pakatan Harapan (PH) and the PM was Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohammad (TDMM). TDMM was the chairman of Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM) and TSMY is the President. On the 24th TSMY led PPBM out of the PH coalition leaving PH without a majority in parliament. Devastated by the action taken by TSMY, TDMM resigned as PM and the PH government collapsed.

At this point it is appropriate to talk about the role TSMY played in the collapse of the PH government with the specific purpose of dispelling a popularly held notion - that the PH government fell because of the departure of MPs of Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) from PKR and the resignation of  TDMM as PM.

On the night of the 23rd Feb 2020, PPBM led by Muhyiddin  convened a meeting of the leaders of PPBM. In that meeting in which TDMM was absent, they decided to leave the PH coalition. This departure involved 26 of PPBM’s MPs. On the morning of the 24th Feb 2020, their decision to leave PH was made public. With the departure of the 26, PH was left with only 109 MPs in parliament, 3 seats short of the minimum requirement of 112. The group of PKR MPs led by Azmin Ali announced their departure from PKR on the afternoon of 24th Feb 2020, after the collapse of PH. The resignation of the PKR MPs was in fact purely an internal party matter and was not the cause of the collapse of PH. The PH government collapsed earlier, caused by the departure of PPBM led by TSMY.

On the 3rd and 4th August 2021, an eerily similar episode unfolded, this time involving 12 MPs from UMNO. UMNO is a partner in the Perikatan Nasional (PN) government. The UMNO supreme council met on the night of the 3rd August and they decided to withdraw support for PM TSMY and for the PN government. On the 4th August they announced the departure of 12 of their MPs from PN, leaving the PN coalition with only 103 MPs left,  9 MPs short of the minimum requirement of 112. For all practical purposes, the PN government has collapsed, just 17 months after they came into power.

Today (6th August 2021) the PN coalition is still the government and TSMY is still PM. How they managed to do that after the 4th August 2021 remains a mystery, one that has puzzled Malaysians beyond all words. They started as a government without mandate and is continuing as a government without mandate.

Where is GPS in all these? GPS, without formally entering the PN coalition supported TSMY in the formation of the PN government. They claimed that it was their king maker’s role that facilitated the formation of the PN government and they were not wrong. With the formation of PN government, Parti Islam Se-Malaysia (PAS), for the first time since their formation, became part of the federal government.

Post 3rd August 2021 (UMNO’s departure from PN), the comments from GPS were clearly in continuing support for this PN government which has clearly failed and has collapsed. Borneo Post reported CM Abang Johari as stating his support of TSMY and PN in these words, ‘Muhyiddin made wise move with confidence vote in Parliament’. One of his vice-president in PBB, Abdul Karim Rahman supported Abang Johari in these words, ‘ GPS leadership capable of making wise decision’.

In summary, what can be said about GPS ‘s stand in all these is this: They are not bothered about TSMY and his cabinet disrespecting the YDPA, about them usurping the power of the YDPA and going against the federal constitution and disregarding the rules of law. And they are not bothered that they are supporting a government that has lost its majority in parliament and that confidence in the PM is doubtful, to say the least.

Friday, August 6, 2021

Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) - Dimana Pendirian Kamu?

 Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) - Dimana Pendirian Kamu?


Pada 6hb July 2021, Menteri Undang Undang Takiyuddin Hassan memaklumkan kepada parlimen bahawa kesemua enam (6) Ordinan Darurat 2021 sudah dibatal oleh kabinet pada 21st July 2021. Pada 29th July 2021, parlimen diberitahu bahawa pembatalan ordinan-ordinan Darurat 2021 telah dibuat tanpa persetujuan daripada Yang DiPertuan Agung (YDPA). Dengan serta-merta, parlimen gempar dengan suara bantahan daripada ahli parlimen yang berada dalam dewan. Rakyat biasa juga menyuarakan bantahan dan tidak senang hati diatas tindakan TSMY dan ahli-ahli kabinet beliau.

Diantara sebab sebab rakyat biasa dan ahli parlimen membantah tindakan tersebut ialah: 1. Pembatalan ordinan-ordinan Darurat tanpa persetujuan YDPA merupakan satu tindakan yang tidak hormat kepada Baginda. 2. Pembatalan itu bercanggah dengan peruntukan yang terkandung dalam perlembagaan persekutuan. 3. Lebih daripada itu, tindakan Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin dan kabinet beliau merupakan rampasan kuasa YDPA.

Dibawah prinsip kebangsaan Malaysia, juga dikenali sebagai Rukun Negara, Kesetiaan kepada raja dan negara merupan rukun kedua, dibelakang rukun pertama iaitu Kepercayaan kepada Tuhan. Rukun ketiga adalah Keluhuran Perlembagaan dan rukun keempat ialah Keluhuran Undang-Undang. Pembatalan ordinan ordinan Darurat 2021 tanpa persetujuan YDPA bercanggah dengan tiga (3) daripada 5 rukun yang terkandung didalam Rukun Negara. Ia tidak menghormat YDPA, bercanggah dengan perlembagaan dan bercanggah dengan rukun keluhuran undang-undang.

Semua ini ialah kejadian dan tindakan yang sepatutnya tidak dilakukan oleh mana mana kerajaan yang penuh tanggungjawab.

Seperti mana yang kita semua sedia maklum, sesi parlimen pada 29th July 2021 telah ditangguh ke sebelah petang. Ahli parlimen yang ada didewan pada hari itu juga diberitahu bahawa mereka cuma dibenarkan keluar dari bangunan parlimen selepas mereka menjalani saringan Covid-19. Seperti yang dijangka, saringan Covid-19 disusuli dengan satu pengumuman bahawa parlimen tidak akan terus bersidang seperi yang sudah dirancang.

Penangguhan sesi parlimen itu dengan serta merta menghalang dan menghentikan ahli parlimen daripada membahas dan mengundi dalam isu isu yang penting kepada negara. Akibat daripada itu, maka isu berkenaan dengan kepercayaan kepada PM tidak dapat diselesaikan sehingga hari ini.

Isu kurang percaya dan sokongan timbul lagi pada 3hb Ogos apabila UMNO mengumumkan bahawa mereka sudah ambil keputusan untuk menarik balik sokongan mereka kepada PM dan kerajaan PN. Ekoran daripada keputusan UMNO itu, maka tahap kepercayaan dan sokongan kepada PM dan kerajaan PN, beliau sekarang berada ditahap yang banyak menimbul tanda tanya.

YDPA juga mengambil berat isu kurang percaya dan sokongan ini dan pada 4hb Ogos 2021, semasa mesyuarat mingguan baginda dengan PM, baginda telah membawa isu itu ke dalam perbincangan mereka. Susulan daripada itu PM telah berjanji akan membolehkan isu tersebut dibahas didalam parlimen pada bulan September dan pengundian dijalankan.

Hampir kesemua yang disebut diatas hanya kronoloji kejadian dalam sejarah Malaysia dalam beberapa hari dikebelakangan ini. Jadi soalan nya sekarang apakah tujuan semua ini? Bila dan bagaimana GPS berhubungkait dengan perkara ini?

Sebelum 23hb Feb 2020, kerajaan persekutuan ialah kerajaan Pakatan Harapan (PH) dan perdana menteri kerajaan PH ialah TDMM. Pada masa itu, TDMM juga merupakan pengerusi Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM). Presiden parti PPBM ialah TSMY. Pada malam 23hb Feb 2020, TSMY telah mempengerusi satu mesyuarat barisan pemimpin PPBM dan dalam mesyuarat itu mereka ambil keputusan untuk keluar dari PH. TDMM tidak hadir dalam mesyuarat tersebut. Pada 24hb Feb 2020, TSMY mengumumkan keluaran PPBM daripada PH dan akibat tindakan PPBM itu, maka kerajaan PH digulingkan. Kecewa dengan tindakan TSMY dan pemimpin pemimpin PPBM yang turut sama dengan TSMY, maka TDMM pun letak jawatan sebagai PM.

Disini perlu saya bercakap sedikit mengenai peranan TSMY dalam keruntuhan kerajaan PH dengan tujuan menerangkan satu fakta yang tidak disedari oleh banyak rakyat Malaysia iaitu kerajaan PH diguling dan runtuh bukan kerana beberapa ahli parlimen PKR telah ambil keputusan keluar dari PKR atau kerana TDMM letak jawatan sebagai PM.

Dengan keluarnya 26 ahli parlimen PPBM dari PH maka PH cuma mempunyai 109 ahli di parlimen, kurang 3 ahli untuk memenuhi keperluan minima untuk kekal sebagai kerajaan. Ahli parlimen PKR yang diketuai oleh Azmin Ali dan yang telah buat keputusan keluar dari parti mereka mengumumkan keputusan mereka pada petang 24hb Feb 2020, iaitu selepas kerajaan PH diguling. Jelas sekali kerajaan PH runtuh akibat tindakan TSMY membawa PPBM keluar dari PH.

Pada 3hb dan 4hb Ogos 2021 berlakunya satu kejadian yang serupa dengan apa yang telah berlaku pada bulan Feb 2020. Kali ini kejadian berhubung kait 12 ahli parlimen UMNO yang telah ambil keputusan untuk keluar dari PN dan menarik balik sokongan mereka pada TSMY. Majlis pimpinan UMNO telah bermesyuarat pada malam 3hb Ogos 2021 dan mereka telah ambil keputusan untuk keluar dari PN. Mereka mengumumkan keputusan mereka pada 4hb Ogos 2021. Dengan itu PN dan TSMY ditingggal dengan 103 ahli parlimen iaitu 9 kurang daripada keperluan minima untuk kekal sebagai kerajaan. Dengan ini dan secara praktik, kerajaan PN runtuh selepas memerintah sepanjang 17 bulan sahaja.

Namun sehingga hari ini iaitu pada 6hb Ogos 2021 PN masih kekal sebagai kerajaan persekutuan dan TSMY kekal sebagi PM. Bagaimana mereka kekal sebagai kerajaan dan PM sekarang  sudah menjadi satu misteri yang sangat membingungkan kepada rakyat Malaysia. Mereka telah memulakan perjalanan mereka sebagai kerajaan tidak bermandat dan pada hari ini mereka kekal sebagai kerajaan tidak bermandat.

Dimanakah tempat dan peranan GPS dalam pergolakan pergolakan ini? GPS secara rasmi bukan sebahagian dari gabungan PN tetapi mereka telah setuju memberi sokongan kepada TSMY sebagai PM dan mereka juga setuju menyertai kerajaan PN. Mereka kata peranan mereka sebagai ‘king maker’ telah mempermudahkan pembentukan kerajaan PN dan sekaligus membolehkan PAS menjadi sebahagian daripada kerajaan persekutuan. Bagi PAS ini adalah satu kejadian bersejarah kerana sebelum ini mereka tidak pernah menjadi kerajaan.

Selepas kejadian 3hb Ogos 2021 iaitu keluarnya UMNO dari PN, komen-komen daripada GPS kesemuanya menyatakan sokongan kepada kerajaan PN dan kepada TSMY sebagai PM. Warga Sarawak  terkilan dengan tindakan GPS menyokong sebuah kerajaan yang jelas sekali sudah gagal dan sudah runtuh. KM Abang Johari dalam satu kenyataan media berkata ,’ Muhyiddin telah mengambil satu tindakan yang bijak manakala seorang naib-pengerusi PBB iaitu Abdul Karim Hamzah berkata, ‘ GPS mampu membuat keputusan yang bijak’ dalam hal ini.

Ringkasan semua ini, apa yang boleh dikatakan berkenaan pendirian GPS dalam hal ini ialah: Mereka tidak kisah dan tidak perduli TSMY dan kabinet beliau tidak menghormati YDPA dan mereka juga tidak kisah serta tidak peduli akan tindakan TSMY dan kabinet yang bercanggah dengan peruntukan perlembagaan dan dengan keluhuran undang undang.