Friday, October 30, 2020


 I am not an expert in Native Customary Rights issues nor do I claim to know much on these or related matters. 

But what I do know and FEEL is that there is a serious TRUST DEFICIT between the rural folks and the government of the day on such issues. 

Why do I say so ?

To answer that, we must first UNDERSTAND the Government is the authority or power that rules on behalf of a group of people.

It is there to, among other things, maintain social order, provide public services, establish laws and ensure good governance is in place.

Getting involved in business is not the Government’s ‘duty and responsibility’.

Rightly or wrongly.... that's for the experts – to be more precise, the PEOPLE to gauge. 

One thing which I feel is not 'morally' right is for our State Government to grant sizeable chunks of State/NCR lands to plantations owned by West Malaysian companies - directly or indirectly. 

Worse, a number of these companies and plantations 'involved' our leaders and politicians, relatives or 'friends'(directly or indirectly) - I stand corrected on this.

All said, A RESPONSIBLE Leader and Government should put the interests of the Rakyat FIRST, as in 'Sarawak FIRST' - above all other considerations. 

Not everything is as clear as mud. 

But in the final analysis, MORALITY and LEGALITY should be the driving force of GOOD GOVERNANCE.

It takes GOOD and CLEAR CONSCIENCE to see this through. 

After all, aren't we supposed to be ruled by 'a government of the PEOPLE, by the PEOPLE and for the PEOPLE' ?

It's 'PEOPLE',  isn't it...? 

Not 'ME',  not 'YOU,  not the YB or Ministers, obviously. 

Anything else is running contrary to all these PRINCIPLES. 

If we can't get the main beam of our country's governing principles right, how do we expect its lesser beams to be right  ?

Create opportunities for Sarawakians to prosper, not impoverish them. 

The thought of over 60,000 Dayaks having to eke out a living in Johore and West Malaysia during this Covid19 pandemic brings nothing but sadness. 

Shouldn't they be in Sarawak in the safety and comfort of their own families  ?

Home is where the heart is. 

Have a heart, dear Leaders in Government. 

It goes beyond spending on big projects or dishing out $$$ goodies. 

It's about our people and State's pride and dignity. 

If the GPS State Government still cannot grasp or understand this simple concept, then it has not only failed in its basic duties but should honourably step aside and make way for those who can.

It’s time for change, a change which will see things being done differently for a new outcome for Sarawak and her people.

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