Sarawakians are no strangers to corruption , nepotism and cronyism, after having endured decades of unopposed government of GPS/BN. For the briefest of moments, Sarawakians were hopeful when Abang Jo took over the driving seat, hoping that he would emulate “Mr Clean” Adenan Satem.
Hope has now disappeared like the morning dew in the Sun, the so called “new broom” Abang Jo, is now settling nicely into the BN mould. The recent contracts at Brooke Dockyard awarded to bursa highlighted Serba Dinamik using Sarawak state funds has his finger prints all over on it. That investigation is now on going despite the fact that his brother stepped down as Chairman in an attempt to camouflage their actions. No doubt the Chief Minister will be encouraged that he is immune from prosecution, having thrown his lot with UMNO/PAS at the Federal level.
The phrase is “ Monkey See, Monkey Do” , and or “The Fish rots
from the Top”, the ancient Chinese saying refers to failing
organizations and how the blame of it should be on its ‘head’ that is its leadership. If not addressed at the top, this Corrupt practices will soon permeate the whole organisation.
Under Abang Jo, signs that the underling(s) in the Sarawak Civil service are getting bolder and bolder are already manifesting themselves. Datu Haji Len Talif Salleh, Menteri Muda di Pejabat Ketua Menteri (Promosi Pendidikan Teknikal) & MenteriMuda Alam Sekitar Sarawak. ADUN N.35 Belawai
In a scheme perpetuated by a husband & wife team, YUNG WEI PONG (WNKP 630926-13-5301) & WONG HIE SING (WNKP 610824-
13-5708), together with Datu Hj Len Talif, set out to prey on genuine businessmen by making them pay undeserved premiums on Timber licences issued by Len Talif when he was the Director of Forestry Department.
In a scheme perpetuated by a husband & wife team, YUNG WEI PONG (WNKP 630926-13-5301) & WONG HIE SING (WNKP 610824-
13-5708), together with Datu Hj Len Talif, set out to prey on genuine businessmen by making them pay undeserved premiums on Timber licences issued by Len Talif when he was the Director of Forestry Department.
In a report to MACC sighted by #Financetwitter The Modus Operandi of the unscrupulous team was simple as well as plain dishonest, they would set up “shell company(s)”, and Len Talif would award Timber licences to these companies without any scrutiny (abusing his position) and they would sell these based on the value of timber in the areas awarded.
Report to MACC by whistleblower #3
Now, Len has approved the Timber licences to two companies owned by his proxies, Yung & Wong. YWP Corporation Sdn Bhd (502471-D) & YWP Agro Plantation Sdn Bhd (494470-D). Clearly, The Companies do not meet the guidelines for Timber licences set by the Sarawak Forestry Department and Len used his position to favour his cronies.
Len Talif is no stranger to corruption scandals, no doubt emboldened by tacit approval by the weak leadership.
In 2018 , Datu Len Talif Salleh as the Minister for Urban Planning, Land Management and Environment acquired a DA42M-NG Diamond aircraft 4 seater, 2.0 Turbo Diesel at the cost of RM 35 million. Meanwhile the actual cost of the plane is only USD470,000.
At the time Len was quoted as saying "Due to the vast and hilly landscape and difficult accessibility, the FDS (Forest Department Sarawak) has no choice but to use the latest technology to manage and monitor Sarawak's forest resources, using advanced sensor technologies such as satellite imaging and
reconnaissance, airborne hyperspectral sensors."he said.
It is little wonder, why Sarawak’s infrastructure remain in the doldrums. It provides very convenient excuse for overspending without responsibility. Corruption hurts everyone. The impact of corruption goes beyond these corrupt individuals, the innocent colleagues who are implicated, or the reputation of the organisations they work for. Ultimately, Sarawakians are the ones who lose out.
Corruption erodes the trust in the public sector to act in our best interests. It also wastes our taxes or rates that have been earmarked for important community projects – meaning we have to put up with poor quality services or infrastructure, or we miss out altogether.GPS has renominated Len Talif for N.35 Belawai for PRN 12 Sarawak. In doing so Abang Jo has shown that he will be encouraging this type of behaviour for some time.