Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Pemimpin Dayaks Dalam GPS - Cakap Tidak Serupa Bikin

Pemimpin Dayaks Dalam GPS - Cakap Tidak Serupa Bikin

On the 26th October, Borneo Post online reported James Masing as having said Sect 18 NCR Land title owners face ‘great danger’ of selling land.


A hypocritical statement indeed as James Masing himself was implicated in some of the biggest sale of untitled NCR land in his own area in Kapit. Nobody know how much he benefited from the Sime Darby/Nature Ambience Sdn Bhd/Vertical Drive Sdn Bhd scandal but Sime Darby reported a loss in excess of RM100 million.






James Masing’s wife, Corinne Bua Nyipa is the proud concession holder of Belian Timber Licence 3333, which covers a massive area of land, including NCR land, in the region.



The Linggi family, through their family owned companies like Rajang Wood Sdn Bhd, Keresa Timber Corporation Sdn Bhd, Asia Plantation Sdn Bhd, to name a few, have plundered their fellow dayaks of their NCR land for the last 25 odd years.


That very hypocritical and condescending statement reminds the dayaks of a statement made by CM Abang Johari on the 30th August 2019 and reported by an online news portal, the Free Malaysia Today.In Nov of 2013. In that statement, the Malay Mail reported Nancy Shukri as having said bumiputra (including the poor dayaks) will resort to stealing if not aided by the government.






The dayaks, as a community can however agree with the undiluted conclusion by CM Abang Johari, namely that the rural based dayaks B40 families have very low income because they cannot monetise their NCR land. While DCM Awang Tengah seems to suggest that Sect 18 land titles for dayak NCR lands is the starting point in the process to monetise NCR land and rightly so too, DCM James Masing seems to disagree with him (Awang Tengah). There are another two conclusions which dayaks, particularly the rural based dayaks, fully agree on is : The state of poverty that they are in makes them very vulnerable to manipulation and oppression by scrupulous politicians and their land, vulnerable to acts of land-grab.


The two conclusions above are and will continue to be the consequences of NCR remaining untitled and incapable of acquiring any meaningful financial value.


They can also agree that leaders who have occupied positions of extreme comfort and enviable wealth for far too long is oblivious to the sufferings of those who propel them to the positions that they (the so-called leaders) are now occupying. James Masing himself has been an ADUN for almost 25 years now and has also been a DCM for two years now.


The hope now is that dayaks, particularly the rural based dayaks have come to the realization that the time has arrived to get rid of GPS/BN from the Sarawak government, especially the jurassic era leaders like James Masing and Uggah. 



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