Monday, October 25, 2021

Amendment To Federal Constitution - What Could Have Been.

 Amendment To Federal Constitution - What Could Have Been.

Sarawakians’ mood last Friday was noticeably downcast. They woke up to Sunday, 24th Oct 2021, reeling in disappointment.

The caption of a front page news in the Borneo Post screamed ‘ Postponed, not withdrawn’, in reference to the stalled proposed Bill to amend the federal constitution to make it completely in line with the MA63. The New Sarawak Tribune issue of the same day did 

Sarawakians and Sabahans were earlier told by the de facto Minister for Law & Parliament Datuk Seri Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar that the Malaysian federal cabinet has agreed in principle with the proposed Bill. Sarawakians and Sabahans were also told that MPs from this 2 Borneon states were briefed on the proposed Bill. They recalled that there was no objections recorded from these MPs. As far as Sarawakians and Sabahans were concerned, it was good to go and they were finally going to see justice done to them before Oct 2021 go out.

The thoughts that pierced their psyche were: the GPS of Sarawak and the PN federal government have failed them, just as they have failed on countless times and occasions in the past, when they were collectively called Barisan Nasional.

They recalled that the Pakatan Harapan (PH) government, in their short 22 months stint as federal government managed to resolve almost all the thorny issues brought up by the Sarawak and Sabah government. Of the 21 issues brought up, 17 were resolved. It was just a matter of the Sarawak and Sabah state government to take the necessary actions to put into effect the agreement reached.

The remaining 4 issues that were still work-in-progress (not yet agreed on by the federal government) relates O&G matters and the Territorial Sea Act 2012.

The people of the 2 Borneon states recalled that the PH government also tabled a government Bill to amend the Federal Constitution, also to make it in line with the spirit of the MA63 but the Bill failed because GPS MPs knowingly and brazenly abstain from voting for the amendment. They had wanted the Bill to fail. Why they had decided that Sarawakians and Sabahans should be denied their legitimate rights, only they know.

The message that I want to share with my fellow Sarawakians and also with Sabahans is this: Let us together wake up from our collective slumber, recognise GPS for what they really are and show them the exit door in the coming PRN. Enough is enough.

Friday, October 22, 2021

MA63 – tiada apa yang perlu disembunyikan?

 MA63 – tiada apa yang perlu disembunyikan?

Jadi beritahu kebenaran, tiada apa-apa selain kebenaran dan lakukan sahaja!*

Kilas balik …… .memukul semak lagi ’….?

Cadangan pindaan perlembagaan untuk memulihkan Sarawak dan Sabah sebagai rakan kongsi setara di Malaysia, yang akan dibentangkan semula pada Mac, mesti memasukkan perkataan "menurut Perjanjian Malaysia 1963", kata ahli parlimen Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS).

Kerajaan mengekalkan pendiriannya untuk tidak membuat laporan akhir daripada jawatankuasa khas kabinet untuk mengkaji semula pelaksanaan Perjanjian Malaysia 1963 (MA63), tersedia kepada orang ramai.

Timbalan Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri (urusan Sabah dan Sarawak) Hanifah Hajar Taib mengatakan ini kerana dokumen tersebut telah diklasifikasikan sebagai rahsia rasmi di bawah Akta Rahsia Rasmi 1972.

Laporan akhir Perjanjian Malaysia 1963 (MA63) harus disebarkan kepada orang ramai untuk membolehkan orang lebih memahami kepentingannya, kata Pakatan Harapan Sabah.

Majlis Pimpinan PH Sabah dalam satu kenyataan berkata salah tafsir sejarah dan fakta terhadap MA63 telah menjadi salah satu sebab mengapa pelaksanaan penuh MA63 kekal sebagai cabaran 58 tahun pembentukan Malaysia.

"Sudah waktunya bagi kerajaan persekutuan untuk mengambil pendekatan yang bertanggungjawab untuk meletakkan fakta dengan jujur ​​seperti itu. Cukup banyak yang dilakukan untuk menghilangkan hak-hak Sabah dan Sarawak selama ini," kata mereka.

"Dengan bersikap telus dalam proses tersebut dan mengungkapkan laporan akhir kepada masyarakat, ini akan menjadi kesempatan untuk mendidik masyarakat bahawa MA63 adalah masalah kepentingan nasional dan bukan hanya masalah orang Sabah dan Sarawak.

Beliau menambah pindaan perlembagaan adalah penting kerana ia akan "memberikan kejelasan mengenai kedudukan Sabah dan Sarawak serta rakyat, khususnya anak negeri Sabah dan Sarawak".

Selama bertahun-tahun, berlaku hakisan di Sabah dan Sarawak seperti yang dinyatakan dalam MA63. Kami berharap dapat memperbetulkannya dengan mengubah beberapa peruntukan kritikal dalam Perlembagaan Persekutuan, ”kata Wan Junaidi.

Wan Junaidi berkata kerajaan, dengan bantuan Jabatan Peguam Negara (AGC), akan meninjau meminda beberapa peruntukan undang-undang kritikal dalam MA63 untuk mengembalikan hak rakyat di Sabah dan Sarawak, mengikut perjanjian pembentukan Malaysia.

Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri (Undang-Undang) Datuk Seri Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar berharap mendapat sokongan dari semua anggota parlimen (RUU) ketika rang undang-undang untuk meminda artikel tertentu dalam perlembagaan persekutuan dibentangkan di Parlimen pada sidang berikutnya.

“Pindaan ini akan melengkapkan dan menambah inti kepada pembentukan Persekutuan Malaysia. Ia membetulkan anomali besar dalam perlembagaan persekutuan,”

Sesungguhnya - tidak ada yang akan dianggap lengkap kecuali apa yang telah dilupuskan dikembalikan sepenuhnya ke Sabah dan Sarawak, dalam semangat MA63.

Itu sahaja yang kami minta - bukan satu paun kurang, bukan satu paun lebih.

No more beating around the bush, please



*MA63 – nothing to hide ?

So tell the truth, nothing but the truth and just do it !*

 Flashback…….’beating around the bush again’….?

The proposed constitutional amendment to restore Sarawak and Sabah as equal partners in Malaysia, which will be re-tabled in March, must include the words "pursuant to the Malaysia Agreement 1963", says a Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) lawmaker.

The government maintains its stand not to make the final report from the cabinet special committee to review the implementation of the Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63), available to the public.

Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister's Department (Sabah and Sarawak affairs) Hanifah Hajar Taib said this was because the document has been classified as official secret under the Official Secrets Act 1972.

The final report of the Malaysian Agreement 1963 (MA63) should be made public to allow people to better understand its significance and importance, Sabah Pakatan Harapan said.

Sabah PH Leadership Council in a statement said historical and factual misinterpretation over MA63 had been one of the reasons why MA63's full implementation remained a challenge 58 years of the formation of Malaysia.

"It is time for the federal government to take the responsible approach of laying out the facts truthfully as it is. Enough has been done to whittle away the rights of Sabah and Sarawak over the years," they said.

"By being transparent of the process and disclosing the final report to the public, it would be an opportunity to educate people that MA63 is an issue of national interest and not only the concerns of Sabahans and Sarawakians.

He added the constitutional amendments are crucial as it would “provide clarity on the position of Sabah and Sarawak as well as the people, particularly the natives of Sabah and Sarawak”.

Over the years, there has been erosion in Sabah and Sarawak rights as stated in MA63. We hope to rectify this by amending some critical provisions in the Federal Constitution,” Wan Junaidi said.

Wan Junaidi said the government, with assistance from the Attorney General’s Chambers (AGC), would be looking at amending several critical legal provisions in MA63 to reinstate the rights of the people in Sabah and Sarawak, as per the agreement upon the formation of Malaysia.

Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department (Law) Datuk Seri Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar hopes to have the support from all members of parliament (MPs) when the bill to amend certain articles in the federal constitution is tabled in Parliament during the next sitting.

“These amendments will complete and add substance to the formation of the Federation of Malaysia. It corrects a big anomaly in the federal constitution,”

Indeed – nothing will be considered complete unless what had been taken away were fully restored to both Sabah and Sarawak, in the spirit of MA63.

That’s all we are asking for – not a pound less, not a pound more.

No more beating around the bush, please

Thursday, October 14, 2021

Bajet Negeri Sarawak 2022 enggau Ruang Bilik B40 - Bisi Mai Mai Pengarap Ngagai Ruang Bilik B40?

Bajet Negeri Sarawak 2022 enggau Ruang Bilik B40 - Bisi Mai Mai Pengarap Ngagai Ruang Bilik B40?

Bala ADUN GPS ke balat nunduk, lebih-lebih agi sida ke nunduk ari PBB muji bajet 2022 ke dibantai KM Abang Johari penapat inat. Jaku sida madah manah ungkup menua pesisir, ungkup rayat, sida ba menua pesisir enda ditinggal enggau jaku bukai disebut ngapa tang nadai reti.

Statistik Bantuan Sara Hidup (BSH) ungkup taun 2022 mantaika bisi 443, 000 ruang bilik B40 ba Sarawak. Penyampau tu makai 63% ari semua ruang bilik ba Sarawak, enti kita deka nemu, bisi 2.8 juta rayat nengkani menua Sarawak diatu.

Dikena nulong ruang bilik B40 maia pandemik Covid19, ari bulan Mac 2020 nyentukka kitai masuk Plan Pemulihan Nasional ba bulan Oktober 2022, perintah Sarawak udah nyediaka 7 pakej bantu ke dikumbai pakej Bantuan Khas Sayangku Sarawak (BKSS). Sebengkah ari bantu dalam pakej BKSS 1- BKSS 6 nya bantu duit sepenyampau RM 500. Bantu tu diberi enggau terus ngagai ruang bilik B40.

Pakej BKSS mega bisi disengkaum dalam bajet negeri Sarawak 2022. Sepenyampau RM285.47 disediaka dalam pakej tu tang sekali tu, nadai bantu duit diberi ngagai ruang bilik B40. Bantu duit amat beguna lebih agi nyau ka taun baru nembiak besekula ba 2022 ila. Taun baru 2022 siti ari pun taun ke merinsa ngagai ruang bilik B40 laban deka bebelanja lebuh buka sekula.

Nama kebuah perintah GPS ngambi jalai enda meri bantu duit ngagai ruang bilik B40 dalam bajet 2022? Tusah ungkup ruang bilik B40 deka ngelaban ‘norma baharu’ enggau sida mega dijangka patut diberi bantu dalam awak 6 bulan ketrerubah ba taun 2022.

Ba plan strategij ke-4 bajet 2022, bisi jaku madahka kerajaan Sarawak deka ngubah enggau ngemajuka rayat menua pesisir enggau pengawa betanam betupi menua pesisir. Salah siti ari objektif nya deka nyadika Sarawak pengeksport pemakai ba taun 2030.

Ba taun 2030, Sarawak diarap nyadi negeri ke maju.

Duit sepenyampau RM134 juta udah diberi dikena ngagai objektif tu tang bisi tanda madahka sepemagi besai duit tu deka dikena ngaga agropark ba siti-siti alai aja. Tanya iya, bakani deka mai ubah ngagai rayat menua pesisir enggau ekonomi menua pesisir deka datai enti nadai duit khas kena nyapai tuju tu? Ruang bilik B40 bisi ba semua alai ba Sarawak, ukai semina ba Spaoh, tauka ba Serikai tauka ba Sadong Jaya aja.

Ari penyampau RM1.18 billion ke disediaka tu, berapa ke dikena ngaga jalai raya ke nyambung jalai ari bandar ke bandar? Utau tu enda disebut ba dalam bajet 2022. Enti nadai jalai raya ke manah, susah ungkup orang bekebun ba menua pesisir deka bulih pemanah ari asil kebunm sida. Enti nadai pejabat betanam betupi perintah, susah ungkup orang bekebun menua pesisir bulih penemu enggau pemintar bekaul enggau chara betanam ke manah. Enti nadai subsidi ari perintah, bakani orang bekebun deka ngelaban rega asil kebun sida ke enda tentu nya? Nadai jaku dipansut bekaul enggau penusah tu ba dalam bajet 2022. Nyadi, nama kebuah sida uduk GPS madahka bajet Sarawak 2022 tu bajet pemadu manah deh?

Budget Negeri Sarawak 2022 Dan Keluarga B40 - Adakah Masih Ada Lagi Harapan Untuk Keluarga B40?

Budget Negeri Sarawak 2022 Dan Keluarga B40 - Adakah Masih Ada Lagi Harapan Untuk Keluarga B40?


Pengampu dikalangan ADUN GPS, lebih-lebih lagi pengampu dari PBB memuji tak terhingga mengenai bajet 2022 yang telah diumumkan oleh KM Abang Johari. Kata kata seperti pemangkin untuk pembangunan di kawasan luar bandar, perihatin rakyat, warga luar bandar tidak dibelakangkan dan sebagainya diguna dengan sewenang-wenang nya.

Statistik Bantuan Sara Hidup (BSH) untuk tahun 2020 mendedahkan bahawa terdapat sebanyak 443,000 keluarga B40 di Sarawak. Jumlah ini merupakan 63% daripada kesemua keluarga di Sarawak, berdasarkan penduduk Sarawak yang dianggarkan sebanyak 2.8 juta pada masa ini.

Untuk meringankan beban keluarga B40 semasa pandemik Covid-19 iaitu dari bulan Mac 2020 sehingga kemasukan Plan Pemulihan Nasioanl pada bulan Oktober 2022, kerajaan Sarawak telah menyediakan 7 pakej bantuan yg dinamakan pakej Bantuan Khas Sayangku Sarawak. Salah satu daripada bantuan dalam pakej BKSS.1 - BKSS.6 merupakan bantuan dalam bentuk tunai sebanyak RM500. Bantuan ini diberi secara langsung dan terus kepada keluarga B40.

Pakej BKSS juga terdapat dalam bajet negeri Sarawak 2022. Sebanyak RM285.47 diperuntukan didalam pakej ini tetapi kali ini tidak terdapat bantuan tunai secara langsung kepada keluarga B40. Bantuan tunai ini amat penting terutama sekali menjelang pembukaan tahun akademik 2022. Permulaan tahun 2022 merupakan  masa dimana keluarga B40 amat tertekan dengan pembelanjaan berkaitan dengan pembukaan sekolah.

Kenapa kerajaan GPS Sarawak ambil keputusan untuk tidak lagi menyediakan bantuan tunai kepada keluarga B40 dalam bajet 2022? Sukar sangat untuk keluarga menghadapi cabaran norma baru dan mereka dijangka memerlukan bantuan sekurang kurang dalam 6 bulan pertama di tahun 2022.

Dibawah tujahan stratigik ke-4 bajet 2022, terdapat kenyataan bahawa kerajaan Sarawak akan berusaha mengubah dan memodenkan masyarakat luar bandar dan sektor pertanian diluar bandar. Salah satu daripada objektif didalam tujahan ini ialah untuk menjadikan Sarawak sebagai pengekspot bahan makan menjelang tahun 2030.

Tahun 2030 adalah tahun dimana Sarawak diharap akan mencapai status negera maju.

Wang sebanyak RM134 juta telah diperuntukan demi mencapai objektif dibawah tujahan ini namun ada tanda tanda bahawa sebahagian besar daripada peruntukan itu akan disalur kepada agropark dikawasan tertentu sahaja. Persoalan nya sekarang ialah macam mana transformasi masyarakat luar bandar dan ekonomi luar bandar bolih dicapai jika tidak peruntukan khas untuk tujuan tujuan itu? Keluarga B40 terdapat di semua kawasan luar bandar, bukan saja di Spaoh, atau di Sarikei atau di Sadong Jaya.

Daripada peruntukan sebanyak RM1.18 biliun yang disediakan untuk infrastruktur, berapa kah akan diguna untuk membangun jalan raya dikawasan luar bandar supaya ada rangkaian penyambungan dengan bandar bandar dan pekan? Ini tidak disebut dalam bajet 2022. Tanpa jalan raya yang bagus memang sukar untuk petani di luar bandar perolihi manfaat yang tinggi dari hasil kebun mereka. Tanpa pejabat pertanian kerajaan, sukar untuk petani luar bandar memperolehi pengatahuan dan kepintaran berkenaan amalan terbaik dalam bidang pertanian? Tanpa bantuan kerajaan seperti subsidi harga macam mana petani luar bandar boleh menangani cabaran harga hasil pertanian yang tidak menentu? Tidak ada sebarang kenyataan berkaitan dengan masalah dan cabaran ini didalam bajet 2022. Jadi, atas dasar apa pengampu pengampu dalam GPS bolih berkata bahawa bajet Sarawak 2022 adalah yang terbaik sekali?

Sarawak Budget 2022 And The B40 Households - Are Our Rural Based B40 Households Doomed?

 Sarawak Budget 2022 And The B40 Households - Are Our Rural Based B40 Households Doomed?

The sycophants among GPS ADUNs, especially from PBB, is filled with praises for CM Abang Johari’s 2022 Sarawak state budget. Phrases like catalyst for rural development, people-centric, people’s interest at heart, rural people not left out are freely thrown around.

Bantuan Sara Hidup (BSH) statistics on recipients in 2020 Sarawak has some 443,000 households categorised as B40 households. That is roughly equivalent to 63% of the total households in Sarawak based on a population of 2.8 million people and are mostly rural based.

To help lighten their burden during the critical phase of Covid.19 pandemic, roughly from March 2020 and up to the commencement of national recovery phase in Oct 2022, the Sarawak government has 7 aid packages ( BKSS.0 to BKSS.7) in which one of the aid is a direct cash aid of RM500 to the B40 households. 

The BKSS aid package continue to feature in the 2022 state budget, with an allocation of RM285.47 million but this time there is no mention of the direct cash aid of RM500.00. This aid is critical to B40 households as year 2021 is fast coming to an end. The start of 2022 will also be the start of the new school year, a time when the unavoidable expenses relating to schools will have to be taken care of.

Why did the Sarawak’s GPS government decided not to make an allocation for the cash aid? It will be another 6 months at least before these B40 families are able to get back on their feet, provided there are no more movement control orders (MCO) to reckon with.

Under Strategic Thrust 4, there is a mention about transforming agriculture and rural communities and one of the aim here is to be a net food exporter by 2030. That is the year Sarawak is slated to achieve the developed status. The budget made an allocation of RM134 million towards the stated objectives but it seems the allocation is targeting mostly agroparks in a few selected areas. How can you transform rural economy and rural agriculture if you have no specific provisions for the activities that will transform it. The B40 households are all over Sarawak, not just in Spaoh or Sarikei or Sadong Jaya.

Of the RM1.18 billion allocated for infrastructure, how much is allocated for road connectivity for rural communities? There is no mention of it. Without a network of road connectivity, it is impossible for4 rural folks get the maximum value from their farm produce. Without titles to their NCR land, it would be almost impossible for them to monetise their land. Without gov’t owned agriculture offices in rural-urban areas, how can farmers acquire knowledge about best farm practices. Without subsidies to farm prices, how can small rural farmers weather the fluctuation in prices for seasonal crops? There is nothing said in the budget about these things so how can someone say it is a people-centric budget and rural folks will not be left behind?

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

DUN vs Balai Raya- GPS Ngaga Diri Enda Nemu Utai.

 DUN vs Balai Raya- GPS Ngaga Diri Enda Nemu Utai.

Bisi siti pekara ke bangat ngasuh kitai maioh runding, utai ke nyadi nya tadi nyau udah ngikis utai ke benama demokrasi ia ke udah diperandau serta udah diberi sida jaku pemutus. Belanja Negeri Sarawak 2022 nyau udah dikemendarka maya sida ngaga gempuru berandau ba balai raya (BCCK), lalu maya sida ya ngerandau ke nya, mimit pan sida nadai belaban jaku tauka belaban penemu. Enti kitai berati, gempuru randau ke digaga sida nya nadai reti, ka bebaka sida berandau ba kedai ngupi aja. Kengka nya, bisi ga keduak orang ke ba kedai kupi nya ninga serta meda randau ruai ia ke ditusi tauka dipadah Abang Jo ngagai bala sida ADUN GPS ia ke bekait enggau belanja nya tadi.

Kitai endang  sigi nemu, laban ke menoa Sarawak tu tadi benung ditinggang penusah ianya benung Darurat, belanjawan tu tadi nyau dikemendarka pia aja enggau mudah lalu nadai nerima randau ari orang bukai. Utai ke nyadi tu semina salah siti ari pemilih ke dua iti, pemilih ke bukai ianya Yang Dipertuan Agung ngambika meri pemendar ngambika majlis khas DUN dipejalaika ungkup tuju ti sama.

Nama kini runding tauka ajar ngagai orang Sarawak ari utai ke nyadi serta pekara tu endang ngemaluka kitai Sarawak? Nyadi, runding enggau ajar ngagai kitai, ianya: Perintah ulih ngaga pengawa peneka ati ngagai kitai lalu, salah ari, utai ke digaga sida nya nadai mai penyenang ngagai kitai, sida semina enggau sesenang madahka menua kitai tu darurat lalu nangguhka DUN serta semina ngaga pemutus utai ke beguna bendar ba balai raya, dikena sida ngeluluska pemendar ari utai ke deka digaga sida.

Kelimpah ari nya, bisi siti pekara agi ke beguna ianya, maya 12 Oktober 2021, Menteri Pelancongan, Kesenian dan Kebudayaan, Dato Sri Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah madah, musin bepilih nyau deka datai enda lama agi.

Kitai sama bela nemu, DUN nyau enda buka laban menoa kitai benung diberi perintah Darurat 2021, ia ke dikumbai ulih ngurangka penyakit ke ngerekai tauka dikena ngelak Kelompok DUN Covid-19 nyadi. Kitai mega nemu, bala sida Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri ianya orang keterubah ia ke dicucuk vaksin Covid-19. Nambah mega, enggau SOP ia ke dititih ripih, DUN patut ia nyadi endur ke pemadu selamat lalu pengerai sida mega ulih disebut kitai dijamin. Nya meh kebuah, amat alit ati maya sida madah, sida enda ulih membentang tauka bejaku pasal belajawan ba DUN.  Kebendar ia, sida endang sigi ngelak deka bejakuka pasal belanja nya laban belanja nya kebendar ia deka diguna sida GPS ungkup utai bukai ngambika sida menang maya PRN-12 ila lalu ulih nyadi megai perintah baru.

Siti pekara ke bekait enggau belanjawannya ia ke terang dipeda kitai, lalu kitai nemu reti kini kebendar ia sida nguna nya ianya laban deka nagih tauka minta sukung ari pengundi-pengundi baka ngaga bantuan khas ngagai bala sida penjawat awam negeri serta penjawat awam persekutuan Sarawak. Pemjawat awam negeri kenu ko deka diberi bantu nyampau sebulan setengah gaji. Enti kitai manding, ruang bilik B40 semina nerima RM500 ari pakej BKKS ia ke udah. Tang, taja pia, ba BKKS 8.0, ruang bilik B40 nadai diberi agi. Dalam nya mega, kitai ninga orang ke positif Covid-19 ninting ari nyau udah nurun ngagai  834, sebedau tu ke semampai ba renggat 4 iti lumur. Jaku mudah, GPS nyau udah sedia diri dikena sida nempuh PRN-12 ia ke dijangka sebdau bulan 12 2021, lalu mega sida deka ngilakka gelombang undi 18.

Aram meh rayat Sarawak, aram kitai sama angkat lalu dani. Perintah GPS, perintah ia ke enda betanggungjawab. Nya alai, kitai mesti besatu ati ngelaban parti tu ngambika sida enda enda menang lalu enda ulih ngaga perintah baru ba taun baru tu ila. Ba ke penudi tu, sida ia semina bejalaika macama chara pengawa laban ke deka menang. Amat tambab kitai enti kitai agi deka makai umpan ari sida- Mata ginti, garis enggau umpan ke tenggelam, enti kitai agi ngelakka utai nya nyadi.

DUN Vs Balai Raya - Kepura-puraan GPS.

 DUN Vs Balai Raya - Kepura-puraan GPS.


                           Belanjawan Sarawak, BCCK, dihadiri KM dan Ahli DUN GPS

Satu insiden yang amat merunsingkan, kerana ianya mengikis asas amalan demokrasi yang telahpun ditetapkan semalam. Belanjawan negeri Sarawak 2022 diluluskan dalam taklimat yang diadakan di balai raya (BCCK), tanpa perdebatan.  Tiada bezakan jika 'Mesyuarat khas' tersebut diadakan di sebuah kedai kopi.  Sekurang-kurangnya beberapa pelanggan kedai akan menyaksikan taklimat dan mendengar  apa yang Abang Jo katakan kepada penonton ADUN GPS yang berkaitan dengan bajet tersebut.

Kami mengakui bahawa dalam keadaan Darurat, belanjawan dapat diluluskan tanpa perbahasan. Ini adalah salah satu daripada dua pilihan, manakala, yang lain adalah untuk memilih Yang Dipertuan Agung untuk memberikan persetujuan untuk mengadakan majlis khas DUN untuk tujuan yang sama.

Apakah pengajaran untuk orang Sarawak daripada episod yang amat memalukan dalam sejarah Sarawak ini? Pengajarannya adalah: Bila-bila masa kerajaan ingin melakukan sesuatu yang mereka ketahui sebelumnya tidak menyenangkan rakyat, mereka hanya perlu mengumumkan Darurat dan menangguhkan DUN dan mengadakan pertemuan di balai raya, untuk menyetujui apa pun yang mereka perlukan diluluskan.

Penting juga untuk diperhatikan di sini bahawa, dalam satu kenyataan bertarikh 12 Oktober 2021, Menteri Pelancongan, Kesenian dan Kebudayaan, Dato Sri Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah mengatakan bahawa tidak mustahil pilihan raya negeri akan diadakan tidak lama lagi.

DUN ditangguhkan sesuai dengan ketentuan Darurat Sarawak 2021, yang diduga dapat menghalang kelompok DUN Covid-19. Seperti yang kita ketahui, Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri adalah orang yang pertama menerima suntikan vaksinasi covid-19. Malah, ditambah dengan SOP yang betul, akan menjadikan DUN tempat yang selamat bagi ahli-ahlinya dan boleh dikatakan kesihatan mereka juga terjamin jika mereka bersidang. Oleh itu, jelas sekali bahawa alasan untuk tidak membentangkan belanjawan di DUN hanyalah untuk mengelakkan belanjawan dibahaskan kerana belanjawan itu dibuat untuk membantu GPS memenangi PRN-12 berikutnya dan kekal sebagai Kerajaan.

Satu perkara dalam belanjawan yang jelas menunjukkan bahawa ianya hanyalah digunakan untuk  misi meraih sokongan dari pengundi-pengundi adalah bantuan khas kepada penjawat awam negeri dan penjawat awam persekutuan Sarawak. Penjawat awam negeri akan mendapat bantuan sebanyak satu bulan setengah gaji. Sebagai perbandingan, ketua isi rumah B40 hanya menerima RM500 daripada siri pakej BKSS yang lepas. Namun demikian, dalam BKSS 8.0 sudah tiada lagi peruntukkan untuk keluarga B40. Secara kebetulan, angka positif Covid-19 baru setiap hari untuk semalam telah menurun kepada 834, setelah berada di tahap 4 digit dalam jangka masa yang panjang.  Ringkasnya, GPS telah berusaha menyediakan rakyat Sarawak untuk PRN-12 diadakan sebelum akhir Disember 2021, untuk mengelakkan gelombang Undi 18.

Wahai warga Sarawak, marilah kita bersama-sama bangun dari tidur kita. Kerajaan GPS adalah kerajaan yang tidak bertanggungjawab. Maka, kita harus tidak membenarkan Parti ini memenangkan diri mereka di PRN-12 yang akan datang dan membentuk kerajaan negeri yang seterusnya. Di saat akhir begini, mereka hanya merancang untuk menang. Kita akan menjadi orang yang cukup bodoh untuk menelan umpan daripada mereka - Mata pengail, garis, dan tenggelamnya umpan, jika kita membiarkan perkara ini berlaku.



Thursday, October 7, 2021

Statement by Party President dated 7th October 2021


Statement by Party President dated 7th October 2021

I must state as clearly as possible, GPS should not and must not prioritise politics and the PRN-12 over the health and general well-being of Sarawakians. PSB has always been consistent in that in their belief of the rule of law, the lives of Sarawakians are paramount.

Lately, I have been informed by trusted sources, that there is an ongoing movement within GPS itself to hold the State PRN12 soon. Their motivation is that the recent High Court decision to allow 18-year-olds to vote does not work to their advantage, and thence the haste to avoid this unpredictable block of voters. Further as the ruling coalition, they would be able to dictate election procedures in the pandemic to their own advantage, with unfair measures like imposition of a no campaignelections.

Let me be clear, I am steadfast in the belief that PSBs policies, with our able leaders and candidates we will trump GPS hot air. I look forward to provide Sarawak with a better & more efficient government than GPS. In that regard we are ready  to fight the PRN12 on a level playing field at any time, however we do not support any call for an early election before the termination of the emergency period, as the Covid19 menace in Sarawak is far from over, with infections rates continually the highest in the nation.

In March 2021 the Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (KKM) commenced the process  of vaccinating Sarawakians against the Covid.19 virus.

By the 31st July 2021, 26,715 Sarawakians were fully vaccinated and 9,141 were partially vaccinated.

From the 15th July 2021 until the 31st July, the highest incidence of daily positive cases occurred on the 22nd July 2021 when the figure for the day was 644 cases. During the same period, the highest incidence of Covid.19 related deaths was on the 25th July 2021. The number of deaths for that day was 3.

It was against this background that the Sarawak Emergency 2021 was declared by the Yang-Dipertuan Agung on the 2nd August 2021, to last until 2nd February 2022. The express purpose of the Emergency was to enable the KKM and the Sarawak Disaster Management Committee (SDMC) to better manage the pandemic in Sarawak.

The vaccinations, the movement control orders that were part of the Emergency measures and the mass testing were supposed to have the combined effect of bringing to an absolute minimum level the number of daily new positive cases and the Covid.19 related deaths. But that is not the case.

As at the 6th Oct 2021, the Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (KKM) has on the  records the following statistics in their management of the Covid.19 pandemic in Sarawak:

2,085,723 people have received at least 1 dose of the Covid.19 vaccine, representing 67.5% of the total population of Sarawak. Out of that total are 1,872,383 adults, representing 91.6% of the adult population. 1,901,466 people, representing 67.5% of the total population of Sarawak have been fully vaccinated. Of that total are 1,831,060 adults, representing 89.6% of the adult population.

Despite having performed better than many other states in Malaysia in the vaccination of its population, the results that is visible to us today is dismal, to say the least.

From the 22nd Sept 2021 to the 5th Oct 2021 (a period of 14 days), there were only 3 days when the number of Covid.19 related deaths was at a single digit level, the lowest being on the 23rd Sept 2021 when there was only 1 death. On the 2nd Oct 2021, the number of new deaths stood at 26. During the same period, the number  for new daily positive cases exceeded 1100 every day.

On the 5th and the 6th Oct 2021, a total of 15 longhouses in various parts of Sarawak were put under the Enhanced Movement Control Order (EMCO). Meanwhile, on the 5th Oct 2021, of the 40 administrative districts in Sarawak, only 6 reported zero new cases. Kuching, Sibu and Miri continue to report 3-digits number.

Sarawakians were understandably dumbfounded when the GPS government of Sarawak, through the SDMC, announced starting October 2021 that inter-district travel restrictions is now lifted. And Sarawakians are also asking if the motive for removing the inter-district travel restrictions have anything to do with the PRN-12. If that indeed is the motive, why the hurry when the Emergency is due to be lifted only in Feb 2022, 3 months from today.

Could it be that the GPS government fears the now below 21 years old voters and wants to beat the court issued dead line of the 31st Dec 2021? If must be pointed out that by resorting to that tactic it amounts to depriving this group of voters of their legal right to have a say in the governance of the state and their future as Sarawakians and that is a most dishonourable thing to do.

While we acknowledge that the number of fully vaccinated adults and even teens are relatively high and continue to increase, we also must take into account that children below twelve years old and babies are not vaccinated yet. These are sections of our population whose immunity level is not fully developed yet. To call the election now will be very irresponsible as the adults will bring the virus back to the young and vulnerable. It is proven that among those who have contracted the virus are those who are fully vaccinated. Some have died. Furthermore, even those fully vaccinated are not totally protected given that there are high numbers within the population with insufficient antibody and the government is also toying with the idea of booster shots.

PSB as concerned Sarawakians respectfully appeals to the Yang-Dipertuan Agung not to agree to any request from GPS to prematurely lift the Emergency.

We appeal to His Majesty not to allow the PRN-12 to be held until the Emergency is officially over in Feb 2022.

GPS should not be focused on the election but instead should use the remaining period to diligently work toward managing the very virulent Delta variant and minimise its effects on the people of Sarawak.


Sunday, October 3, 2021

The 12th Malaysia Plan And The 2025 Target


The 12th Malaysia Plan And The 2025 Target

The 12th Malaysia Plan (12MP), with an allocation of RM400 billion is crafted to eradicate poverty and transform Malaysia into a high income economy by 2025. The 4 areas which I am primarily concern with are:

1. The national GPD growth of between 4.5% to 5.5%.

 2. Reduction in the gap between the annual GDP of the Malayan states and the 2 Borneo states of     Sarawak and Sabah.

 3. Average household income of RM10,000 per month.

4. Source of financing.

 Targeted National GDP growth rate of 4.5% to 5.5%

Malaysias average GDP growth rate over a five years period before the pandemic ravaged the global economy, i.e from 2015 to 2019, was 4.8%. The 12MP is a post-pandemic plan, where the Ministry of Health has more or less declared that we have entered into the endemic stage of virus in our communities in Malaysia. While most sectors of our economy will progressively reopen, there will be intermittent stoppages to businesses as and when infection among workers are detected.

Unlike the fully developed economies like those in the EU, in North America, in Japan & Korea and elsewhere where they have fully entered into the IR.4 era, the era of digital technology, robotic technology and artificial intelligence, our economy is still very much a labour intensive one.

To conclude that the new normal will have no or minimal impact of the our economy is to be in a state of denial. Achieving a GDP of 5.5% is a fanciful dream. We would be most fortunate if we can achieve an average of 4%, from 2021 to 2025.



Reducing The GDP Gap Between Malaya And The 2 Borneo States

Towards achieving the aim of reducing the GPD gap between Malaya and the two Borneo states and indirectly, achieving the targeted GDP growth and the average household income, PM Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob (Ismail Sabri) said priority will continue to be given to the socio-economic development of Sarawak and Sabah. He went on to say this is in line with the federal governments commitment to solving issues related to the promises made to these two states in the Malaysian Agreement 1963.

No absolute figures is stated but Sarawak is slated to receive 15% of the annual total basic development budget.

It must be pointed out here that Sarawak was an equal statusfounding partner in the formation of Malaysia and the original wordings of Article 1 (2) of the federal constitution before the amendment in 1976 testifies to that. In the same breath it can also be said that the socio-economic growth of the Malayan states was fueled by revenue from the oil and gas from territories of Sarawak and Sabah. The logical and equitable share for Sarawak in the development budget therefore should be double the figure that the Ismail Sabri claimed the 12MP will provide Sarawak with. Only then can it be said the allocation is in line with the spirit of the Malaysian Agreement 1963 (MA63).

 Average Household Income Of RM10,000 Per Month

Upper most in the minds of Sarawakians is whether or not the aims of the 12MP have a realistic chance of being achieved in Sarawak. It is not lost on Sarawakians that the 11th Malaysia Plan had failed and at the end of the plan Sarawak was left as among the three states with the highest rate of poverty.

Based on the Bantuan Sara Hidup (BSH) recipients in 2020 Sarawak has some 443,000 households categorised as B40 households. That is roughly equivalent to 63% of the total households in Sarawak based on a population of 2.8 million people.

It was reported on the 16th June 2021 that 600,000 households from the M40 group slipped down to the B40 group as a direct result of the Covid.19 pandemic.

Firstly, it is quite clear that the execution of this plan is already delayed by almost 1 year. This plan should have been presented in parliament sometimes in 2020 by the Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin led government. Secondly and equally worrisome is the targeted date set by Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari led GPS state government for Sarawak to achieve developed state status. The date set was 2030, to be achieved through an annual GDP growth of 8%.

The date speaks both of low ambition and of illogical expectations. Sarawakians wonder if this is the reason why Ismail Sabri is allocating only 15% of the basic annual development budget to Sarawak instead of the more equitable 30%. Thirdly, can an 8% annual GDP growth can be achieved with the minuscule 15% allocation by Sabri Ismail?

In 2020, Malaysias gross national income (GNI) per capita was US$10,111 (RM42,503) or RM3542 per month. In a household where only 1 parent is working, this income level will put the household into the B40 category. Where both parents are working, their combined income will put them into the middle rank of the M40 group. The average monthly household income was RM7,089 as of August, according to latest figures from the Department of Statistics Malaysia.

To achieve the average RM10,000 household income targeted by the 12MP, the GNI must grow by close to 10% annually. For this reason, an Associate Professor from Putra Business School described the target as quite ambitious.

Source Of Financing

Questions are also being asked about how Ismail Sabri and his PN Version 2 government are going to finance the RM400 billion needed to fully and successfully implement the 12MP.

Direct federal government debt (excluding other liabilities) reached RM958.39 billion as at end of June 2021. Including all the contingent liabilities, we are looking at at least a RM1 trillion debt load.

It is clear that parliaments approval will need to be sought to raise the statutory debt ceiling from 60% of GDP and increase the ceiling for the special Covid-19 fund to allow more debt to be taken on to fund operating expenses. And indeed Finance Minister Tengku Datuk Seri Zafrul Abdul Aziz had already proposed to raise the statutory debt limit to 65% of the gross domestic product (GDP).

Uppermost on the peoplesmind now is who will the government borrow from? In Jan 2021, Moody Investors Service (Moody) assigned a sovereign credit rating of A3 (denoting stable) to Malaysia. In July Fitch Group (Fitch) assigned a rating BBB+ . While this still denotes a stable rating, clearly Malaysias ratings had slipped. This may mean the cost of borrowings will be higher than in the past, adding to the interest burden.

I therefore strongly urged the GPS government of Sarawak to reveal to Sarawakians how they planned to ensure that Sarawak can actually get the 15% share of the basic development expenses promised in the 12MP. For without a solid plan of action all those will be just empty promises.

I strongly recommend that the GPS state government moved quickly to unshackle its financial resources by demanding that the federal government immediately takeover the financing of the Batang Lupar bridge and the Sabah Sarawak Link Road (SSLR). Sarawak must also insist that the Territorial Sea Act 2012 be repealed and Sarawak territorial waters be reverted to the original boundaries before 2012. By doing that, rights to all the minerals resources, oil & gas resources and other maritime resources will revert to Sarawak. Over and above what is already mentioned above, the Commercial Settlement Agreement between Sarawak and Petronas be renegotiated in order to obtain more favorable terms.